Monday, November 30, 2020

Today In "Burn The Lifeboats" News: The National Review Goes Full Crypto-Anarcho-Tankie-Commie

From America's most venerable journal of White Supremacy comes the sound of panic and of lifeboats hitting the water (no link because fuck 'em):
Trump’s Disgraceful Endgame

There are legitimate issues to consider after the 2020 vote about the security of mail-in ballots and the process of counting votes (some jurisdictions, bizarrely, take weeks to complete their initial count), but make no mistake: The chief driver of the post-election contention of the past several weeks is the petulant refusal of one man to accept the verdict of the American people. The Trump team (and much of the GOP) is working backwards, desperately trying to find something, anything to support the president’s aggrieved feelings, rather than objectively considering the evidence and reacting as warranted.

I'm including this snippet here --  

Flawed and dishonest assertions like this pollute the public discourse and mislead good people who make the mistake of believing things said by the president of the United States.

-- because it contains the most hilariously ridiculous assertion in the whole editorial: That there are some non-trivial number of "good people" on the Right who are being innocently misled into badthinkfulness because they believe "things said by the president of the United States."

Newsflash, Editors, there are no "good people" on the Right.  There are only bigots and imbeciles and madmen and brown shirts and, of course, various species of parasites and con men like the editors of the NRO who feed off of them.  

That's it.  Nothing more.

No Half Measures

Friday, November 27, 2020

Professional Left Podcast #574

(artwork by Blue Gal) 

“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad.”
-- Aldous Huxley, writer

Don't forget to visit our website -- -- for all those sweet bells and whistles:  there are links to donate to our podcast work at that site, as well as links to our swingin' Zazzle merch store,  our respective blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Kittehs! and much more. Many thanks once again to @theologop for building it all for us!


The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!

Happy Lifeboat Burning Day! Updated Twice For Your Additional Reading Pleasure!

As many of you know, in the United States the day after Thanksgiving is traditionally celebrated with two rituals: the bloated consumerism known as Black Friday and the blowtorching of lifelong Republican partisans who pretend they had no idea until very five minutes ago that their Republican Party was full of Republicans which we call Lifeboat Burning Day.

Today, as our Liberal ancestors have done for millions of years, we build a bonfire from a representative sample of the warped boards, moldering canvases and rotting ropes of prose out of which various Elite Republicans are trying to build themselves an armada of lifeboats.  Then we dance around the blaze while committing the most transgressive sin imaginable: remembering the past.  Then we roast wieners and marshmallows on the dying embers and drink and swap lies until dawn.

First on the pyre, David Fucking Brooks, who has made himself a wealthy and influential man by spending decades alternately lying about the rising tide of fascism on the Right, and lying about the shiny, new Republican Renaissance that is  always juuuuuust around the corner.  David Fucking Brooks, who, when he wasn't defending or ignoring Republican depravity could be found happily slagging the decadent, virtue-signaling, Murrica-hating, speech-code McCarthyite Left for pointing out those depravities.

The Rotting of the Republican Mind
When one party becomes detached from reality.

Now don't get too excited.  Every now and then the sheer hydraulic pressure of Reality that builds up beneath Conservative hacks like Mr. Brooks reaches the point where they go right out on the lawn, shake a fist at the sky and say naughty things about Republicans...after they have looked both ways to make absolutely sure there is zero professional risk in doing do so. 

Because Conservative hacks like Mr. Brooks are, above all things, big ol' cowards.

Because he has been such a metronomically reliable Sulzberger family house pet, Mr. Brooks' employers do not mind his occasional tantrums, but after he has let off a little steam they gently remind him that he needs to get back to Both Sidesing the shit out of everything hurry-up-quick.  Which is why these extremely rare outbursts are always followed a week or two later by some bullshit about campus speech codes or whatever.  So, like Halley's Comet, enjoy Mr. Brooks pitching a Liberal blogger fit while you can because it will not pass this way again for a long, long time.

Mr. Brooks continues:

My analysis begins with a remarkable essay that Jonathan Rauch wrote for National Affairs in 2018 called “The Constitution of Knowledge.”

His "analysis".  Isn't that just fucking adorable?  Because you can scour Mr. Brooks' outburst line-by-line and never hear anything that sounds remotely like "Wow.  The Left was right about the Right all along."

Instead, like every other Never Trumper, Mr. Brooks presents the fact that the Republican Party is irretrievably fucked-in-the-head as if were some deeply held secret of nature that he and a handful of other trailblazers had been personally discovered after sweating behind the eyepiece of a mighty telescope for years, carefully noting the movements of the political cosmos.  Some kind of Earth-shattering, mind-blowing revelation akin to Edwin Hubble announcing in 1924 that the Andromeda nebula was actually a galaxy.

The alert reader will also notice that words like "race" or "racism" or "white supremacy" are not to be found anywhere within the scope of Mr. Brooks' "analysis".  Instead he wears the edges off of his thesaurus trying to bring the bullshit "economic anxiety" alibi back from the dead.

People need a secure order to feel safe. Deprived of that, people legitimately feel cynicism and distrust, alienation and anomie. This precarity has created, in nation after nation, intense populist backlashes against the highly educated folks who have migrated to the cities and accrued significant economic, cultural and political power. Will Wilkinson of the Niskanen Center calls this the “Density Divide.” It is a bitter cultural and political cold war.

In the fervor of this enmity, millions of people have come to detest those who populate the epistemic regime, who are so distant, who appear to have it so easy, who have such different values, who can be so condescending. Millions not only distrust everything the “fake news” people say, but also the so-called rules they use to say them.

Then comes the razor in the apple.  The single most important structural element of Mr. Brooks' lifeboat:  Control of the timeline.  

Sure, Mr. Brooks' Republican Party may have been awash with bigots and imbeciles economically anxious humans for decades.  And, sure, the reason that Mr. Brooks' Republican Party may have been awash with bigots and imbeciles economically anxious humans for decades was that it was very deliberately built on a foundation of bigots and imbeciles economically anxious humans.  But, sadly, the truth or falsity of these assertions are lost to the memory of man and therefor inherently unknowable.  

Instead, all we know for sure is that everything that has gone horribly wrong inside the GOP began four years ago with the "evangelists of distrust":

People in this precarious state are going to demand stories that will both explain their distrust back to them and also enclose them within a safe community of believers. The evangelists of distrust, from Donald Trump to Alex Jones to the followers of QAnon, rose up to give them those stories and provide that community.

Then, having dispensed with the entire history of the modern Republican Party from Nixon's Southern Strategy through Birtherism, Mr. Brooks is free to blame it all on Trump and his "media allies":

Under Trump, the Republican identity is defined not by a set of policy beliefs but by a paranoid mind-set. He and his media allies simply ignore the rules of the epistemic regime and have set up a rival trolling regime. 

And to whom does Mr. Brooks once again delegate the dirty, thankless task of trying to repair all that his Republican Party has destroyed?

You and me kid.  You and me.

The only solution is to reduce the distrust and anxiety that is the seedbed of this thinking. That can only be done first by contact, reducing the social chasm between the members of the epistemic regime and those who feel so alienated from it.

By the way, the comment section for Mr. Brooks' article was immediately closed. which doesn't feel very "reducing social chasm"-y to me.

So now that Mr. Brooks' has given us a nice pile of kindling to get Lifeboat Burning Day started, let's turn our attention to Mr. Tom Nichols, whose antics are only known to me second-hand because Mr. Nichols blocked me for cruelly pointing out that his Republican Party actually existed prior to 2016.

Today we find Mr. Nichols not just making the words "us" and "we" do some heavy lifting, but flogging them nearly to death as he forces them to build a monument to "Tom Nichols, Heroic Leader of the Resistance!"  

So strap in, because shit is about to get surreal.
What'd I tell you?  And complete the circle of Elite Never Trumper life, The Bulwark podcast put a microphone in front of him today so he could swear he had no idea that his Republican Party was full of Republicans.

UPDATE #1:  In which Mr. Nichols tries to get all the way on my corner (h/t Alert Reader PartyTrike):
Except it's not Trumpism.  It's Republicanism.

UPDATE #2:   And of course, there was no way Tom was gonna be able to get his big ol' head all the way up his ass without some powerful lubricant, so once again it's Both Siderism to the rescue!

From around the 35:40 minute mark:

Tom Nichols:  Yeah I mean it's almost like the Center-Right and the Center-Left, we're all becoming kind of, um you know John F. Kennedy Democrats or Nelson Rockefeller Republicans or some you know squishy middle that the people on on both wings of our respective parties hate. Uh, and I am encouraged by the fact that... that... that... there are plenty of people in the Center-Left, um, who agree with us for example that just as we don't need to talk to the Seb Gorka fans. um, we don't need to have long conversations with kids that are pulling down statues of George Washington.

Sykes:  Right, um...

Nichols: I mean... I...  just to be bipartisan about this, um, you know if you're out in the streets arguing that, you know, the inner city should be a six-by-six block autonomous zone, um, ruled by an anarcho-syndicalist collective whose executive has chosen and rotate you know blah blah blah blah that's not a serious conversation either. That's the kind of stuff you do right, um, because you're, um, you couldn't go back to college and you're bored...

And speaking of The Bulwark podcast, let's round out Lifeboat Burning Day by noting this exchange between Mona Charen and Charlie Sykes.  

First came the obligatory round of stuttering disbelief that their Republican Party -- which is full of people they know! -- has been full of Republican all this time.  

Unpossible!  How did this happen?  Why did no one warn us!  And so forth.

Then there was a moment of handwaving concern from Ms. Charen, because don't Republicans realize that if they trash the very idea of elections and instead openly declare that cheating and stealing elections of perfectly OK that someday some Democrat may do exactly the same thing to them!  Once again, it is so fucking clear that none of these Elite Never Trump brain wizards a) have ever met an actual Republican voter in real life and, b) cannot let go of their own, poisonous "Someday some Democrat somewhere might be just as bad!" propaganda.

And then came this:

Charen: Yeah. Right. Exactly. I mean you would never have thought that any Republican group would would make such a petition, right? That would have been unthinkable. And it would have been unthinkable for a sitting Republican senator from South Carolina to phone the Secretary of State of Georgia and say, you know, how about those ballots that where the signatures don't... can you just dump a bunch of those and and, uh, you know. That is where we are.  This...the... the Republican Party, I'm sorry, it has become a conspiracy against democracy.  That's where we are.

Actually, Ms. Charen, a whole lot of us have known for decades that, if pressed, pretty much every Republican group was perfectly willing to seize and hold power by any means necessary. 

Sykes:  And you know what's really frustrating is that for years I pushed back against that argument.  I said, "No no no, there's no voter suppression. No this is all about fighting fraud.  This is legitimate.  This is about voter integrity."

Charen: I know.

And then Mr. Sykes stumbled straight into the one place no Never Trumper ever wants to go.   

Sykes:  "All of you Lefties who are talking about voter suppression or how anti-democratic this is, you are exaggerating." What... what... what do we say now...?

Charen: No.

Sykes:  ...when, in fact, the intention here driven by the President of the United States is
let's nullify millions of votes. Let's just throw them away.

Charen: Yep.  Uh.  That's right.

Good question, Charlie.  What do you say to us Lefties now?  I mean after you immediately block us on social media whenever we bring these things up.

Here is his "answer".

Sykes:  So you saw Tim Alberta's piece in Politico magazine...

 And just like that, Mr. Sykes and Ms. Charen scamper the hell away from having to form the words "The Left was right about the Right all along." and get back to the important business of building The Bulwark's brand.

So Happy Lifeboat Burning Day everyone.  May our bonfires light the way to a better tomorrow!

No Half Measures

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Let The "No True Never Trumper" Games Begin

My money is on the United Synod of the Evangelical Never Trump Church of the Beltway to emerge victorious, but I'm old school.

No Half Measures

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Theory #1: Never Trumpers Are Natives of the TRAPPIST-1 Star System...

...which is a little less than 40 light years from us and sports seven planets that we know of.  

This theory would fit the facts if we postulate that one of those planets is an exact duplicate of Earth right down to Dippity-Doo and Tickle Me Elmo.    This would mean that television and radio transmissions from them would take nearly 40 years to reach us, which might explain the Never Trumpers imperishable pseudo-religious reverence for Saint Ronald Reagan.  And why only a few of the more perceptive among them are only now beginning to suspect that something might be going wrong inside the Republican Party.  And why they sound so ridiculous and false as they stumble around for an answer to the question of why they never noticed that the Left was right about the Right all along.

That's one theory.

The other theory is that they're just Earthbound misfits like the rest of us and they have spent their entire adult lives in either a state of such aggressive self-delusion that they really never noticed that anything was wrong until now...or they've spent their entire adult lives lying their asses off because the rewards for working as a mercenary for Team Evil were so lucrative.

So, are they newly arrived aliens from a solar system so far away they legitimately have no idea what has transpired over the past 40 years.

Or are they pathologically deluded?

Or are pathological liars?

Because I'll be damned if I can think of one other theory to fit the facts.

And if they are any of those things, why would anyone in their right mind trust them?

No Half Measures

How Can You Know For Sure That Joe Scarborough Is a 1000%, Authentic, Rock-Ribbed, Dyed-in-the-Wool Republican?

Because like every other Republican he lies about the past.


Because he is always the hero of the story and the story is always if only everyone had listened to me... (from yesterday)

JOE SCARBOROUGH:  I warned Republicans for five years that this guy was not conservative. I said it repeatedly. I said that he hated Republicans, he hated conservatives, he wasn't conservative, that he was going to spend this country into debt. We have had the biggest deficits ever under Donald Trump and this Republican Party. We have had the biggest national debt ever under Donald Trump and this Republican party. We have had the biggest pork-barrel spending budgets every single year under Donald Trump and this Republican Party. We have had a president who has tried to undermine all the good things that Republicans and Democrats alike have done as it pertains to NATO, as it pertains to spreading democracy across Europe, protecting democratic countries. And here we have a president that's radical. He spins radically. He has radical foreign policy designs. He has a radical foreign policy that embraces dictators and tyrants, and now you look at what he is doing here in the United States constitutionally...

He goes on and on like that, because why stop monologuing about your awesome and prophetic heroism when you have your own teevee show?  

And that's the key.  

Generally, I would never want to deny every mother's son and daughter the right to make up whatever fanciful origin stories about their own awesomeness that pleases them.  After all, if  the foma of life-- the harmless untruths "that make you brave and kind and healthy and happy" -- can make our short time on this Earth a little easier to bear, who am I to take away the harmless myth-making about being born a lion that many a mouse may need to make it through the day?

But the lies men like Scarborough tell every day are a different matter entirely, because the lies they tell are not harmless.  They are huge and toxic and because men like Scarborough are given enormous media platforms by powerful corporations, those huge, toxic lies are pounded into our national vocabulary day after day after day until they become part of the accepted history of the United States. 

And what of those who say otherwise?  Those who remember it otherwise?  Those who don't remember Joe Scarborough bravely racing through every Middlesex village and farm five years ago warning that Trump was a monster, but instead remember four years ago when Scarborough gathered his rogues gallery of goobers and sycophants including and Michael Steele and Mark Halperin and (by proxy) Bill Kristol to fawn over Trump's awesomeness?

Well it sure seems to these tired eyes that no matter how loudly those contrarians shout or how many receipts they bring to the party, they will always be drowned out by the sound of corporate media chainsaws being taken to the green lumber of recent history as yet another cohort of Republican scoundrels builds themselves yet another armada of lifeboats on which they can safely sail away from yet another catastrophe of their own making.

No Half Measures

Monday, November 23, 2020

Chekov's Republicans

If you show an unhinged fascist mob willing to follow an obviously deranged racist conman into ruin in 2020... (from the WaPo today):

How Trump placed a ticking time bomb at the center of our system

So is this really how it’s going to be? Will it now become a fact of our political life that Democrats will be required to win future presidential elections by steal-proof margins in order to prevail?

With President Trump’s attempts to overturn the election continuing in Michigan and Wisconsin, more Republicans are distancing themselves. They are “subtly urging” Trump to accept reality and are “losing patience” with his antics, we are told.

But in the very formulation that some of these Republicans have adopted — and in the sheer numbers who have refrained from going even this far — there is grounds for serious pessimism about what all this portends... will use definitely use that unhinged fascist mob to do terrible things by 2024. 

No Half Measures

Sunday, November 22, 2020

As Mark Halperin Followed The Archersaurus Career Arc Down and Down...

...there came one last stop before hitting bottom.


On Newsmax.

Doing a phone-in "interview" with Sidney Powell as she projectile vomits crazy in every direction.

Don't worry about those pointy rocks that seem to be rushing up at you really, really fast Mark.

Just pretend it's the good old days and you're flyyyyying!

No Half Measures

I'll Bet Sidney Powell Meant This

Because it sure sounds --
-- like she could use one.

No Half Measures

Sunday Morning Comin' Down: Disdain in Vain

Every week or two for the past very many years a wildfire of "OMFG! Why! Does! Chuck! Todd! Exist!" commentary like this --

-- and this --

-- has spread across social media for a few hours, maybe a day. maybe two...and then dies back down.

And before Chuck Todd, every week or two for several years a wildfire of "OMFG! Why! Does! David! Gregory! Even! Exist!" commentary would spread across social media for a few hours, maybe a day, and then dies back down.

So from my tiny cell in Twitmo, let me explain this one more time.

If Meet the Press were, say, a Twitter prison cafeteria meal it would be stew of rotting meat seasoned with turds from rats dying of arsenic positioning. But Chuck Todd doesn't wrangle the rats or dose them with poison or scoop up the decomposing roadkill that are the stew's main components of. The cafeteria menu, ingredients and portion control are the province of the NBC/Comcast corporation. Todd's job is to be the public face of corporate policy: to stand there in a hairnet every Sunday slopping a steaming helping of this fetid anti-journalism onto the plates of American public.

As I have written many different times in many different ways over the years:

...speaking with all the authority of someone who's been writing about the Sunday Gasbag Cavalcade for more than 15 years now (and plans to go right on documenting the atrocities) all of it was, is, and ever shall be completely justified.

But here's the thing. Complaining that Todd is a hack and a buffoon and a disgrace is a little like complaining that the clown that you hired to entertain at your kid's birthday shows up in clown makeup. Because being exactly the sort of hack and buffoon and disgrace that he is is exactly why Comcast/NBC hired Chuck Todd to replace David Gregory. Who, some of you older kids may remember, was just as godawful in exactly the same way as Todd.

In Chuck Todd, you are not seeing some tragic and accidental failure of journalism.

You are seeing the the triumph of corporate media.

Just as getting rid of the loathsome David Gregory began the Age of Todd, until NBC/Comcast management is driven out with pitchforks drastically reformed, getting rid of Todd will accomplish nothing. 

And speaking of corporate media, just so I get clear in my own mind how this business works, literally any Conservative/Republican can shed their inconvenient pasts as often as they please and they are automatically guaranteed a gig at a national magazine anytime they wish, no questions asked, right?

Which I'm sure is super awesome for them, but does not bode well for that whole "People must be held accountable" thingie.  

No Half Measures

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Lifetime Wingnut Welfare Moocher Swears He Doesn't Know How Wingnut Welfare Works


"Some people seem to think we hate Jonah Goldberg.

"Nothing could be farther from the truth. First of all, the Doughy Pantload has given us hundreds of hours of entertainment; in his official role as Village Idiot of the Internet, he never ceases to amuse us with his falling off of walls, tumbling into ditches, and trying to come up with smart things to say when he’d really rather be at home watching Deep Space Nine DVDs."

-- Attributed to Sadly No.

There is a fair case to be made that no one has benefited more directly and more out-of-proportion with his meager skill set than the author of Liberal Fascism,  Jonah Goldberg.  But today is not a day for ranking the vast constellation the Conservatives hacks from Alpha Moocher to he-who-sucks-hind-tit.  Let's just agree that they are all terrible wastes of carbon who would die of starvation within five minutes if they were every cut off from the free chow the Conservative Cuckwagon serves up to even the lowliest D'Souza, and instead enjoy the hilarious sight of Doughy Pantload pretending to be a'swooon with confusion about how the money comes over the transom.  

Having read that shocker, I know what you must be asking yourself now. Surely this could not be the same Jonah Goldberg who was anointed just two years ago by none other than David Fucking Brooks himself to be the vanguard of the inevitable Conservative Renaissance which was definitely just around the corner? 

Sadly dear dear reader, I must report that, yes, it's the same guy --

David Brooks: ...And a Doughy Pantload Shall Lead Them 

-- and the inevitable Goldberg-led Conservative Renaissance is now looking more evitable than ever.  

No Half Measures

Reminds Me of What Jesse "Big Daddy" Unruh Said About Politics

"If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, screw their women, take their money and then vote against them, you have no business being up here."   -- Jesse M. Unruh

No Half Measures

Friday, November 20, 2020

Professional Left Podcast #573

(artwork by Blue Gal) 

“A word after a word after a word is power.”
-- Margaret Atwood, writer

Don't forget to visit our website -- -- for all those sweet bells and whistles:  there are links to donate to our podcast work at that site, as well as links to our swingin' Zazzle merch store,  our respective blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Kittehs! and much more. Many thanks once again to @theologop for building it all for us!


The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Army Group Stainer To The Rescue

No Half Measures

I Told You So. That's It. That's The Post.

 Apparently many people are starting to notice that Republican voters are reprogrammable meatbags (tm) who are so addicted to Fox News/Hate Radio bullshit and Both Siderism that they are permanently lost to reason.  

Here's a center cut from Wajahat Ali's article today in The New York Times:

‘Reach Out to Trump Supporters,’ They Said. I Tried.

I give up.

I’ve even tried and failed to have productive conversations with Muslims who voted for Trump. Some love him for the tax cuts. Others listen only to Fox News, say “both sides” are the same, or believe he hasn’t bombed Muslim countries. (They’re wrong.) Many believe they are the “good immigrants,” as they chase whiteness and run away from Blackness, all the way to the suburbs. I can’t make people realize they have Black and brown skin and will never be accepted as white.

I did my part. What was my reward? Listening to Trump’s base chant, “Send her back!” in reference to Representative Ilhan Omar, a black Muslim woman, who came to America as a refugee. I saw the Republican Party transform the McCloskeys into victims, even though the wealthy St. Louis couple illegally brandished firearms against peaceful BLM protesters. Their bellicosity was rewarded with a prime time slot at the Republican National Convention where they warned about “chaos” in the suburbs being invaded by people of color. Their speech would have fit well in “The Birth of a Nation."

We cannot help people who refuse to help themselves. Trump is an extension of their id, their culture, their values, their greed. He is their defender and savior. He is their blunt instrument. He is their destructive drug of choice...

Since it was posted a few hours ago, this article has been liked, reposted and recommended (and hated) hundreds of times on social media.   Jennifer Rubin, one of the musty, neocon throw-pillows Fred Hiatt's keeps around on the Washington Post's op-ed page positively creamed over it.

And that's all just great.



Except when Liberals like me were sounding the alarm about what was happening in plain sight on the Right decades ago -- warning how dangerous it was and how it was accelerating, back when the media actually telling these kinds of blunt truths about it might have made a difference -- we were not getting columns in The New York Times, nor massive boosts on social media, nor the glowing endorsement of Bush Regime Dead Enders.

Instead we were made into pariahs.  We were shoved into a corner and told to shut the fuck up.  

Here's a sample of the rank heresy we American-hating Libtards were peddling back in the Before Time.  One of literally thousands I have written.  This one is from October of 2008:

Understanding The Right #1 

...Clinton? Objectively, Clinton qualifies as the greatest Center/Right President in history, and with balanced budgets, GATT, welfare reform, NAFTA, DOMA, record surpluses, foreign and domestic terrorists brought to book, and an actual military victory, he arguably delivered to the wingnuts more of everything they ever said they wanted than anyone else. 

And they hated him for it.


Because Clinton was mere addiction maintenance delivered in measured doses under adult supervision: all policy-wonk that wasn’t cut with that industrial-waste-grade bigoted, psychotic bloodlust that gives Conservatism its wild, freebasing edge. Clinton was methadone, and for the hardcore lifestyle junkie, that shit is for babies.

And Dubya? Dubya was meth with a ketamine chaser delivered hammer-and-anvil directly to the lizard brain. 

Dubya was 40 million Pig People tired of the hard, fussy job of being a tolerant, powerful democracy finally once-and-for-all blowing America’s family inheritance on an eight-year, blood-drunk bender. 

Dubya was the United States crawling through dumpsters at our national soul’s midnight, killing anything that moves, licking out the contents of random baggies, hoping the little white flakes clinging to the plastic is crank and not rat poison, and waking up the next day -- that horrible, horrible sun-also-rises morning after -- broke and twitchy, arguing over what more they can sell off to keep the party going and who they can blame for their gone-to-shit lives.

So what is the last lie a Conservative tells himself? The last lie that the junkies and their suppliers both fight like hell to keep alive and twitching?

That, whether or not their ideology is depraved or deluded, it doesn’t matter because:

“Both side are always equally wrong about everything all the time.”

Doesn’t matter the who or what. The when or how. Doesn’t matter who was driving the bus towards the cliff and who was waving the red flags, throwing their bodies in front of it, trying to make it stop. Doesn’t matter who was trying to douse the conflagration with hoses shredded by 20 year of Reaganism, and who was lobbing milk cartons full of jellied gasoline onto the bonfire.

It is the lie the hagged-out Cokie Roberts pushes week after week after week on “This Week…” 

It is the lie that David Fucking Brooks pushes in the pages of the New York Times.

It is the lie that made David Broder the “Dean” of the Villagers; the lie on which the quarterly profits of the entire Murdoch media empire now rests.

Because these people and thousands more like them are not journalists or “pundits” or expert who offer facts or interpretation or a philosophical framework for illuminating and contextualizing the events of the world. 

They are pushers, selling that last, nihilistic lie to the junkies on the Right who will pay any price and cut any throat to escape the fact that they are personally and specifically responsible for the destruction of the country they claimed to love in the name of a God they claim to believe in.

Which is why November 4th is so much more than an election.

November 4th is an Intervention, because the junkie-pusher spiral of the Republican rank-and-file and their leaders has finally hit bottom: we need to heal this country or lose it, and arguing -- "reasoning" -- with wingnuts and their enabling shills and hacks is as pointless as trying to reason with addicts and dealers.

The only way this country is going to be saved is by taking it away from them, school board by school board, city council by city council, congressional district by congressional district, state by state, election by election until they are driven back into the political sewers from whence they came...

Of course we didn't shut up.  We kept right on writing.  Right on being mocked and slagged and ignored by all on those very same Very Serious People who are now running around with their hair on fire wanting to know how all this happened and why no one warned them. 

And I was going to end this post right here until an Alert Reader called this Tweet by David Frum to my attention.  David Frum, whose many accomplishments include being the Bush speechwriter who put the words "Axis of Evil" into Dubya's mouth, and never being without a paying gig for more than a minute since.

You'll excuse me now while I go back to my heretic's corner and die laughing.

No Half Measures

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

January 20, 2021

Driftglass' Twitter Jail Legal Defense

Amnesia, Incorporated


NPR -- Nice Polite Republicans -- strikes again with a one-two punch of Both Siderist false equivalence --

-- and Strategic Forgettery:

If after four years of sustained, berserk attacks on the fabric of Reality by the Republican Party, this is where NPR has landed, then I'm afraid that institutional Both Siderism is indestructible.  A parasitic organism that has latched onto the throat of our democracy and will never let go.  There is no way to repair or rehabilitate the media because the mindset is too hardwired into their business model, the careers of too many influential voices in the press are built on it, and too many young minds are irreparably warped too early on and too deeply as they are coming up and osmosing the norms of their profession.  

So instead of wasting a lot of words on an institution the insists on committing suicide in plain sight, I'll leave you with a snip from a thing I wrote nearly a decade ago:

Here Comes a Candle to Light You to Bed 

Here comes a chopper to chop off your head.

In case you were wondering, every time I hear or see or read the same, lavishly remunerated sock puppets jackhammering home the same, patently false Centrist narrative for the umpteen millionth time from impregnable media fortress that reach several million more people a week than I ever have or ever will, this is what it sounds like to me: 

From "Brave New World":
"What's the lesson this afternoon?" he asked. 
 "We had Elementary Sex for the first forty minutes," she answered. "But now it's switched over to Elementary Class Consciousness."
The Director walked slowly down the long line of cots. Rosy and relaxed with sleep, eighty little boys and girls lay softly breathing. There was a whisper under every pillow. The D.H.C. halted and, bending over one of the little beds, listened attentively.
"Elementary Class Consciousness, did you say? Let's have it repeated a little louder by the trumpet."
At the end of the room a loud speaker projected from the wall. The Director walked up to it and pressed a switch.
"… all wear green," said a soft but very distinct voice, beginning in the middle of a sentence, "and Delta Children wear khaki. Oh no, I don't want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They're too stupid to be able to read or write. Besides they wear black, which is such a beastly colour. I'm so glad I'm a Beta."
There was a pause; then the voice began again.
"Alpha children wear grey They work much harder than we do, because they're so frightfully clever. I'm really awfuly glad I'm a Beta, because I don't work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I don't want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They're too stupid to be able …"
The Director pushed back the switch. The voice was silent. Only its thin ghost continued to mutter from beneath the eighty pillows.
"They'll have that repeated forty or fifty times more before they wake; then again on Thursday, and again on Saturday. A hundred and twenty times three times a week for thirty months. After which they go on to a more advanced lesson."
Roses and electric shocks, the khaki of Deltas and a whiff of asafœtida–wedded indissolubly before the child can speak. But wordless conditioning is crude and wholesale; cannot bring home the finer distinctions, cannot inculcate the more complex courses of behaviour. For that there must be words, but words without reason. In brief, hypnopædia.
"The greatest moralizing and socializing force of all time."
The students took it down in their little books. Straight from the horse's mouth.
Once more the Director touched the switch.
"… so frightfully clever," the soft, insinuating, indefatigable voice was saying, "I'm really awfully glad I'm a Beta, because …"
Not so much like drops of water, though water, it is true, can wear holes in the hardest granite; rather, drops of liquid sealing-wax, drops that adhere, incrust, incorporate themselves with what they fall on, till finally the rock is all one scarlet blob.
"Till at last the child's mind is these suggestions, and the sum of the suggestions is the child's mind. And not the child's mind only. The adult's mind too–all his life long. The mind that judges and desires and decides–made up of these suggestions. But all these suggestions are our suggestions!" The Director almost shouted in his triumph. "Suggestions from the State." He banged the nearest table. "It therefore follows …"
As corrupt and crippled as our politics has become, our system still demands that, every few years, the people who make our laws undergo a certain amount of scrutiny and an up-or-down hiring decision by the people they propose to represent. 

But as you may have noticed, that scrutiny is now routinely bent out of shape -- so wildly distorted that on any give day all we seem to have is a choice of poisons; a fire-hose of relentless Conservative lies, irrelevant trivia, breathless horse-race gibberish, poll number recitations and 30 second ads.

And that is because the deciders who dictate the parameters of that political discussion -- the Villagers who conspire to whisper "I'm really awfuly glad I'm a Beta, because I don't work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki." into our nation's ears a hundred times a day from a dozen angles -- are themselves almost never scrutinized and held to account at all...

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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Rudy Giuliani's "Final Days" Electoral Strategy: I'll Sue Anything That Moves!

I guess $20,000 a day doesn't buy what it used to. (Thanks to readers for the inspiration :-)

Driftglass' Twitter Jail Legal Defense

Area Trump Voter Interview Venues Shut Down Due To Stupid

The New York Times Magic Ruralism (tm) Action Team thrown into disarray today as several local Trump voter interview venues diners were closed because they are incapable of following basic public health procedures.

Which is definitely not something you want to hear about a place that slings fast, inexpensive hash.

Health department looks to shut down restaurants defying suspension

The Sangamon County Department of Public Health and the Sangamon County State's Attorney were in court Tuesday morning.

They are seeking to temporarily shut down five Sangamon County restaurants that are continuing to serve customers indoors.

The Sangamon County Department of Public Health suspended the food service licenses at Charlie Parker‘s, D&J Café, Fox Run, Sweet Basil Café, and Casa Real on Sunday.

According to officials, they were suspended because the owners refused to follow the city’s new mitigations...

You may have heard about one of these places -- D&J Cafe -- on the "Good Trouble" episode of The Professional Left podcast several months  (days?  years?) ago when we reported on the joint closing (temporarily) because one of the owners just could not keep his racist pie-hole shut on Facebook.  So, y'know, perfect venue to catch Trump voters in their native habitat.

In a related story, area Biden voters continue to wait patiently for our coastal elite media to care what they think about anything.

And yes, I'm still in Twitter jail, and this being Tuesday, my wife and I were actually looking forward to ordering a couple of fried chicken specials from Charlie Parker's.

Driftglass' Twitter Jail Legal Defense and Fried Chicken Fund

On Lou Dobbs Tonight...

...we saw Goody Biden behind the barn burning Trump ballots with the Devil!

FYI, yes, I'm still in Twitter jail.

Driftglass Twitter Jail Legal Defense Fund

Monday, November 16, 2020

Getting to The Heartland of the Matter


Today in "What are our Never Trump allies lying about now?" news we ask how exactly it is that you believe that Charlie Sykes is your good-good friend?  

Well that's easy, isn't it?  He says all these pretty that you want to hear.  

For example, last week Mr. Sykes was strongly warning his listeners that you just know those Republicans over there are planning to memory hole the entire Trump administration.  Just pretend the past never happened!  They're all gonna become deficit hawks overnight and swear that Joe Biden is responsible for COVID because lying about the past to evade responsibility is just something those Trumpy assholes do.

Then Mr. Sykes was on to a'stomping and a'faunching about The Heartland Institute, about which Mr. Sykes says he barely knows, except that he gets their "weirdo newsletter" hahaha!

Brief Driftglass Aside/

You might have heard of The Heartland Institute on this very blog, as it is headquartered in Chicago and is the fetid Libertarian shithole that was once funded by Big Tobacco dollars (Because Cigarettes are Freedumb!) and then, when that wingut welfare trough dried up, quickly pivoted to Big Climate Change Denialism money (Because Coal is Freedumb!)  It was also the whelping box for Young Ben Domenech who went from there to the very edge of professional oblivion we his plagiarism came to light.   

Young Ben's career was salvaged in no small part because his good friends Ezra Klein and Chris Hayes helped resurrect it by inviting him to bro it up with them on MSNBC.  Then, having been officially absolved of his past misdeeds via Liberal media baptism, Young Ben went on to be a regular guest on CBS, took the odious Megan McCain to wife, and founded The Federalist, where he and his staff now write Trump porn for incels.

It's a funny old world.

End Brief Aside/

Anyway, although Mr. Sykes barely know them, he has some very strong opinions about The Heartland Institute.  From the transcript:

Charlie Sykes: You know the Heartland Institute from...based in Chicago?  Okay so education-style well they're... they're... they, uh. are sort of libertarian. Very obsessed with opposition to doing anything about climate change. I think they used to be more mainstream but they've gone the way a lot of other conservative organizations.  I got their their their quarterly performance report, you know, in the mail because I'm still on the mailing list...I'm still on some really weird-ass mailing lists so I'll tell you that you can never get off those weirdos.

Amanda Carpenter:  Yeah.

Sykes: I will be on these mailing lists forever.  But I really I love this one um they... they... the...cover of this is, you know, them standing there, The Heartland Institute taking the fight to the Socialists and the Climate Left it's got a picture of them looking like Superman and then you have this this shadowy figure of this robot which would of course be the Climate Left with a hammer and sickle on it because of course they're all Communist!  But let me just read you the first paragraph which I think is fantastic...a fantastic I mean in an awful way...

Sykes goes on to gleefully describe the hysterical kookery of the Heartland goofs insistence that asking people to wear a bit of cloth over their mouths was the most unprecedented violation of human freedom in history.  Basically the apocalypse.

Who in their right mind would want to hang with that bunch of batshit freaks, right?

But see, here's one of the tricksy things about the internet.  It's just full of the records of things that happened before today.

For example, here is a video of the very same Charlie Sykes back just a few years ago when he was known as the Rush Limbaugh of Wisconsin.  Back during the reign of the Kenyan Usurper when slagging Liberals was where the money was and in aid of helping Mr. Sykes promote his book, "A Nation of Moochers", Mr. Sykes' friend Joe Bast threw him a fete at which Mr. Sykes was the guest speaker.

And who exactly is Joe Bast?

Well according to the blurb on their website, Mr. Bast is a Senior Fellow at The Heartland Institute. In fact he cofounded Heartland in 1984, and served as its executive director then as president & CEO until January 2018.

So here, if you're interested, is Charlie Sykes speaking at that "weirdo" Heartland Institute about which he is barely the 2012 book party they threw in his honor (it's all appalling but if you want a sampler, jump ahead to around the 34:30 mark where you'll hear about Barack Obama's sinister plan to destroy the coal industry by regulating carbon emissions.)
And since this is a full-service blog, I feel it is my duty to share with you one more Never Trump fairy tale that you may have noticed coming down the pike here and there.  The alibi.  The Republican voter alibi.

You see, it's not that the reprogrammable meatbags who voted for Donald Trump twice are bad people.  Not at all!  They're not stupid and they're not racists.  Instead, according to Mr. Sykes, they all good people.  The best people.  Who have been driven to their condition of dog loyalty to Donald Trump out of resentment at being unfairly called racists by us Libtards.

Sykes: the flip side of the message and this is something that I think that ... that ... that the Left has not really grasped because there is a lot of, y'know, yes you you people are racist!  This is a white supremacist country!  Um we need to ... all of that stuff is read as an indictment that you think that I am a bad person.  You people are terrible people!  And amazingly that does not win hearts and minds.

This right here is why is it imperative for grifters like Sykes to throw a Temporal Barrier across 2016 and pretend all that came before is unknown and irrelevant.  Because it is absolutely impossible to reconcile the actual history of the Republican Party as it was built racist brick by racist brick by men like Charlie Sykes from the party of Nixon's Southern Strategy to the Party of Birtherism and Trump with the claptrap Sykes is peddling.  

There are no hearts to win, Charlie, and no minds left at all.  Just reprogrammable meatbags who will go right on doing exactly what they've been doing for decades -- taking direction from the likes of Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson until they keel over dead.

Mr. Sykes continues

Sykes: When I think the more powerful message is you are a good person and you are better than this. A good person does not look the other way when there are racist policies!  No you're not that person who wants to listen to those uh those those dog whistles.  And that's the difference of saying look I know this stuff is complicated and I'm going to appeal to the better angels of your nature and ratify that that when we you know we talk about who Americans are yeah we have some problems we have some issues nobody's perfect but you don't want to be that person.  That's a very different message than saying, y'know, America is so deeply corrupt and so deeply racist and white supremacists and... and... you people need to apologize and even when you apologize we're not going to accept that because ... uh .. we don't want redemption we want reparations.  I mean seriously years and years and years of taken a huge toll.

And thus we leave Mr. Charlies Sykes attempting to executing the wingnut equivalent of the Triple Lindy.

Clutching his pearls, swooning and falling ten stories onto two different and diametrically opposed Bulwark fainting couches at  the same time!

One couch for those overcome with over the awful awfulness of those damn Trump voters who think they can get away with just lying about the past to evade responsibility.  

And the other couch reserved for those who have grown faint with fury over us Libtards forcing tens of millions of otherwise good, God-fearin' Republicans to stop up their ears with Fox News and Hate Radio, and lash themselves body and soul to the most catastrophically failed racist madman to ever occupy the Oval Office.  

Update 1:  Tom Nichols is also very big on everyone shutting the fuck up about anything that happened prior to 2016 because events prior to 2016 make him look like a lying fraud:
Update 2:  Project Lincoln co-founder Mike Madrid is also very anxious for you to believe that his GOP was just fine until 2016 when it went suddenly and inexplicably insane.

No Half Measures