Sunday, November 22, 2020

As Mark Halperin Followed The Archersaurus Career Arc Down and Down...

...there came one last stop before hitting bottom.


On Newsmax.

Doing a phone-in "interview" with Sidney Powell as she projectile vomits crazy in every direction.

Don't worry about those pointy rocks that seem to be rushing up at you really, really fast Mark.

Just pretend it's the good old days and you're flyyyyying!

No Half Measures


Fritz Strand said...

And now ladies and gentlemen of Jonestown, our next guess speakers.

Robt said...

Supply side news reporting of the OAN's vs the Demand side attorney representation need.

You know, the constitution doesn't say a president like Trump cannot sign an executive order declaring he won and another stating that he doesn't have to follow the elation outcome.
Since it does not clearly say explicitly, a judge ( right wing judges only) can review this and rule it into the constitution.
Why legislate?

It always amazes me those who master arrogance of ignorance can make proclamations out of describing what they saw in the toilet that someone left behind by not flushing.

rapier said...

Let me suggest for Halperin a stock image of that face on a piece of toast.