Sunday, November 22, 2020

I'll Bet Sidney Powell Meant This

Because it sure sounds --
-- like she could use one.

No Half Measures


Kevin Holsinger said...

Good morning, Mr. Glass.

This is how you end up in Twitter jail. :)

Best to you and your loved ones.

Unknown said...

Yeah, you might've run this one by Mrs. DG aka BG before posting. Fine line, n'all that...

Robt said...

When or republican majority Senate are all forced to wear gag balls and butt plugs and seen doing so in public. On the floor of the Senate.

It is a slippery slope for the religious right has been riding like a playground slide.

Spending some time in Europe, I found their TV is more adult and open socially on the sex and morality fronts. Hell, their version of day time soap opera is more than what is called soft porn here in the USA.
Even with all the content for children vs adult ratings here in USA. a company can advertise Viagra, vaginal pregnancy devices, Rubbers, Vitoria Secret (fuck me) apparel.

When Trump forces his GOP Senate majority to wear a ball gag and butt plug. No one thinks twice of it.

Robt said...

Ever wonder why Don Rickles never spent time in Twitter time out?