Tuesday, November 24, 2020

How Can You Know For Sure That Joe Scarborough Is a 1000%, Authentic, Rock-Ribbed, Dyed-in-the-Wool Republican?

Because like every other Republican he lies about the past.


Because he is always the hero of the story and the story is always if only everyone had listened to me... (from yesterday)

JOE SCARBOROUGH:  I warned Republicans for five years that this guy was not conservative. I said it repeatedly. I said that he hated Republicans, he hated conservatives, he wasn't conservative, that he was going to spend this country into debt. We have had the biggest deficits ever under Donald Trump and this Republican Party. We have had the biggest national debt ever under Donald Trump and this Republican party. We have had the biggest pork-barrel spending budgets every single year under Donald Trump and this Republican Party. We have had a president who has tried to undermine all the good things that Republicans and Democrats alike have done as it pertains to NATO, as it pertains to spreading democracy across Europe, protecting democratic countries. And here we have a president that's radical. He spins radically. He has radical foreign policy designs. He has a radical foreign policy that embraces dictators and tyrants, and now you look at what he is doing here in the United States constitutionally...

He goes on and on like that, because why stop monologuing about your awesome and prophetic heroism when you have your own teevee show?  

And that's the key.  

Generally, I would never want to deny every mother's son and daughter the right to make up whatever fanciful origin stories about their own awesomeness that pleases them.  After all, if  the foma of life-- the harmless untruths "that make you brave and kind and healthy and happy" -- can make our short time on this Earth a little easier to bear, who am I to take away the harmless myth-making about being born a lion that many a mouse may need to make it through the day?

But the lies men like Scarborough tell every day are a different matter entirely, because the lies they tell are not harmless.  They are huge and toxic and because men like Scarborough are given enormous media platforms by powerful corporations, those huge, toxic lies are pounded into our national vocabulary day after day after day until they become part of the accepted history of the United States. 

And what of those who say otherwise?  Those who remember it otherwise?  Those who don't remember Joe Scarborough bravely racing through every Middlesex village and farm five years ago warning that Trump was a monster, but instead remember four years ago when Scarborough gathered his rogues gallery of goobers and sycophants including and Michael Steele and Mark Halperin and (by proxy) Bill Kristol to fawn over Trump's awesomeness?

Well it sure seems to these tired eyes that no matter how loudly those contrarians shout or how many receipts they bring to the party, they will always be drowned out by the sound of corporate media chainsaws being taken to the green lumber of recent history as yet another cohort of Republican scoundrels builds themselves yet another armada of lifeboats on which they can safely sail away from yet another catastrophe of their own making.

No Half Measures


billshearn said...

I love the phrase 'Burn the lifeboats!' in this situation.

Unknown said...

"But the lies men like Scarborough tell every day are a different matter entirely, because the lies they tell are not harmless. They are huge and toxic and because men like Scarborough are given enormous media platforms by powerful corporations, those huge, toxic lies are pounded into our national vocabulary day after day after day until they become part of the accepted history of the United States."

That's yr Paddy Chayefsky moment for the day, DG. Bravo! For real.

"...as yet another cohort of Republican scoundrels builds themselves yet another armada of lifeboats on which they can safely sail away from yet another catastrophe of their own making."

Ta-DA!! The Aristocrats.

Robt said...

And Joey had such a brilliant future ahead of him when he got elected to congress as a bright moral republican with all the answers.
And look at Joey now, he has more answers that Tucker Carlson.
