Friday, October 27, 2023

Steve Schmidt: The Only Surprise Is That Anyone Is Surprised

Since my birthday is drawing near and I don't want to eliminate the possibility that some of the people who scolded me so hard about trusting Never Trumpers (because they're our allies now, and something something World War II and Stalin) may feel moved to hit my tip jar...I shall heroically refrain from dwelling on the absolute raft of shit I took from my Liberal supervisors about not trusting Never Trumpers.  Especially Never Trumpers that:

  1. Scoff at the idea of contrition or penance or humility or any of that stuff, but instead feel it is their God-given right to slide directly from paid-media gigs trashing Liberals like paid-media gigs calling Donald Trump a poopy-head. 

  2. Continue to revise their pasts to either absolve themselves of responsibility for the mess we're in now, or just pretend their pasts never happened.

  3. Continue to pat themselves on the back for being the only people savvy enough to see the warning signs of trouble in their Republican party...30 years too late.

  4. Continue to burnish their non-tribal, independent, True Conservative bona fides by continuing to shit on the same Liberals who have been warning them for decades about the trajectory their party was on.

Nope.  You won't catch me doing any of that.

Instead, I'm going to save all of us a lot of time and effort with this one weird trick.

On the subject of Steve Schmidt setting himself up to extract every nickel from Dean Phillips' doomed run for president -- 

-- instead of boring you with a buncha new stuff,  allow me to direct you to anything I wrote in 2019 about the Howard-Schultz-to-Steve-Schmidt Fund Transfer Project (see the list of examples below).  Then mentally cross out the name "Howard Schultz" and write in the name "Dean Phillips" and voila.  

Because it's exactly the same scam.

Because that's how Steve Schmidt makes his living.  

What I continue to find depressing is how many people simply cannot get this very basic fact through their fucking heads.  

So how does Schmidt do it?  Continue to be trusted as a credible ally despite practically screaming that he isn't?

Because, to slightly misquote Ned Beatty in Network, "He's on television dummy."  

In case you hadn't noticed, MSNBC has built an entire industry out of rehabilitating the reputations of Republican scoundrels, and all it takes for Schmidt to win his way back into the hearts of credulous Liberals is for Chris Hayes to officially welcome him back, or Joe Scarborough to put him back in the lineup, or Nicole Wallace to put her arm around her old pal Steve and reintroduce him to the audience as one of the good guys. 

Which is exactly what I predicted would happen during Schmidt's first fuck-my-principles cash grab back in February of 2019.

Thank you your Honor, and ladies and gentlemen of the jury.  I would say that I await your swift and just verdict, but I think we all know exactly what that verdict will be.  After taking Howard Schultz for every nickel he can, sooner rather than later Mr, Schmidt will be welcomed back into the loving and lucrative bosom of the Insider's Club.

Because, as I may have mentioned once or twice, the Insider's Club has only two rules:

There's a Club.

You are not in it.

And, right on time, it is exactly what happened eight months later.  

Which, if you're inclined, you can read about here, "When You’re a Schmidt, You’re a Schmidt All The Way"

Anyway, as I said, if you're interested, dip on down to my archives and read anything I wrote about Schmidt back in 2019 and just swap around the names of the suckers he's conned into buying his snake oil.  

Some choices include:

Steve Schmidt Launches New "Bullshit Walks" Podcast

Steve Schmidt, Tucker Carlson and Jill Stein Walk Into Howard Schultz's Bar...

How To Make $525K In Eight Weeks

Time For Steve Schmidt to Start Stealing Office Supplies...

The Riders of the Purple Wage*

And since Steve Schmidt's last triumphant return from infamy to the sheltering bower of MSNBC happened in late October (and since, unlike Steve Schmidt, I am currently sans wealthy idiots willing to give me hundreds of thousands of dollars in exchange for me encouraging their delusions) , let's also call this post part of the "trip down bad memory lane" birthday fundraiser I am in the middle of.  

Behold, a Tip Jar!

So, is there a lesson here?

You bet there is.

The lesson is, as long as he has the medium of television on his side, there will continue to be a Steve Schmidt fan born every minute.  

And two to take 'em.


Neo Tuxedo said...

as long as he has the medium of television on his side, there will continue to be a Steve Schmidt fan born every minute.

I have often thought that television is the answer to the Fermi Paradox: that the reason the sky isn't full of radio signals is that any species capable of inventing radio is quite capable of inventing television, which is right up there with petroleum and uranium among the dangerous drugs to which a civilization can become addicted.

SteveSteve said...

The Twitter comments regarding Schmidt are interesting. People are upset and feel a sense of betrayal because of his actions. I hope these people have learned a lesson from this about the NTs, but I have my doubts.