Thursday, January 31, 2019

Steve Schmidt, Tucker Carlson and Jill Stein Walk Into Howard Schultz's Bar...

...where Bolshie Freedom Troll Glenn Greenwald will mix you any drink you like as long as it's a White Russian.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Robt said...

Tuckee, "I think everything should be debated".

Jilly; After mentioning Maine's Rank Choice voting.

Tuckee; I don't understand that and Maine voter don't either.

Jilly; Well, I can explain that to you very easily right now.

Tuckee; No you couldn't.

* So much for that Tuckee commandment of believing everything needs debate.

Tuckee can't grasp that the, Huckabee Fried Sanders, has struck down any and all debate when she recently informed us as the profit. "God wanted Trump to be president".

Which raises the question, should God be investigated for collusion with Putin/Russia and White Supremacists to get his guy elected?

joejimtree said...

God I want to see someone wring Carlson out like a rag, except where the hell would we throw the poisonous fluid in the mop bucket? Hazmat can't help! He's right out of a horror film, a tenacious apparition in the form of a creepy doll with a wig that doesn't fit, and whose head is way out proportion to his body and the neck size of his shirt, that bounces back from any angle, no matter what, from a force even worse than evil, called Tucker Carlson.

Robt said...

It is a sad thing that Tucker was deprived from being able to take after his Fatherand/ or Mother.

Being raised by his cray Uncle Liberty who was locked in the attack for safety. Poor Tucker never got to play with the other reindeer. Never being able to adjust coherently in Society.

That good ole Home attack schooling. and misguided hate on his resume. was enough to be hired by the right wing world standard.

He will bring into your home all his venom and hate if you flip the channel to him. But, you have no right to speak to him in public places or threaten his family with godless death by singing goofy songs outside his house.

The Big Dee said...

But remember, they're the Real Left and anyone who doubts it is an authoritarian jackbooted Obot thug, right "droneglass"?

Neo Tuxedo said...

Somebody on Twitter face-swapped Tucker's perpetual expression of Dull Surprise and Jill's Gynplaine grin. For once, I'm not going to make the rest of you see it, because that would mean having to see it again myself, which will significantly delay my ever getting to unsee it.

Kahir165 said...

If only Hitchens was here to answer that