Saturday, January 03, 2009

Thank You

Driftglass Finalist for Best Individual Blogger

A few days ago I was surprised and honored to learn that my little chef-owned-and-operated diner out here in the e-xurbs of Left Blogistan is a finalist in the Weblog category of Best Individual Blogger.

First and foremost, my sincere thanks to the readers who nominated and voted for me. I have always had deeply ambivalent feelings about awards in general. I still do. However, as my friend darkblack reminded me on a previous occasion:
"...if respect is offered, politeness accepts with grace and humility. The relentlessly humbling effect of real life will continue apace."

Damn right. 2008 was a wild, humbling year many of us, and I am deeply touched that readers and fellow bloggers thought enough of my work to do this.

Second, like most things, this comes with bad news and good --

The bad news: Weblogylvania is not a caucus state, so the fearsome database of special, sneaky rules which I paid David Plouffe some big cake to dope out for me is pretty much useless.

The good news: Weblogylvania is like Chicago in that you can vote multiple times. So yay us!

The bad news: Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White has said he will not process my paperwork for this award.

The good news: There is no paperwork; you just go here and click. But don't tell Jesse. He means well.

The bad news: According the Law of the Conservation of Taint, Harry Reid has vowed to refuse to seat me as long as I continue live in Illinois and Governor Shakedown is still at large.

The good news: I still have my "Joe Lieberman" mask left over from Halloween, so slipping past him should be no problem. Also, a couple of years ago when YearlyKos was in town, Glenn Greenwald got Top Gallant Sails-drunk and showed a bunch of us some sweet sleeper holds.

Third, for new readers and old friends, this also seems an opportune moment to put up a short "Best Of..." list from 2008:
Understanding the Right: Junkie Logic

Being John Maverick (Me abusing Photoshop)

The Large Badloan Collider (Fake Physics + Bad Economics = Big Fun)

On That Day (9/11 Anniversary)

Talking to ourselves

The Negrological Constant

Dear Traitors (Proof that I can be brief)

One of the more popular chapters from my ongoing "Sunday Morning Comin' Down" series.

Advise to Arianna Huffington on Bad Graphics

Because he is not one of us

Seabiscuit vs. War Admiral (Average post, inexplicably widely read/linked)

Madness on the Half-Shell (Abusing Photoshop again)

Polls open Monday January 5, 2009 and close Monday January 12, 2009.

Rules are here.

Thank you.


Myrtle June said...

Treating my clicky finger to several spa treatments in preperation for the big clickathon. "Yay Us". I'll be clickin' fer ya, Driftglass! :-)

Anonymous said...

How about this, which may be the truest unique post in the political blogosphere:

"The truth that, fundamentally, it's not that our courts that are broken. Not our roads and bridges. Not our schools.

Not something from which science or engineering or manufacturing will rescue us. Not something we can figure out, prototype and then make a fortune selling a million units for a buck apiece.

Because it is we ourselves that are broken.

When I look at Dubya’s poll numbers staying absolutely dead-level week after week after week regardless of what he has fucked up this week, or how badly, I learn nothing new about George W. Bush. But A-B-Cs behind just about everything else I need to know about America stand painfully revealed. Those numbers confirm for me for the unmpteenth time that inside the mushy skulls of the 27%-ers there is nothing but a hatbox of junk machine parts, still twitching and clattering mindlessly along on corrupted software that was already obsolete before men walked on the Moon.

The 27%-ers are slugs madly fighting for the right to jump into the salt bucket and drag us all down with them, and any solution to the problems that vex us must begin with their grotesquely mutant versions of patriotism, economics, virtue and civilization being discredited, sequestered and driven into oblivion.

Our first, great, national problem is that our fellow citizens -- in their millions -- are damaged beyond repair."

And our second, great, national problem is that our media refuses to talk about it."

Anonymous said...

yes, you do truly deserve it.


Rehctaw said...

Just shows to go ya, whether a picture or 1000 words....

You da MAN.

I bow, I scrape, I votes madly and often.

Anonymous said...

I always vote for Driftglass, always have always will.

Serving Patriot said...


I hope when you become famous, you will not leave us mere mortals behind and become all, you know, conservative or something!!!


Srsly, if you ever get you own column (and you deserve one), I will subscribe to that newspaper!

Keep up the great work!


Jon Swift said...

Congratulations on your nomination, though I must say I am astonished to discover you are an individual. Surely, it can't be possible for one individual to do all that you do unless you are a member of a secret, scientifically bred superrace that will soon be taking over our planet and mock the rest of us into submission. Good luck anyway, even if this award is part of your fiendish plan for world domination. And thanks again for your contribution to my modest little year-end roundup.

Anonymous said...

Also, a couple of years ago when YearlyKos was in town, Glenn Greenwald got Top Gallant Sails-drunk and showed a bunch of us some sweet sleeper holds.

Dude, you're shitting us, right!? I just can't picture Greenwald drunk off his ass. Although I guess if Noriel Roubini really is the party animal with hotties on each arm, then maybe Greenwald is too.

Anonymous said...

Being a born'n bred Chicagoan, I plan on voting for you multi times. Once...twice..three times a Drifty..I cast my vote for you.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, drifty.

You've got my vote. We can discuss price later...

darkblack said...

You're a standout in a field of excellence, and I wish you success, D...and da moolah that never crossed my palm had nuttin' to do wit me votin' for youse, see?


Anonymous said...

We can vote more than once? America at it's finest!

Heaps of praise and multiple finger clicks coming your way, and yes tis all too true that life will keep us humble.

Nice modifications to the new look too. ;-)

Fran / Blue Gal said...

I'm flattered that somebody upthread is usin' my name.

On to why I came here:

DG, I love the new template.

And OF COURSE I will be voting for you daily. You're by far and away the best writer in the blogosphere.

xo BG
the "real" one :)

mikeinportc said...

I was planning to vote for you. Good to know it won't be like my presidential vote for Jeremiah Wright. Now about that Blogistan senate seat.......

Anonymous said...

The anonymous soul above forgot the link to "the truest unique post in the political blogosphere". He could very well be right.

Congrats and all that stuff. By the way, I checked -- 30% of the Best Individual Blogger nominees have tipjars. It sullies neither clothing of wit nor dignity of deportment to at least allow others to help defray the expense of your Comcast or AT&T ISP bill. Any extra could go to finding homes for "indigent and superannuated pickpockets, prostitutes, panhandlers, piemen, priggers and other unworthy poor starting with 'P'".

Anonymous said...

As an imperfect beast, I'll miss the bat'leth. The rest of the template is fantastic.

driftglass said...

Myrtle June,
Thank you.

Done and done (that bit was also from a “Sunday Morning…” so the link does double duty. Thanks for the catch

Rehctaw and pwapvt,

Serving Patriot,
Nah. But I think once they wake the fuck up and find out how thoroughly they’ve been lied to we have a very good chance of picking up some thoroughly disgusted “Recovering Conservatives “

Jon Swift,
Actually, we already conquered your little world for its entertainment value in 1981 using a powerful combination of disco and Reaganomics. Three words of advice if you want to avoid “cancellation”: Be More Funny.

Comrade PhysioProf,
Yes. Was kidding. Was there, but stayed low as bottles started breaking.

bluegal, justme said...


(Minding the microphone) I have no idea what you are talking about

US Blues
Many thanks.

Other Blue Gal,
Thank you for the kind words.


Thanks, and once certain complications are resolved on my end, be assured I will be putting up a PayPal link, fundraising, all of that.

And thebat’leth will be back after a few weeks sabbatical on the homeworld.

Phil said...

I see where there were almost six hundred thousand votes cast last year.

Mr, Driftglass, if you win, put down your drink, tuck in yer shirt, button your pants and set the castle wench down long enough to say thank you.
I don't have to articulate my thoughts on this matter, my incessant fawning is evidence enough of my opinion of the content here.
let me put it this way,
after three years, I finally got about as much traffic as you get in a week, I was actually given a Golden Monkeyfist award and I squealed like a ten year old girl meeting her favorite pop star.
That really meant something to me, that there were actually people out there reading my drunken ranting that felt it was good enough to single out.
No, I didn't get laid because of it but I still am quite thrilled for that. To top that, my fucking hero stopped by and congratulated me.
That was almost better than the award.

I am only human and for those two things to happen to me makes me want to do better.

I will never come close to your talent so look at it this way, you are being considered among the best of the best in this medium.

That is huge my friend and congratulations.

You are truly among the best there is, so ya gotta take a moment and realize that people are trying to compliment you.

The Groupies are your problem.

Thanks man.


Anonymous said...

Win or not you're still the best around so please stay. (Loved your Lieberman pics expressing his love for sick). Nominated ya for several categories and will click away.

Just remember...if you know who you are, you'll know what to do...unless of course you think you're somebody else. (so better can the Lieberman mask.)

Anonymous said...

I loves to votes, as many as I can. I read all the "best of's" too; man, you DO deserve to win!

Anonymous said...

Come on, people. We CANNOT let Our Lady of Intense Suffering, the Anchoress, win over drifty.

Vote early and often!

Melina said...

hey drifty! I am so pleased to see you catch fire, though I am discouraged in that the award itself is based more on popularity and who can campaign best rather than writing.
perhaps a committee like the pulitzers or some such would be appropriate.
Anyway, you deserve it in so many catagories there, just on the strength of your writing, wit, style, and artwork.
I do hope to someday soon see a book come out of you!
Maybe some smart literary type will see your weblog nomination and throw an advance at you that makes working a day job seem frivolous.
Good luck and all that break a leg deserve it for sure.
I nominated, I voted...and I think it wont let you vote more than once, but if I can from multiple computers I will!!If there is any justice in the world, you have this in the bag...and that's why you probably don't...but you should!!

jurassicpork said...

I've voted for you twice and, thanks largely to Crooks and Liars, you're currently ahead by 206 votes.

Fran said...

It's Driftglass-vote-a-go-go from my place.

I even used my recovering-from-surgery-dog to encourage people to vote daily on Sat/Sun/Mon/Tues!

Go Driftglass go. Leave the Anchoress at the bottom where she belongs.

She is offensive at every level (and I say that as a progressive Catholic) but more importantly - you simply have real talent.

It is that simple.