Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Dear Traitors --

You're gonna need a bigger flag.

(click pic for larger)


Anonymous said...

Yours is the special, keen-edged version of photoshop.

Dhalgren said...

F*cking A, Drifty! They are the traitors of this nation. Succinctly said. We Dems need more shots like this.

Myrtle June said...

Yes. They. Are.

Fran / Blue Gal said...

Oh god. You made me cry. Bastid.

Anonymous said...

Awesome work my man. As usual

Anonymous said...

Bravo M. Drifty... bravo!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You need a better class of trolls.

driftglass said...

Serves me right for settling for the free trolls that come with Blogger.

Anonymous said...

One thing you can be sure of; he's not a soldier. Just a social illiterate. Rudderless in a bag of skin. Got the hate thing down too. But torture is only weewy weewy wong when it is done unto us; not when we do it unto others.

Excellent work, Drift.

Cirze said...

And thank you, Michael, for lifting the mood.

I'm feewwing weewy much better now. Twolls all gone.

And Dg,

This should be the cover of the next Newsweek.

Excellent work.


Anonymous said...

hmm im sick and tired of dumb fuck ignorant people like the guy who made this along with all the slugs that crawl behind them following the trail of shit they leave behind. one, i feel that it is a disgrace to our nation. two, i really dont understand how you "dems" want the US, our FREE nation, to take care of all humanitarian problems in the world but cant understand the violence that comes with it. i will say im not a supporter of what all has been done in the past four years but honestly be glad that you can voice that opinion of yours. you have no idea what is needed to to run the country and im not saying i do, but i dont think you'll ever be satisfied with anything that this country tries to do outside of our country. i will say though as a simple statement it works, but still you should be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

As you insist on continuing to take childish advantage of this
uncensored forum, let's see if I've got this right:

You're "sick and tired," especially of those you consider ignorant.
And those conditions cause you to hate and deride others like a high school bully.

You feel that pointing out we torture human beings against our nation's
expressed principle that we do not torture, "disgraces our nation."
Pointing out our nation's hypocrisy is worse than the torture itself.

You "really don't understand" why "dems" want to solve global
"humanitarian problems" and assume they "can't understand
the violence that comes with it."
You're right; you really don't understand. Our relatively "FREE nation"
doesn't exist in a vacuum; childish thinkers like you who don't yet
understand our global responsibilities as the leader of the "Free" world
might want to STFU until you do.

You're "not a supporter" of the trashing of America by Republicans
in only the "past four years," and insist we should "be glad" we're still
allowed to "voice" our opinions.
The implication that all Americans should be satisfied merely to be
allowed to point out America's ugly doings rather than strive to change
it is simply asinine. Study our real history.

You're "not saying" you have any idea on how to "run the country,"
but seem certain others don't either, because you think they will not
"ever be satisfied with anything that this country tries to do outside of our country."
Your stunning lack of insight notwithstanding, you appear to be a young
white male with no education other than your self-serving prejudices.
There's something besides hatred and stupidity between your ears, and now
is an excellent time to start nurturing that instead. Become an educated citizen.

Finally, you say the graphic "works" but that Driftglass should be "ashamed."
No. You are the only one commenting here who should be ashamed.
Your comments demonstrate to all of us you're the phony American here,
whether it's because you're young, ignorant, and misinformed, or you're
so filled with hate you can't think straight. Rescue your personal dignity
by spending your time studying our country and its ideals before running
off at the mouth in public forums that are beyond your grasp.

Cirze said...

Thanks for your kind comment, Michael.

I just hope the anonymous commenter had the attention span to read to the end of it. He might learn something yet.

Hope springs eternal(ly)?


Anonymous said...

thank you actually for that very informative piece. as the person who wrote the one you are commenting on, i honestly would like to say that im glad i got that response. to some degree you have me pretty figured out. i am young yes. however hatred is the complete opposite of my nature whether you may believe it or not. i do feel that our country does have an obligation to help the world. it is filled with wrong doings even with in our own nation but why do we honestly try to help out? i personally feel like it can be looked at a few ways. one we help out because we have the power to and that we feel that we can't let it go on. two because we want something out of it. whether it be oil or whether it be control or whatever it may be it can be looked at as if there is a "prize" for it. but with the amount of variables that need to be watched over to run a country, it becomes a very difficult task to try to do things outside of our borders. i would say to do it properly, yes, there needs to be a solid plan before anything is done. we need allies and the input of other nations. we need to be not just "a nation united" but a string of nations united to fight it. yes we went about this whole thing wrong for the past 8 years i dont disagree with statements that say that(pardon, i put 4 last time). i feel that if there is a great amount of pressure on someone to do something they can easily not think logically. if that principle translates to a nation putting pressure on someone to take action the same is possible. i would like to say i wouldnt happen cause it shouldnt, but it is a possibility. with the checks an balances of our government it should be an impossibility but it isnt cause when anyone is given power, there is always the chance that it will be abused. i also would like to say that torture of persons by our military is despicable and should have harsh consequences. the leaders should take responsibility of it along with the people who did it, yeah. to be honest im running out things that i would like to talk about but i just want to say i take pride in this country and am very fortunate to be living in it. i think this nation has a ways to go before we can be happy with the way the government acts and we should have more say than we do. it upset me to see a symbol of our nation to be displayed with such a brutal scene. but i will say, it is a very cunning image and is very ingenious, i just personally dislike it. sorry to have put such an "ignorant" comment on here, my bad. but i do want to sincerely ask just one last question, why should we treat them differently then they treat us when we are imprisoned? i know, morals, and what we stand for. i dont think we should, but it's just some food for thought.

Cirze said...

I've got some food for thought for you, Anonymous.

Apply to a local community college, if you don't want to attend a 4-year college or university, and take some courses in Political Science, particularly courses focusing on the Constitution and why it makes the United States of America different from countries that don't have one. Then, follow it up with some history and English courses. I would suggest American History around the time of the American Revolution for a starter. Study the history of our Founding Fathers. Read the documents that we have cherished throughout our 250 years as a separate country from England written by Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, George Washington, James Madison, James Monroe, Benjamin Franklin, Tom Paine, Patrick Henry and Abigail Adams.

Yes, I'm an educator. I've taught at community colleges and full-time 4-year universities, and I guarantee you that there are many things you can learn to feed your hunger for knowledge.

You seem like someone who might actually enjoy and benefit from getting some "higher education."

Good luck to you!


Tild Dallelie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Oh man, that's killer.

As usual, just when I think I've really got the hang of this photochops stuff, along comes driftglass to knock me back to my true level of feeble.

I grovel, sir.

vanderleun said...

Promise us you won't join the rest of your ilk for the ritual suicide come mid-November. Don't move to Canada either.