Thursday, December 10, 2020

Republican Strategist Mike Murphy is Everything Mike Murphy Hates About His Republican Party

(artwork by Blue Gal) 

After spending half an hour performing the obligatory ritual "How did all these Republicans get into my Republican Party?" shocked indignation circle jerk with Bulwark podcast host Charlie Sykes and railing on the cravens and halfwits who now make up 120% of his GOP over their bottomless supply of increasingly ludicrous excuses for sticking with Trump, veteran Republican strategist Mike Murphy and former wingnut radio goon Charlie Sykes had the following exchange, into which I have sprinkled emphasis to attract your attention.

Also, Mike Murphy does not actually live in Georgia so this is more of an "If I was a Georgia voter..." sorta thing.

Sykes:  So hey, I've gotta back up a little bit.  Did I hear you say that you might actually vote for Kelly Loeffler?

Murphy: tweeted.  I'd had a drink or two and of course the leftwing Twittersphere went crazy!  I was watching this horrible debate...

Sykes:  It was bad.

Murphy:  And I said, "My problem..." -- and I wrote a piece about this for The Bulwark some months back -- " like many Never Trumpers I'm in the tortured debate between should we hold the Senate or should we not."  "We" Republicans.  'Cause I... I... haven't left the party.  I'm staying to fight to the end on this.  And so I... I... eventually came to kinda the weak argument that a Senate where McConnell has a one vote advantage might incentivize... might give Biden some cover to stay in the Center...

driftglass:  So you're going to vote to continue giving the American fascist party a choke-hold on the Senate to help out... Joe Biden?  Please, do go on!

Murphy:  ...and might incentivize the Republicans who aren't running for president -- so, haha, you can take out ten senators -- um. uh, to actually do a few things, 'cause it would be in their political interest, and they'd have some... some realpolitik forcing them to.  So out of the equation I thought, alright, I probably want one of these two chuckleheads to win down there in Georgia.  But, and, y'know ideologically, I'm not with Ralph Warnock although I think he is the superior person in many ways to Loeffler.  So I Tweeted "Um, if I thought Perdue was gonna lose I'd... I'd probably have to vote for Kelly Loeffler and then go vomit and wish I was writing in Paul Coverdale.  My old client, by the way! ... so, of course Twitter exploded.   But I... I'm torn between vengeance on the gutless Republicans in the Senate and ideological need for balance, and I've been tilting for the one-vote Senate.  But I'm not...y'know, it's a tough call!  They're so bad!

driftglass:  So we need "ideological balance"... between the fucking fascist party (which you have no intention of leaving) and the not fascist party?  Please continue!

Sykes:  It is... it is... it is a tough call, and... and I certainly would like to have ideological balance.  But I gotta tell you I'm all-in right now on vengeance.

Murphy:  I...I don't blame ya.

Sykes:  I mean salt the earth, burn them down vengeance because this... this horrible moment that we're in right now where you see the president who is undermining democracy... is only possible because of these down-ballot Republicans. The mediocrity of the elected Republican congress is just stunning.  Uh... uh... an... uh... and look I love David French, I'm a Frenchist, you know he made the case "Don't burn it all down."  Well, y'know, two years ago, part of his "Don't burn it all down." philosophy was that we needed to vote for "honorable Republicans" like -- are you ready for this -- Marsha Blackburn.

Murphy:  Ha, ha, ha!

There follows a long back and forth about how shitty the GOP is.  How hollow and debased and morally bankrupt they are and how Trump would be nothing without the Republican stooges in congress propping him up.

And yet...

Murphy:  So yeah, yeah, I hear ya.  I have vengeance on my mind too.  But then again I got into this business because I think the Left hurts the people it tried to help.  And so I'm... I'm... I... my last Tweet is, y'know, the firestorm of people named, y'know, "BidenLove/TrotskyRocks" or whatever on Twitter, was look, I'm glad I don't vote there.  And if I though Perdue -- who's a jerk, by the way.  I never liked the stuff he used to say about uh... uh... Romney -- I would take him over her.  She's so hopelessly mediocre and pliable. But, um, I'm glad I don't vote there.  

So we leave Mike Murphy trying maintain his viability as a paid Republican strategist by mouthing exactly the same puerile excuses for staying with Team Evil that he just spent 30 minutes excoriating other Republican chuckleheads for hiding behind...

...and turn to the matter of why I despair of attempts to "reform" of the Republican Party.

Because this, cats and kittens, is where "reform" movement stands.

On the one have, we have Republicans like Murphy who are clear-eyed about what a shitpile their party has become but are determined to remain so knee-walking drunk on Both Siderist scamper juice that however low his party sinks, he believes they must be kept in power in some way because the Left is even worse.

On the other hand we have the legion of Never Trumpers in the media who will all agree that, sure, the GOP is fucked in the head now, but that the party was doing just fine until "four or five years ago"  when "Donald Trump showed up".

In other words kids, burn the lifeboats.

No Half Measures


Anonymous said...

Burn the goddamn fucking lifeboats.

tony in san diego said...

Unlike the Republican Party, that hurts the people it tried to hurt

wibble said...

Lincoln shoulda let Sherman finish the fuckin' job.

Robt said...


I hate big government. So I am going to get elected as a small government republican and inflate government to be much bigger.

I hate democrats ahd their government socialism like giving free stuff to people, like food stamps for the needy desperate poor becuase the free market didn't correct that imperfection on its own. Yet, I will pour every socialist dollars as a republican on corporations and the wealthy that owns them.

Enforcing free market principals by using big intrusive republican government to interfere with foreign free trade markets to force foreign markets to pay more for our products. Causing a trade war and now using big GOP government to provide socialism for the farmers foreign market profit losses they incurred.

Tax payers are forced to pay for Congressmen and their families and their staffers health care even if they cannot afford it for themselves and their families. Because "those people" need to pick them selves up by their bootstraps and not be so damn lazy and begging for free stuff from other people. Unlike being born into a wealthy family who can afford health care because that new born baby earned that health care.

This s a long list of ridiculous GOP claims.

Never once have I gotten a republican to point to on place on this Earth, this solar system and name the exact example of the free market?

These life boats you speak of, not one of them are covered under free market principles but rather the Marxist socialism wing of the GOP. Which is the entire GOP. It is just that socialism if for special use that only selected entities are qualified and capable of receiving other people's money and be responsible with it. The very wealthy and corporate are so handicapped than anyone else to pull their own boot straps.

jjdaddyo said...

Murphy is what I call a "shy Biden voter". He (might have) voted against Trump, but I'll bet my next non-existent stimulus check that he voted for every other Republican on his ballot. Because, you know, Susan Collins or whoever is "one of the good ones".

Neo Tuxedo said...

Every Confederate leader above the rank of buck private (or its period equivalent) should have become a tree decoration.

Davis said...

If only Loeffler were "mediocre". Does he know what that word even means?

Anonymous said...

"'Cause I... I... haven't left the party."

It's adorable that he thinks anyone, including his party, cares.