Friday, March 20, 2020

Professional Left Podcast #538

"Smile you sonofabitch."
--   Chief Brody, Jaws

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1 comment:

dinthebeast said...

Wyden and Klobuchar have introduced a bill for mail in voting this November.
Have you seen any of the videos of Sherrod Brown's speeches in the senate lately? Maybe we will survive.
Zsuzs shoveled the snow from behind our car so we could drive to town yesterday and buy groceries, and boy howdy it looked like the pillagers had beat us to the food.
But really, we got everything we went out for, it just took three stores to find it all.
I had to get something straight with the pharmacist at Vons, they gave me 90 enalipril tablets as a 90 day supply when I'm supposed to take them twice daily. He was right on it, said he would send a request in to my new doctor, who most likely missed the twice daily part when he sent it in, and I have 45 days worth anyway so before I run out they'll be ready for me, Hopefully.
I made sure to thank all of the grocery store employees for coming to work during the apocalypse so I could buy Cheez-Its and strawberry soda.
Coming out of the third store with the last of our items, we heard a woman checking out burst into tears and say "Oh my god, I've lost my card" three or four times before the cashier told her not to worry about it, they had her covered.
Maybe we will survive this.
Thank you again for the podcast. Tom McClintock is ahead of the luke warm Dem running against him in the primary by 11 points. So they'll face off in the general.
Sure feels strange not getting to vote for Barbara Lee any more, but it sort of gave me an idea. We are just two drops in the wave of turbo charged liberals who have been gentrified out of the East Bay, and we all vote like our lives depend on it because (newsflash!) they actually do.
So perhaps we can do even better than we did last time at getting rid of these goddamn Republicans. I think Devin Nunes is like, two districts over or some shit, and I don't know about those folks, but all of my neighbors say they have had quite enough of this awful bullshit. So who knows. Maybe we'll aim to swing Madera County and start there. I'd say district 4, but it is still R+11 so that seems like a bit of an overreach for a guy hobbling through the snow with a quad cane.
The cat has had just about all he wants of this frozen white slippery hell, thank you very much. Hopefully it will keep snowing for three more weeks and we won't have the goddamn drought to deal with this summer on top of everything else. This is wildfire country and the goddamn pine beetles have turned the woods into kindling.

-Doug in Sugar Pine