Saturday, March 21, 2020

They Say Laughter is the Best Medicine

Yes, Loud Obbs is the same Fox News disinformation disease vector who:
Less than two weeks ago, even as he reported that the virus had infected 113,000 people in 111 countries and territories around the world, Dobbs was accusing the “national left-wing media” of “playing up fears of the coronavirus” in order to drive down the stock market.
So let's just say that I'm taking a lot of medicine these days.

Help Flatten The Conservative Viral Curve.


jimbo26 said...

"Mr Dumbo is leading the charge" - lets hope he gets it as well .

rapier said...

Dobbs has to be understood as a case where because he was being paid, well, to yammer on TV in a stentorian manner, about 'the market' to start, that meant to him that whatever passed through his little mind was worth hearing. Which pretty much describes everyone on the NY Times WaPo and talking heads universe. They are absolutely convinced of their rightness because they get paid, well, and they are listened to endlessly. Why are the quoted and listened to endlessly. Because they are paid, well.

Neo Tuxedo said...

"The President makes such a thing possible for us all." Let that be carved on Loud Obbs' headstone. (The brother "Bob" doesn't talk about, because if he did, he'd have to stop smiling.)