Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Brian Stelter Defends The Commission

After all, as a journalist, your primary duty is to defend the decisions of the giant corporation that pays your salary.

Or so I am told.

A more accurate analysis of CNN's night moves can be found at this non-CNN source here.  From Vox:
CNN hires GOP operative with no journalism experience to run its 2020 coverage
Sarah Isgur once referred to her new employer as the “Clinton News Network.”
Also from WaPo:
CNN’s hiring of a GOP operative as political editor is even worse than it looks
This is why all the hughing (misspelling intentional) and crying over whatever will become of the  constellation of discredited Trump hacks and toadies après le déluge is nothing but a lot of meaningless hand-waving and Beltway virtue-signaling.

As happened with the cohort of hacks and toadies who misspent their journalist youth helping Republicans try to drive Bill Clinton from office just for shits and giggles, and the hacks and toadies who shamelessly carried water for every act of depravity by Cheney Administration, and the hacks and toadies who let the entire Republican Party put on "Tea Party" makeup and slip away in the night unmolested after the Cheney Administration collapsed, and hacks and toadies who spent the 2016 campaign perched on stools on cable teevee answering every single fucking question about Donald Trumps fitness for office with "Both Sides Do It"...

...I am absolutely confident that nothing will happen to discredited Trump hacks and toadies.  No price will be exacted.  No acts of atonement will be asked of them.  As has been true for Republican-enabling hacks and toadies for decades, they will be quietly slipped into the deck of Sunday show, cable news and op-ed column regulars, and their fellow employees will be warned to lay off asking them any questions about their sketchy past.

Depending on which Beltway gig they manage to negotiate for themselves, some of them may have to perform some small ritual of distancing themselves from the catastrophes they so enthusiastically participated in, as is happening right now with the Script Keeper:

Some of them will pen short, bloodless "mistakes were made" columns before getting back to the important job of being disappointed with the moral failings of everyone else:
David Brooks' sickening Iraq apologia: How the New York Times hack just rewrote history 
The conservative New York Times columnist explains what he's learned from his Iraq war boosting: largely nothing
Some of them, whose idea is "principle" is keeping a wet finger in the wind at all times, will simply execute a whiplash-fast pivot the minute the wind shifts and begin preaching indignantly against the position they themselves had indignantly defended just moments before. 

And some of them have such an inexplicably iron grip on the yam-sack of the Beltway that a chair will always be held open for them --
Most frequent ‘Meet the Press’ guest in 2009: Newt Gingrich.
-- no matter how often they reverse and then re-reverse themselves...

...irrespective of what they do...

...or what they say... matter how patently ludicrous...
The Man Who Broke Politics 
Newt Gingrich turned partisan battles into bloodsport, wrecked Congress, and paved the way for Trump’s rise. Now he’s reveling in his achievements. may be:
Our political media has been so irreparable broken on such a fundamental level for so long, that no individual insult to the ancient and noble profession of ink-stained wretchery surprises me any more.  It is a lawless gangster's paradise run by greedy, ruthless assholes who do not give a damn how much damage their activities inflict on the rest of us.

So when you see the occasional fleck of gold glinting in sewer of our political media, cherish it, but also remember that in 1925 when Al Capone, Chicago's bloodiest and not notorious crime boss, gave $58,000 to the police widows and orphans’ fund, he wasn't doing it out of the goodness of his heart.

It was a calculated PR strategy, staged to make it easier for him to continue his reign of mayhem and murder.

Just part of the price of doing business.

Behold, my Twitter Legal Defense Fund!


Pagan in repose said...

When I hear the name Newt I see some West Texas kid with no front teeth who is generally the biggest loser in the old Mumblety-peg game, grunting away, trying to get that muddy old peg out of the ground with his teeth or gums if you will, wish or otherwise.

That is how I see Newt Gingrich's lot in life and wish to your favorite deity it remains so for all time.

Also I'm a little sketchy on the definition of personhood for anyone willing to work for Trump Grift Inc.

Dark Phoenix (Nixa) said...

Well, they just have to make sure they get both sides! So they need a wacko Trump Republican, and a Never-Trump Republican, and of course the Libertarian Republican who wants his taxes cut, and what about a fringe Republican who is a full-out Neo-Nazi? Oh, yeah, and a Republican who used to be a Democrat but isn't anymore because the Democratic Party is just too full of socialist hacks!

See? All sides are completely covered.

Robt said...

A team of avenging restorations is called for.

They have all these home restoration shows that prove damaged items can be brought back into livability.

Like our next president and a wishful congress that could perform a congressional review on all the damage.

as a judges review to clean out all the exacerbated racist blogging judges and activist freaks that Justice Roberts has come out to scold and threaten to put them on restriction if they do not calm down and behave.

In the mean time, Newt Santorum, and every old hog that hasn't been sent to slauther will be forced fed on us.

Circle of Jerk,

Richard Barr confirmed as AG. Known for managing pardons. One of them Elliot Abrams.
here we are again, Barr in place as AG and rehired convict and perjurer/ criminal Elliot Abrams is back in place to repeat his wonders on South America.
The recipient of a pardon Then AG Barr managed for Abrams and his ill doings. Together again.

Mimicking many major networks that are determined to make you hear the lies they are brought on to speak.

As put by one of these gifted network hosts, "it is not my job to confront or question what my guests I bring on to flounder to viewers".

Meremark said...

Pile on

Isgur set to end legal abortions like Newt got his flop gals. Media Matters kills.

CNN suicides.

Hal Rager said...

I observe that the normalization of our continuing psychotic decline in discourse continues apace. Now that the Overton Window has been moved sufficiently to allow all possible permutations of this Administration and the GOP Party's insanity we are prepared for the demonization of all those to the left of Stephen Miller. Good times…

Robt said...

Aren't we all waiting for them to talk to Reagan or Nixon via a Seance?