Tuesday, January 31, 2012

How to Win an Argument With a Liberal


Step One:  Take one, cogent, well-written Digby post which -- in passing -- cuts a deep, bloody gouge out of Andrew Sullivan's massive and painfully well-documented professional and ideological hypocrisy.*

Step Two: Lop off a big chunk of the piece's inconvenient "context" which gives it its moral and political momentum.

Step Three:  Repackage Digby's now-truncated argument into the argument you wish she would have made so that you can rebut it with the kind of willfully obtuse narcissism that only America's premiere Gay Catholic Tory can muster.

Step Four:  Ignore the hilarious irony that the willfully obtuse narcissism with which your rebuttal is written was exactly what Digby was taking you to task for in her post.

Step Five:  Make sure your blog does not accept comments.

* link fixed. my apologies.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Moon

Some choose to go to the Moon. Some choose to believe that the purpose of government in a representative democracy is to take up the greatest educational, environmental and economic burdens and challenges that we face as a nation, and that rational people contending in the public arena is the best way to thrash out our differing priorities.

And some choose to believe the Earth is 9,000 years old. That any collective action taken on behalf "We The People..." is evil.  That any government beyond sending them Social Security checks and cutting their taxes is evil.  That rationality is elitist. That facts are irrelevant. That any opposition to their disastrous superstitions and paranoia is evil. That compromise is evil.

For the former, there is now no greater cultural imperative than insuring the electoral extinction of the latter.

The safe and orderly demolition of the Right is our generation's Moon shot.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Modern Conservative Movement

80% paranoid imbeciles squatting in the rubble of the Space Age raging about Negroes and socialism.

20% hucksters turning a buck by pandering to the rage and paranoia of rubble-squatting morons.

From the Washington Post:
Paul pursued strategy of publishing controversial newsletters, associates say

By Jerry Markon and Alice Crites, Published: January 27

Ron Paul, well known as a physician, congressman and libertarian , has also been a businessman who pursued a marketing strategy that included publishing provocative, racially charged newsletters to make money and spread his ideas, said three people with direct knowledge of Paul’s businesses.

The Republican presidential candidate has denied writing inflammatory passages in the pamphlets from the 1990s and said recently that he did not read them at the time or for years afterward. Numerous colleagues said he does not hold racist views.

But people close to Paul’s operations said he was deeply involved in the company that produced the newsletters, Ron Paul & Associates, and closely monitored its operations, signing off on articles and speaking to staff members virtually every day.

“It was his newsletter, and it was under his name, so he always got to see the final product. . . . He would proof it,’’ said Renae Hathway, a former secretary in Paul’s company and a supporter of the Texas congressman’s.

The newsletters point to a rarely seen and somewhat opaque side of Paul, who has surprised the political community by becoming an important factor in the Republican race. The candidate, who has presented himself as a kindly doctor and political truth teller, declined in a recent debate to release his tax returns, joking that he would be “embarrassed” about his income compared with that of his richer GOP rivals.

Yet a review of his enterprises reveals a sharp-eyed businessman who for nearly two decades oversaw the company and a nonprofit foundation, intertwining them with his political career. The newsletters, which were launched in the mid-1980s and bore such names as the Ron Paul Survival Report, were produced by a company Paul dissolved in 2001.

The company shared offices with his campaigns and foundation at various points, said those familiar with the operation. Public records show Paul’s wife and daughter were officers of the newsletter company and foundation; his daughter also served as his campaign treasurer.

Jesse Benton, a presidential campaign spokesman, said that the accounts of Paul’s involvement were untrue and that Paul was practicing medicine full time when “the offensive material appeared under his name.” Paul “abhors it, rejects it and has taken responsibility for it as he should have better policed the work being done under his masthead,” Benton said. He did not comment on Paul’s business strategy.

‘I’ve never read that stuff’

Mark Elam, a longtime Paul associate whose company printed the newsletters, said Paul “was a busy man” at the time. “He was in demand as a speaker; he was traveling around the country,’’ Elam said in an interview coordinated by Paul’s campaign. “I just do not believe he was either writing or regularly editing this stuff.’’ In the past, Paul has taken responsibility for the passages because they were published under his name. But last month, he told CNN that he was unaware at the time of the controversial passages. “I’ve never read that stuff. I’ve never read — I came — was probably aware of it 10 years after it was written,’’ Paul said.

A person involved in Paul’s businesses, who spoke on condition of anonymity to avoid criticizing a former employer, said Paul and his associates decided in the late 1980s to try to increase sales by making the newsletters more provocative. They discussed adding controversial material, including racial statements, to help the business, the person said.

“It was playing on a growing racial tension, economic tension, fear of government,’’ said the person, who supports Paul’s economic policies but is not backing him for president. “I’m not saying Ron believed this stuff. It was good copy. Ron Paul is a shrewd businessman.’’

The articles included racial, anti-Semitic and anti-gay content. They claimed, for example, that the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. “seduced underage girls and boys’’; they ridiculed black activists by suggesting that New York be named “Zooville” or “Lazyopolis”; and they said the 1992 Los Angeles riots ended “when it came time for the blacks to pick up their welfare checks.’’ The June 1990 edition of the Ron Paul Political Report included the statement: “Homosexuals, not to speak of the rest of society, were far better off when social pressure forced them to hide their activities.”

It is unclear precisely how much money Paul made from his newsletters, but during the years he was publishing them, he reduced his debts and substantially increased his net worth, according to his congressional and presidential disclosure reports.

In 1984, he reported debt of up to $765,000, most of which was gone by 1995, when he reported a net worth of up to $3.3 million. Last year, he reported a net worth of up to $5.2 million.

The idea that Ron Paul would neither know nor care nor ever hear even a single word of feedback about what was was going on with his cash cow was always ludicrous.

And anyway, I don't know what the big surprise is: the is exactly the same strategy Fox News, Hate Radio, Regnery Press, etc. uses to reliably rake in billions of dollars and millions of votes year after years after year.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Von Clueless Award Nominee

"Today's "conservatives" would use the impeachment provision to oppose an elected president's fiscal policies. If you want to to grasp just how much contempt they really have for the Constitution and the institutions of government - something actual conservatives care about - absorb that fact." - Andrew Sullivan

"Today's "conservatives"?



2d Session

House Resolution 611  
Resolved, That William Jefferson Clinton, President of the United States, is impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors, and that the following articles of impeachment be exhibited...

Introduced December 15, 1998 

Let's see now...January 2012...minus December 1998...carry the Y2K problem...equals...a long ass time ago, Mr. Sullivan.

More than enough years of Conservative treachery and treason clearly visible as far as the eye can see for anyone with a functional cerebral cortex and a conscience to figure that the GOP is an irredeemable shitpile of bigots, Christopaths and plutocrats, who will never stop hag-riding this country from one disaster to another until they are driven to political extinction.

Professional Left Podcast #112

“Neither have they hearts to stay, nor wit enough to run away."
-- Anonymous


Da' money goes here:

The Lament of the CEO

I didn't write this: I lifted it from "DUGLARRI" in the comment section of this New Yorker article, added one additional line at the end and posted it here because I felt it needed some additional air time.

The Lament of the CEO

I didn't complain when we sent the assembly jobs overseas because I'm not an assembly worker.

I wasn't concerned when we sent the tech support to India because I'm not in tech support.

I didn't sweat when we sent the R&D overseas because I'm not a scientist.

I wasn't worried when we sent finance, legal, and marketing overseas because I'm not a marketer, or a lawyer, or a finance person.

Now one of my former suppliers is selling a new product just like mine, but for half what I can sell it for.

I won't complain now, either, because I'm too busy looking for a new job.

Curse those damn hippies for doing this to me!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

From High Atop Mt. Resume

I look across at the apex of American Journalism.

Someone on a previous comment thread wanted to know what I did for a living since I "can't get a job in journalism" and since Willard Romney is a fine, hardworking Murrican and not a mooching, useless Liberal eater like me.

Or something.

So, here you go, expanded a little from what I left in my own comment section, with name and dates fuzzed out to protect the insolent indolent innocent.

My job?

I am currently unemployed and looking for full time work.

Over the last 3 years -- since being laid off from a very demanding, multi-disciplinary position (everything from performance management to writing white papers to managing remote facilities) at which I worked for 10 years, and routinely put in 80-100 hrs/week (no overtime when you are in management) -- I have been underemployed, and have worked several part-time or temporary contract gigs for organizations which desperately wanted to bring me on full time but had their budgets slashed as a direct or indirect result of the Great Recession.

I have also just about exhausted everything I carefully put aside for a rainy day during those years because I never imagined it would rain so long and so hard.

In the past I have been (since leaving puberty behind and in no particular order) a computer programmer and systems analyst, a college professor, corporate trainer, an IT manager, research manager, editor, grant writer, regular writer, senior executive in charge of damn-near-everything from speechwriting to strategic planning to making the PowerPoints look purdy, a policy wonk, performance management guy, project manager, department reorganizer, consultant several times over, a direct social service provider and much more.

I have briefed congressional staff on more than one occasion, prepared bosses for public hearings, and addressed foreign delegations.

I have been on the radio several times, done public speaking, and sold a few stories here and there.

I have made many inquiries about work in the journalism/pundit trade -- in print or in front of a mic and/or camera -- and have never heard back from anyone. I have sent out lots of resumes and inquiries for many other things and, for the most part, have never heard back from anyone. I don't take any of that personally because shouting into an abyss is just how it is in the working world today.

On my last gig, I was heavily recruited for a full-time job by both my boss and his boss. I went through an intense, week-long series of interviews and psych, IQ and "cultural fit" exams. After they were done, I was told I had a virtual lock on the job. That I was perfect for it.   My boss was excited.  His boss was excited.  HR was excited because the number of hoops they had to leap through to hire anyone at this place exhausted them and they were always glad when it looked like the end was in sight.  Then, two days before my temporary contract ended, the president of the organization abruptly decided that she wanted to move in a "different direction".  My contract was not extended and I was let go. My boss was in tears. His boss apologized. HR was stunned.  I have not been able to find anything since.

I have also written and Photoshopped this blog almost every day for going on seven years -- rain or shine, 80-hour-work-week or unemployed-and-getting-discouraged -- and podcast  every week with Blue Gal (the 112th straight episode will drop tomorrow) which, all combined and despite the incredible kindness and generosity of my readers and our listeners, brings in considerably less than what a single, minimum wage/no benefit job would pay.

I am, of course, also an amateur historian, amateur paleontologist, definer of civilization and leader of the civilizing forces...but it turns out those gigs only pay a living wage when you can get casino moguls to write you multi-million-dollar checks :-)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The NYT's Auxiliary, Backup Conservative

Would like to share his thoughts with you.
The address made plain what has been increasingly obvious for some time. After flirting with the role of the reasonable centrist after his party’s defeat in 2010, President Obama has decided to run for re-election as a full-throated liberal populist.
Like the many of his compatriots within the ivied cloister of our Establishment Punditocracy -- from David Brooks and his ludicrous asymmetriphobic obsession with Centrism to Tom Friedman and his embarrassing public extrusions of rambly, malformed English in defense of Third Party fairy tales (from the Columbia Journalism Review) --
Over the weekend, The New York Times op-ed page published one of Tom Friedman’s periodic columns about the need for a uprising of the “radical center.” It was, unsurprisingly, terrible. Though the details of these columns change with each iteration—this one relied heavily on a new initiative called Americans Elect, which brings together two of Friedman’s favorite things, wealthy people and the Internet—the basic wrongheadedness does not.

Friedman’s idea seems to be that if only we can find some reform that will allow us to “break the oligopoly of the two-party system,” it might, someday, be possible for someone who holds 90 percent of Barack Obama’s stated policy positions—plus support for a carbon tax—to assume a position of power. Then, for reasons that aren’t entirely clear—maybe because some fantasy vice president (Michael Bloomberg?) applies some of his “pragmatic independent” pixie dust?—political dysfunction disappears, and a magical new era of “superconsensus” to solve our “superhard” problems is ushered in. Startlingly, this consensus seems to closely reflect many of Friedman’s personal policy preferences.

Friedman has been engaged in third-party wishcasting for at least five years now; Brendan Nyhan’s excellent, running blog post on third-party media hype records that back in the 2006 election cycle, Friedman longed for a “Geo-Green Party.” His “radical center” phase, though, seems to be inspired by the Tea Party era. Friedman has devoted columns to this mythical middle at least three times since spring 2010. They’re as predictable as the tides, or a hackneyed lede about a conversation with a taxi driver or tech entrepreneur.
--  I long ago lost interest in the meat and taters of what Mr. Douthat had to say about pretty much everything.

Instead, like Brooks and Friedman, it is the mere fact of  Mr. Douthat's existence that I find fascinating. As if the Opportunity rover had suddenly spotted a Fiddler Crab wandering the surface of Mars while singing honky-tonk in Portuguese, or an archivist had unearthing a manuscript proving that Leonardo da Vinci was 77 meters tall and that he invented bar codes and Velcro, it would not be the physical size of such  discoveries -- their weight or height -- that would make them profound, but the implications of those discoveries which would reorder our thinking about the Universe.

Thus it is with Ross Douthat -- a silly little man scuttling across the surface of a world where every notion of common sense and meritocracy says he should not be.  And scuttling right along beside him?  Mr. Brooks and Mr Friedman, each also blithe defying the laws of logic and competence and prospering in an environment where they really, really have no business existing at all.  All protected within an expensive and well-maintained media bunker which prevents any of the consequences of their follies and idiocies from blowing back on them in the slightest degree.

It is a puzzle, and as someone who is both very interested in how all kinds of organizations perform -- in how and why they succeed or fail or bamboozle themselves into committing suicide -- and who also loves fiddling with minimum information puzzles, I find it almost irresistible to try and deduce what possible concatenation of dysfunctions, delusions and very poor management decisions must have taken place at the New York Times to result in them simultaneously ensconcing Messrs. Douthat, Friedman and Brooks together on the editorial page of America's Newspaper of Record.

Such is my curse.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Today in Centerville -- SOTU UPDATE


UPDATE:  When I wrote this long piece today, I swear I had no idea how perfectly it would tongue-in-groove fit together with the manufacturing and job training sections of Barack Obama's State of the Union speech.  I had  just effing had it with David Brooks (once again) getting away with dropping another steaming load of pernicious Centrist claptrap into the pages of the NYT.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

If I had never written a blog post in my life, I believe the sheer brass of  Mr. Brooks'  calculated malfeasance today would inspire me to learn Blogger or WordPad just so I could publicly detail the cardinal and venial sin he commits against honest journalism this time around.

You see, in a Basic David Brooks Column/Variation #3 (a heartwarming tale of human spirit overcomingness cribbed from somewhere bolted to yet another completely dishonest indictment of "Both Sides") you might have to run a couple of hydrostatic tests on the thing to find the bad weld or the false bottom -- not that hard, but it does require some experience.

But today?  Today was easy because Mr. Brooks pooped a solid ingot of stupid onto the New York Times editorial page with barely a lick of paint to cover the crime --
Free-Market Socialism
The idiocy of our current political debate is that neither side seems capable of talking about the interplay of economic and social forces. Most of the Republican candidates talk as if all that is needed is more capitalism. But lighter regulation and lower taxes won’t, on their own, help the Maddie Parliers of the world get the skills they need to compete.

Democrats, meanwhile, have shifted their emphasis from lifting up the poor to pounding down the rich. Democratic candidates no longer emphasize early childhood education and community-building. Instead they embrace the pseudo-populist Occupy Wall Street hokum — the opiate of the educated classes.

This materialistic ethos emphasizes reducing inequality instead of expanding opportunity. Its policy prescriptions begin (and sometimes end) with raising taxes on the rich. This makes you feel better if you detest all the greed-heads who went into finance. It does nothing to address those social factors, like family breakdown, that help explain why American skills have not kept up with technological change
-- and he did it on a topic I just  happen to know oodles about: labor markets, education and training systems, the huge and ever-growing training gap, manufacturing, etc.
If President Obama is really serious about restoring American economic dynamism, he needs an aggressive two-pronged approach: More economic freedom combined with more social structure; more competition combined with more support.
As a survey of nearly 10,000 Harvard Business School grads by Michael Porter and Jan Rivkin makes clear, to get companies to locate their plants in the U.S., Obama is going to have to simplify the tax code, cut corporate rates, streamline regulations, make immigration policy more flexible and balance the budget over the long term.

To ensure there’s skilled labor for those plants, Obama would have to champion different policies: successful training programs like Job Corps, better coordination between colleges and employers, better treatment for superstar teachers, more child care options and better early childhood education.
Yes, I am forced to confess that in addition to have versed myself thoroughly in things like science fiction (both canonical and arcane), I also own and have actually read such action-packed bodice-rippers as:
"Skill Wars: Winning the Battle for Productivity and Profit" 
"The 2010 Meltdown: Solving the Impending Jobs Crisis" 
"Trying Hard Is Not Good Enough" (on how to correctly measure and make sense of system changes) 
"Universities in the Marketplace: The Commercialization of Higher Education" 
"Creating Public Value -- Strategic Management in Government"
And so forth. 

("...and I think I've understood them. 
They're about girls, right? 
Just kidding. 
But I have to say my all-time favorite book is Johnny Cash's autobiography "Cash" by Johnny Cash.")*

I have a bookshelf full of the stuff which I am in the process of putting up for adoption because,
  1. I honestly don't know if I will ever again have chance to use in a professional capacity, and 
  2. These aren't the sorts of tomes that any sane person would haul around for recreational reading.
I'm also the sort of wonk who has a dozen board-feet of policy documents quietly oxidizing somewhere in cold storage, along with the regs for various government training  projects and initiatives, reviews of high school and community college curriculum and just an ass-load of material on what are known as "sector-based" programs because they figure out what sectors are most active and long-term viable in the local economy and then concentrate on getting all the players -- labor and management, business and gummint -- to work together to strengthen that sector for everyone's mutual advantage.

And working together on a local level is key, which is why flogging the President of the United State for not being able to force the owners of some metal stamping plant in Peoria to play nice with the members of the local school board is just one of the many, many layers of infantile incomprehension at how the real world really works with which Mr. Brooks' horseshit hoagie is piled high.

For example, does Mr. Brooks have any any idea how many hundreds of thousands of dollars -- sometimes million of dollars -- it costs to set up and maintain a decent manufacturing training program at a community college?  Does the factory Mr. Brooks mentions -- "Standard Motor Products, which makes fuel injectors" -- exist within a cluster of similar plants where the pool of potential trainees who might all need similar training on similar machines makes such a large capital investment makes sense...or would such a facility stand idle most of the time?

Given the high demand for these skills, and the high wages that go along with them, how exactly does Mr. Brooks plan to lure competent machinists off the factory floor and into the classroom to teach his programs?  Will  Mr. Brooks' program(s) offer academic credit, industry certification or will he force the local community college board and business leaders to build a curriculum that will do both?  Will the credit be transferable to the nearest four-year institution, or will a student who want to move onward and upward discover find that his hundreds of hours have been consigned to some non-degree-seeking Adult Ed limbo and have to start over?

Will there be night classes for the locals who already have a job but need to upgrade their skills?

Are you going to drug-screen people?

Oh, and who exactly is paying for all of this?   Because regardless of what Mr. Brooks seems to believe, the President of the United States does not personally stand outside every unemployment office and community college in America asking people what they want to do with the rest of their lives, testing them for aptitude and then handing out vouchers for whatever their school will cost.  That money may come from a lot of different sources , but if you want your local employment and training system to foot any of the bill, then you'd better make damn sure the whole thing is certified by the local workforce board.

Any such system will, of course, have any number of strong advocates for spending all of these scarce resources on entirely different things like training nurses or long-distance truck driver, so I assume Mr. Brooks has figured out a way to set up the hundreds of local governing bodies that will make all these very local decisions in a way that will keep everybody happy, or at least willing to forgo sabotaging the entire enterprise.  Or is assuming that the President will attend to each of these concerns personally?

By the way, the local factors and considerations I have ticked off so far?   These are just the ones I came up off the top of my head after an exhausting trek across the state last night and they barely scratch the surface.  We could, for example, kill a mighty good bottle of scotch and not cover the half of variables involved in hashing out the pros and cons of  "distance-learning" (Will it be permitted?  Encouraged?  Prohibited?)  or putting newbies and experience workers in the same classroom?

And after that, if you then wanted to talk about the horrors of trying to get a community college to risk its financial security to re-calibrate its 20-years-out-of-date degree program (and its 20-years-out-of-date instructors and equipment) in order to graduate students with industry certifications you would also have to agree to make time to solve the problem of getting some pterodactyl in a company's HR department to risk their job security by re-calibrating their 20-years-out-of-date job descriptions, rustic workplace culture and often just-plain-ridiculous expectations, because it ain't just public institutions who have failed us.

We would also need to talk about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (aka "da stimulus") which Mr. Brooks failed to mention spent hundreds of millions of dollars (while working inside an absurdly constricted 18 month spending window) advancing every one of the issues he is bitching about.

We would also need to talk succession planning, employee buyouts, and a culture that says encouraging a student to take up a trade instead of focusing on college is an insult and possibly racist, because they are all interrelated and all in urgent!urgent!urgent! need of attention.

As I said, if this were my first blog post, I would take my freshly-minted, community college trained, industry-certified blogging skills and write a long, shapely jeremiad encompassing all of this.  I'd spill 10,000 words wondering how Mr. Brooks can keep getting away with dropping such grotesque distortions into the op-ed pages of the New York Times.

Wondering who -- by name -- permits this disgrace to go on and on and interminably on?

Wondering who keeps allowing Mr. Brooks to just wish away ugly reality of the fanatical and united opposition that this President faces on Every. Single.  Fucking.  Issue. so that he can spew his malevolent Centrist lies again and again and again.

But this is not my first blog post. This is, in fact, getting up toward my 3,700th, and I know for sure that I will never get an answer to any of questions no matter how many times I ask them, no matter how often they are email to the people involved, and no matter what font I use.

And yet, if only for the sake of ordering my own thoughts -- and for the sake of a notation made in some future record of this time and place that back in the Bad Old Days when clowns like Mr. Brooks were paid vast sums of money and given virtually unlimited access to the American media, there were at least a few voices pointing out that our media Emperors had been bare-assed nekkid all along -- I feel compelled to carry on.

But rather than wrenching my back carrying more adjectives down from the attic, allow me to restate Mr. Brooks' key paragraph --
To ensure there’s skilled labor for those plants, Obama would have to champion different policies: successful training programs like Job Corps, better coordination between colleges and employers, better treatment for superstar teachers, more child care options and better early childhood education.
-- and use Teh Internet to make my case.

Here is a video of Candidate Obama pointing to an innovative Chicago high school -- Austin Polytechnical Academy -- by name as an example of what his administration wanted to do.   This school was created in one of Chicago's toughest neighborhoods -- a  neighborhood which had been destroyed by decades of deindustrialized, disinvestment and vulture  capitalism.

 A year later, here is Senator Dick Durbin visiting the same school and listening to the kids tell him him about coffee manufacturing


Here is the same school featured on the News Hour. 

Here is a link to President Barack Obama promoting manufacturing in Iowa.

Here is a link to President Barack Obama promoting manufacturing in Michigan.

Here is a link to President Barack Obama announcing his Advanced Manufacturing Partnership.

Here is a link to President Barack Obama calling for big investments in high-tech manufacturing in Pittsburgh.

Here is a link to President Barack Obama calling for big investments in advance manufacturing in the energy sector.

Here is President Barack Obama addressing a joint session of Congress last year and asking for their support for his job's plan:
"Already, we've mobilized business leaders to train 10,000 American engineers a year, by providing company internships and training. Other businesses are covering tuition for workers who learn new skills at community colleges. And we're going to make sure the next generation of manufacturing takes root not in China or Europe, but right here, in the United States of America"

Here is President Barack Obama begging Congress to help him provide the unmployed with temporary assistance and a path to finding permanent employment:

Here is President Barack Obama asking Congress to help him make "America more competitive for the long haul" by doing what is necessary to "out-build and out-educate and out-innovate every other country on Earth"
"As I've argued since I ran for this office, we have to look beyond the immediate crisis and start building an economy that lasts into the future -- an economy that creates good, middle-class jobs that pay well and offer security. We now live in a world where technology has made it possible for companies to take their business anywhere. If we want them to start here and stay here and hire here, we have to be able to out-build and out-educate and out-innovate every other country on Earth."

Here is a link to the Department of Labor's Annual reports page, which is packed with information from all 50 states and every major metroplitan area on the progress that has been made in trying to fix the decade's old problem of getting people into good jobs with a decent future

Here is a link a PDF on the Department of Labor's Annual reports page which shows what the State of Illinois has been up to in running sector-based training and employment programs.

And here is a link to Barack Obama talking to the workers at a Chrysler plant in Toledo, Ohio about the success of his bailout of the America automobile industry, because it turns out that in order to build a bridge between the people who are looking for a decent job and an industry that needs well-trained people, you first have to save that industry from complete annihilation.

I could go on like this for another 100 pages, but I hope I have made my point.

I should also mention that to find these "Obama + manufacturing" videos online, one has to be willing to wade through an ocean of Republican bile, lies and unified, fanatical opposition to Every. Single. Fucking thing President Obama has proposed: a unified, fanatical opposition which Mr. Brooks simply refuses to acknowledge because doing so would screw up the incredibly lucrative Centrist scam off of which he and so many others like him parasitically feed.

But whatever the craven Mr. Brooks chooses to pretend, over in the wingnut universe where most of his Republican jackal pals reside, the auto industry -- that pillar of the manufacturing industry in America and creator of the very jobs Mr. Brooks is talking about -- was not and is not discussed as just another market sector need of "lighter regulation and lower taxes"  but as a massive front group for Evil Union Thugs which should have been allowed to crash and burn (taking all of its second- and third- tier suppliers with it) in a glorious bonfire of pure freedom-luvin' laissez-faire capitalism.

And this truly deranged idea -- that what the American Economy most needed in the depths of the Great Recession was massive, collapse which would have put additional millions out of work -- was not a belief the fringe nutjobs whispered about in quiet rooms: it was a broad, wingnut consensus which virtually the entire Conservative brain caste including GOP candidate and future-David-Brooks-meal-ticket, Willard Romney

was only too happy to shout from the rooftops.

Weird how Mr. Brooks seems to have overlooked or forgotten all of that, isn't it?

Mr. Brooks also seems to have overlooked or forgotten the fact that even modest, non-partisan legislative efforts like the Strengthening Employment Clusters to Organize Regional Success Act -- which was designed to target funding directly at the issue he identifies --
Strengthening Employment Clusters to Organize Regional Success Act of 2011 or SECTORS Act of 2011 - Amends the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 to require the Secretary of Labor to award renewable three-year competitive industry or sector partnership grants to eligible entities to develop strategies that: (1) encourage growth and competitiveness through work with employers within a targeted industry cluster; (2) help workers move toward economic self-sufficiency and ensure that they have access to supportive services; (3) address the needs of firms with limited human resources or in-house training capacity, including small- and medium-sized firms; and (4) coordinate with entities that carry out state and local workforce investment, economic development, and education activities.or workers including, steadier employment with increased earnings and better access to benefits.
-- are doomed to die quiet, cloakroom deaths so long as they face the united and fanatical opposition by the leaders of Mr. Brooks' Republican Party.  And everyone knows it.

Just like he somehow manages to overlook or forget the fact that, in the wingnut universe, the mere suggestion that the United States should maybe have an "industrial policy" so that we can start to catch up with with the rest of the advanced manufacturing countries is spoken of as if Barack Obama was trying to hand the nation's nuclear lauch codes over to Cesar Chavez.

Just like he somehow manages to overlook or forget that over in the wingnut universe the appointment of Ron Bloom to coordinate Administration manufacturing policy was treated as definitive proof of a massive, secret, Maoist plot to destroy America being led by the malicious Communist-in-Chief.

Ah, but Teh Internet remember!

 A random sample finds...

...a clip of wingnut Congressman Allen West calmly explaining that Barack Obama is a Marxist.

...a clip of GOP Party boss and the most popular Conservative radio host in history -- Rush Limbaugh -- explaining that Barack Obama is a Marxist for the 851st time

...a clip of slighty-less popular Conservative radio host Mark Levin explaining that Barack Obama is a Marxist.

...a clip of noted Swiftboat Liar, Birther pimp, Conservative hero and New York Times best-selling author Jerome Corsi explaining that Barack Obama is a Marxist who will probably cancel the 2012 elections.

...and a montage of the most influential Conservative liars in American history explaining that Barack Obama is, as the young people say, everything but a child of God.

If the last seven years and +3,600 posts have taught me one thing about blogging, it is that we pottymouthed Liberals will never be a serious impediment to Mr. Brooks in any way. We will never be able to prevent him from using his national platform to repeat his pernicious lies over and over again. We will never be able to undo all damage he does, or deprogram all the credulous readers who believe every word he says.

Mr. Brooks makes a handsome living tells plutocrat-pleasing lies, and there is nothing we can do about that.

What we can do, as citizens, is tell the truth as we know it, as best we can, in any venue which is available to us and hope it does some good.

And the truth is, while I strongly disagree with many of the specific policy prescription the Obama Administration has offered up to pull us out of the terrible and widening hole our manufacturing economy is in, President Obama inherited a manufacturing education and training system that was not a system at all. It was disaster; a series of make-do patches that had been slapped onto an economic sector which has been in full retreat for 30 years.

Basic childhood education was and is a tragedy.

High schools were and are a catastrophe.

Programs for vocational education which provided exactly the kind of training and direction Mr. Brooks is whining about have been underfunded and understaffed to the point of collapse for decades while their advocates were marginalized and ignored. This happened because up until very recently we were content as country to let our manufacturing base slide into the ocean --  because everyone knew were were all gonna get rich going into computer programming!

As thousands of small, neighborhood companies vanished -- many for no reason other than a lack of succession planning by their owners -- America shrugged because who cared about a lot of old factories in bad neighborhoods anyway when everyone knew were were all gonna get rich in the stock market!

As Reaganomics came into full, horrifying flower -- as we sleepwalked into became an importer/debtor nation instead of an exporter/creditor nation --  the informal but absolutely critical pipeline of skilled workers was permitted to dry up and blow away because everyone knew were were all gonna get rich off of real estate!

And then it all fell apart almost overnight...and suddenly everybody wanted to know why the schools weren't working, why their mortgages were underwater and where all those good factory jobs had gone.

But answering those questions honestly and in full measure -- telling the simple truth about where we are, how we got here, who is working to solve our  problems and who is working to oppose every solution -- would not only fail to stroke a single plutocrat's egos, but would also freak the shit out the Great Wad who still believe in Centrist fairy tales.

Which is is why you will never read about it under Mr. Brooks' byline in the New York Times.

Monday, January 23, 2012


I don't think that word means what you think it means.

In the middle of lambasting the Right for being what they were long before he suddenly noticed, Mr. Sullivan has been trying to pick a fight with Fox News for a couple of weeks now, going so far as to repeatedly state that he had been blacklisted (one example here):
Listen to Limbaugh, the GOP's chief spokesman. How does a Romney channel that level of viciousness and rage? Listen to Hannity. How does a smooth manager reach a base that wants the same Manichean approach to foreign policy, in which there is only ally (Israel) and enemies everywhere else (Europe, China, the Arab world, Russia)? Read Mark Levin. There are only two options now on the table, as he sees it: freedom or slavery. And a vote for Obama is a vote for slavery. 
This is the current GOP. It purges dissidents, it vaunts total loyalty, it polices discourse for any deviation. If you really have a cogent argument, you find yourself fired - like Bruce Bartlett [or?] David Frum - or subject to blacklists, like me [on?] Fox.
I understand how he feels, but Jeez, why single out Fox?

I mean, I always thought being completely ignored by the media no matter how cogent your argument, no matter how pungently or silkily you make it and no matter how many times and in how many venues you repeat it was pretty much the working definition  of "blogger".

But I was wrong and I admit it -- being completely ignored by the media is, of course, the working definition of "Liberal blogger".

After all, regardless of the raving idiocy of their individual positions and pronouncements, from Pammy Atlas to Michele Malkin to Erick son of Erick

to Dana Loesch to Ramesh Ponnuru to Box Turtle Ben Domenech, to Andrew Brietbart to Chicago's own mini-Brietbart, Warner Todd Huston...Conservative bloggers have come to expect a level of community support, respect, remuneration, media acknowledgement and even deference that Liberal bloggers long ago gave up even dreaming about.

We on the Left stand on our orange crates and shout into the Conservative and Centrist wasteland that our public dialogue has become.    We on the Left hear nothing but the wind answer us back because the goons and con men who own that wasteland -- who made that wasteland -- do not dare acknowledge that we are here and that we have been right all along.

Being a Liberal blogger, I never expect Mr. Sullivan to reply to or even acknowledge the dozens and dozens of very well-reason critiques I have laid at his door over the years, any more than I expect, say, David Brooks to take any note whatsoever of the Liberal blogosphere's fusillade of well-reasoned rebuttals and refutations that strafe his bi-weekly Reasonable Conservative midden pile to bits every single week of the year.  Any acknowledgement of the legitimacy of Liberal critiques and the overwhelming superiority of the Liberal batting average compared to the Conservative and Centrist batting averages on issue after issue would immediately reveal both the core tenet of the Right ("The Left is wrong all the time on every single issue") and the core tenet of the Center ("The Left is exactly half-wrong all the time on every single issue") to be as ridiculous as Flat Eartherism, and publicly turn their well-remunerated spokesmodels into unemployable laughingstocks.

So that's never gonna happen.

But my fellow Weblog Award winner Andrew Sullivan is not a Liberal blogger.  He is a Conservative blogger and he feels his is owed an answer -- owed the courtesy of a reply from people who have so far only paused between their many, other lies long enough to take a dump on his work before returning to their regularly scheduled propaganda.

So, let's go over that definition of "blacklist", shall we?
black·list  [blak-list] -- noun:

1. a list of persons under suspicion, disfavor, censure, etc.: His record as an anarchist put him on the government's blacklist.

2. a list privately exchanged among employers, containing the names of persons to be barred from employment because of untrustworthiness or for holding opinions considered undesirable.
Mr. Sullivan is the leading traffic-driver for the one of the largest news sites in the world.

He gets his books published at-will.

He can appear on teevee programs ranging from "C-Span" to "Real Time" to "Hardball" to "Anderson Cooper 360" very much as it suits him.

He can get his often ridiculous opinions printed in prominent, global-reach newspapers and periodicals ranging from "The Atlantic" to "The New Republic" to "The New York Times" whenever he pleases.

And two weeks ago, his boss handed him the front page of "Newsweek" magazine.

See, this is not the media biography of someone who has been "blacklisted": this is the media biography of a fully-initiated member of the Club.

However if you would like the know what the media biography of someone who has been blacklisted looks like, it's pretty easy.

All you have to do is ask any Liberal blogger.

Sunday Morning Comin' Down

The Ownership Society.

One Sunday, the Mouse Circus confirmed for the thousandth times that, for the most part, media has largely given up on asking any really important, substantive questions about anything. And yet, despite their best efforts, the highly paid spokesmodels for the leadership caste of the our political infotainment industry found themselves stuck trying to publicly cope with a genuinely substantive question: Who owns the Conservatism in America?

The answer varies wildly on who you ask.

For example, to keep their personal Conservative brand-identification from completely collapsing every time they publicly screw the pooch, pretty much every one on the Right who rides the mainstream media gravy train -- from Joe Scarborough to Andrew Sullivan -- insists that they are the only, true Conservative left on Earth by simply defining Conservatism as whatever the Hell they say it is this week.  Whatever catches their fancy is "real" Conservatism; whoever happens to be pissing them off at the moment is not a "true" Conservative.

On the other hand, for those on the Right who draw their paychecks from Fox News, Hate Radio, or the political system, Conservatism is defined as hating imaginary Hippies as hard as humanly possible.  Crazy, treasury-bankrupting tax schemes?  No problem.  Promises to invade imaginary enemies with non-existent armies?  No problem.  Putting a police cordon around every vagina?  No problem.  An endless cataract of ludicrous lies and Bircher conspiracy mongering, all spoken and believed without batting an eye as long as it comes beribboned with "...because Barack Obama is a Kenyan Commie who hates America."

All frauds in their own way, all trading on their allegedly special, privileged access to the True Conservative Cross, and it works most of the time because on the Right there are almost always enough rubes to go around.  But come election time the question of who are heroes and who are heretics sharpens itself to a stabby point because the answer to the question of who "owns" the Movement and what "ownership" means has real, national consequences.

The two loudest claimants this Excalibur of Conservative Authenticity have, of course, been on display all along, but they have almost never been so clearly limned as the were in South Carolina Saturday...and in the mass pants-crapping GOP parade at the Mouse Circus Sunday morning.

And I must say, I found it morbidly hilarious to watch the Party of God and Capitalism locked in a death struggle over the answer to the oldest Marxist question of all:
 Who shall control the means of production?
Will it be the money men who are bankrolling the slow-motion plutocratic takeover of America, or the rank-and-filers who knock on the doors, stuff the envelopes and, rain or shine, march to the polls every other November to hand the plutocrats what they paid for -- an electoral mandate for their horrible, horrible policies?

It has -- no kidding -- come to this: to a struggle between the Wingnut Factory owners and the Wingnut Factory workers, and each side has found its perfect champion.

In one corner we have Willard Romney, the pure distillate of Vulture Capitalism.  Robotic, soulless, and hideously uncomfortable around the non-millionaire peons he needs to get himself elected.   In his every word and gesture you can imagine him calmly killing David Bowman -- telling him that, no, he will not open the Pod Bay doors.

In the other corner, we have Newton Leroy Gingrich, the bloated, red-faced articulator of the very real rage and paranoia of the Pig People.

The voice of the America Hunter Thompson wrote about as "...a nation of two hundred million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns and no qualms about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable." The man who wrote much of the "call your opponents 'traitors'" operating system that now drives the entire Republican machine and who has now hacked his way back into that machine using the back-door he left open for himself.

The cold, efficient power of infinite money versus the white-hot, broken-bottle vocabulary of bottomless hatred.

Fun to watch!

Also fun to watch in this struggle over the ownership of the Party of God and Money are Prominent media-creature Republicans like Joe Scarborough banking on the fact that the Party will soon turn on Gingrich because they will remember what a lunatic he was in 1995...while somehow conspicuously ignoring the fact that his Party doesn't give a shit about anything that happened in 1995.

That their Party has, in fact, spent a fair-sized fortune training the Base not to give a shit about -- or even remember -- anything that happened in 1995.

Or 1996.

Or 1998.

Or 2002.

Or 2005.

Or 2007.

That their Party has, in fact, only remained in power by investing millions of dollars in the Strategic Forgettery necessary to convince the Base to belligerently ignore everything that happened before the Kenyan Usurper somehow tricked his way into the White House on January 20, 2009.

So congratulations Joe;  just as Lenin warned, the GOP money-class has indeed sold their Base the rope with which they are now being hung.

Of course, in the end only a damn fool bets against money, so I have no idea how this bare-knuckle pig fight will all end, but I can make some fairly astute predictions.

1. David Gregory will continue to pay the vig on whatever unholy debt he has incurred with Newt Gingrich by letting Newt tread the "Meet the Press" boards whenever he chooses and spout whatever happy-horseshit he wishes under Gregory's iron-clad guarantee that Newt will NEVER be asked any tricky or embarrassing follow-up questions.

2.  Billionaire Tom Friedman will continue to produce embarrassing heaps of wretched prose like this, whining that everybody should be nicer to everybody and strongly hinting that a billionaire-funded Third Party which reflects billionaire Tom Friedman's Reasonable Centrist values would make such a world possible, and for which the New York Times will continue to pay him handsomely.

3.  At some point in the next seven days, David Brooks will explain the Gingrich win by writing another 800 words of maudlin godawful about Dirty Hippies ruining American values, and for which the New York Times will continue to pay him handsomely.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

It's The Great Klansman, Charlie Brown!


Once again, the ghost of Lee Atwater has risen over another Republican election like the Great Klansman, flying though the night to dance on the bones of Abraham Lincoln and promise to restore the rage-drunk, inbred remnants of the Confederate South to their former glory, but only if they are sufficiently sincere in their hatred of the usual suspects -- gays, Negroes, uppity women and, of course, the Liberal media which spreads their terrible lies.

And thus does a corrupt, thrice-married adulterer, race-baiter, serial liar and amateur paleontologist

win the most important GOP primary to-date.

From the New York Times:
Gingrich Wins South Carolina Primary, Upending G.O.P. Race

By JIM RUTENBERG Published: January 21, 2012

CHARLESTON, S.C. — Surprising his rivals and upending the highly unpredictable Republican race for the presidency, Newt Gingrich won the South Carolina primary on Saturday, just 10 days after a fifth-place finish in New Hampshire left the impression his candidacy was all but dead.

Mr. Gingrich rode to victory by winning a plurality of voters among a wide swath of important Republican voting blocs, outperforming the rest of the four-person field among evangelical Christians and Tea Party supporters, men and even women, who had been expected to vote by comfortable margins in favor of Mitt Romney, the man who was presumed to be the front-runner as of just a few days ago.

So congratulations, Pig People!

You and Baron Grifthausen -- the man who wrote the operating system for your Pretty Hate Machine --
absolutely deserve each other.

Heavy Rain in South Carolina

Is expected to depress turnout of the key Romney robot/Cylon demographic.

Analysts believe this development plus an 11th hour surge in racist trolls breaking for Gingrich will cost Romney the election, regardless of how many carbon-based meat-bags

he awkwardly feigns empathy for.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Your 2012 GOP South Carolina Knife-Fight

In easy-to-digest Twitter-form:

For the benefit of future historians and current award committees, my Tweets from last night:

  • Newt believes asking amateur paleontologists about their history of lying, adultery and rank hypocrisy will weaken America. Fundamentally!

  • Willard thinks state should be able to decide whether or not they want to screw veterans.

  • Willard thinks it's a national military when it comes to buying tanks, but handling vet problems s/b done state-by-state.

  • For God's sake, what does Willard have to do to show how much compassion he has for you grubby, carbon-based meat-bags!

  • TelePrompter! Drink!

  • Ron Paul mentions the 60s. Hippies?!? Somewhere David Brooks just popped a boner.

  • "Frothy" points out that Newt in insane.

  • Newt: I helped Marconi develop elbow pasta radio in 1622. I helped Tesla invent electrons.

  • Newt: I built Calvin Coolidge out of a kit that I received through the mail just after I invented the mail.

  • Willard: I have been down the mean streets of America. Well, my driver has...

  • Willard has a S0C-7 Abend.

  • Fundamental + Reagan! Drink until you can't feel your Laffer Curve!

  • Ron Paul waves his Republican cloth coat.

  • Willard will let you grubby carbon-based meat-bags look at his mountain of looted gold when Hell freezes over.

  • Willard: My Dad was born a poor black child. Later I was born. My Dad gave me nothing but my hair. I love God. Next question!

  • Willard: I became operational at the H.A.L. plant in Urbana, Illinois on the 12th of January 1992.

  • Frothy:The internet is a mean place where property rights are abused and people get horrible nicknames just 4 loving Jebus!

  • Tonight's real winners? Future historians looking to pinpoint the moment when the GOP completely, publicly shit the bed.

  • Newt:If I could do 1 thing over, I'd travel back in time & stop myself from inventing mint jelly. It was a fundamentally bad idea

  • Newt: Deporting grandfathers will never work. Especially horny, serial adulterer grandfathers.

  • Frothy: The 1st thing you do is obey the law, but the 1st thing you know, old Jed's a millionaire. And by "Jed" I mean "Willard"

  • Did Mr. Libertarian just advocate eliminating the Posse Comitatus Act?

  • Willard: I respect the fact that you grubby, carbon-based life forms take your reproductive rituals seriously.

  • Willard: Clones? No! Replicants? Oh Hell yes!

  • Shorter Newt: Fundamentally, N*gger! N*gger! N*gger! Basically

  • Shorter Mittens: S0C6 Tax Explanation Abend -- Invalid parameters were passed through the linkage section.

  • 1) Jefferson Davis would have been right at home on stage. 2) GOP voters wouldn't understand why that would be a bad thing.

  • Willard promises tax massage, but without full release.
To which what can one add, but

Professional Left Podcast #111

“Shared pain is lessened; shared joy, increased — thus do we refute entropy."
-- Spider Robinson

Da' money goes here:

Should This be Entitled "Blithering Heights"?


Or, "A Thatcher in the Rye"?

Either way, the central lesson of today's sermon from Our Mr. Brooks is that, as a life-long, establishmentarian testicle cozy, he loves and trusts wealthy people very, very much. So very much, in fact, that sometimes it hurts.

And sometimes he takes his hurt out on his readers.

Like today, in his New York Times column entitled "Leave Willard Alone, You Envious, Ass-Faced Peons! "The Wealth Issue", which is possibly the largest, single free-standing straw man ever constructed in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area.

Built largely out of scraps scavenged from the Cliff's Notes on the "Mormonism in America", Mr. Brooks sings paeans to his giant stick figure, dances immodestly around it for awhile, then set it on fire and calls it a good day's work. It is his own, personal Burning Man, and it begins as follows:
Mitt Romney is a rich man, but is Mitt Romney’s character formed by his wealth? Is Romney a spoiled, cosseted character? Has he been corrupted by ease and luxury?

The notion is preposterous. All his life, Romney has been a worker and a grinder.

After which we are treated to a ten paragraph pamphlet on "The Noble Legacy of the Latter Day Saints from the Early 19th Century Through Last Thursday".

After which, this:

Mitt Romney can’t talk about his family history on the campaign trail. Mormonism is an uncomfortable subject. But he must have been affected by it.

It is a story of relentless effort, of recovery and of being despised (in their eyes) because of their own success. Romney himself experienced none of this hardship, of course, but Jews who didn’t live through the Exodus are still shaped by it.

And thus Mr. Brooks finishes off his 800-word New York Times contractual obligation on the virtues of being "... worker and a grinder" the way Mr. Brooks completes all such assignments:  as lazily as possible.

It is also, needless to say, complete nonsense. A textbooks example of the Conservative Straw Man genre with David Brooks doing what David Brooks does best; fitting a monster mask of non-existent arguments over the head of some unnamed, imaginary Liberal opponent cobbled together out of throw pillows from his den and then going righteously to town on the Terrifying Pillow Ogre he just invented.

However, in addition to letting him once again play rhetorical handball against a shower curtain, today's 800-word embarrassment serves another, equally important Brooksian imperative -- it allows Mr. Brooks to hedge his bets and protect his position as America's Number One Callow Political Insider by publicly and shamelessly sucking up to Willard Romney hard enough to, as the kids say, strip the chrome clean off a trailer hitch.  Because taken as some kind of "rebuttal" against some unspecified imputation of corrupt foppery on the part of some critic somewhere, what Mr. Brooks has written is so transparently ridiculous -- so easily collapsible with the barest flick of fact -- that there is no other way to read it other than as just one more of Mr. Brooks' signature, gooey editorial mash notes to yet another potential-future-meal-ticket.

Because nothing I have read by anyone, anywhere, has ever inferred that Willard Romney is in any way lazy at all.

Quite the opposite: the brief against Romney is that like Gordon Gekko

Larry the Liquidator

"Boiler Room"'s Jim Young, or Hannibal Lechter, Willard Romney has the empty soul, fierce drive and infinitely reprogrammable ethical software of a really industrious sociopath.

When we look at Romney, it is not that we see indolence.

Instead, when we look at Romney we catch a deeply disturbing glimpse of what William Gibson once described in "Neuromancer":
“...for an instant, she stared directly into those soft blue eyes and knew, with an instinctive mammalian certainty, that the exceedingly rich were no longer even remotely human.”
Just as when we look at Mr. Brooks, we do not see mere hackery, but catch a deeply disturbing glimpse of a creature who craves nothing more than to grow rich in groveling service to our inhuman, plutocrat overlords.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Willard Romney, R-Villa Straylight

On now on CNN, the Romney killbot versus the evil trolls.

 Everyone's a winner!

No, You Festering Peasant Drool Buckets


You may not see my stock portfolio.

Whether concocting another 100% fact-free fable about Dirty Fucking Hippies destroying America values;
br />


MR. BROOKS: I don't think it was just a Penn State problem. You know, you spend 30 or 40 years muddying the moral waters here. We have lost our clear sense of what evil is, what sin is; and so, when people see things like that, they don't have categories to put it into. They vaguely know it's wrong, but they've been raised in a morality that says, "If it feels all right for you, it's probably OK." And so that waters everything down. The second thing is a lot of the judgment is based on the supposition that if we were there, we would have intervened.

MR. DIONNE: Right.

MR. BROOKS: And that's just not true.

MR. GREGORY: But I have to challenge you on that point.


MR. GREGORY: Is it really that we don't know right from wrong? Is there anybody who doesn't know that sodomizing a 10-year-old boy in a shower by another man is wrong?

MR. BROOKS: But if you...

MR. DIONNE: Exactly.

MR. BROOKS: If you're alert to the sense of what evil is, what the evil is within yourself and what evil is in society, you have a script to follow. It's not a vague sense. You have a script to follow. And this is necessary because people do not intervene. ...

or using his New York Times column to shamelessly pimp for the oil and gas industry in an out-of-nowhere advertisement on the Joys of Fracking and how it suffers at the hands of Dirty Fucking Hippies:
br />
David: But the bigger problem is that Democrats may lose the spirit of enterprise. University town voters tend to be put off by the policies favored by the aspiring entrepreneurial classes. They side with the environmentalists over the people who like pipelines and shale gas, for example.
...the American Plutocracy has no more dog-loyal lick-spittle than Our Mr. Brooks.

Sure, when it comes to reporting the simple, unhappy facts about class or race or politics or culture in America, Mr. Brooks may be congenital liar, but the lies he tells are so diligently focused on pleasing the powerful -- so congenial to ears of the immensely wealthy -- that whether or not they intersect with reality at any point is entirely beside the point. Because Mr. Brooks is not a journalist in any sense of the word; he is a storyteller, employed by America's Newspaper of Record to tell America's power-elite the fairy tales that make them happy.

Over and over again.

Column after column, year after year, Mr. Brooks piles up his personal fortune and reinforces his thick network of clout-heavy patrons by singing them the same little tune.

He wrote one such yesterday, but to get yourself in the proper frame of mind to appreciate Mr. Brooks' words, consider the distance between the imaginary lives of imaginary, simple, working folk found in the lyrics of the lagniappe lullaby

with which Mr. Brooks sings for his supper...

..and the working world as really is for millions of real, working people in America.

Consider that...

...if you want to get a low-wage job a banging out dents and welding cracks on public transit buses, you will first have to pee in a cup.

...if you want to get a low-wage job dodging punches at a social service agency working with, say, ex cons you will first have to agree to let the HR department and three different levels of law enforcement go over your life with a microscope and a pair of rubber gloves.

...if you want to get a low-wage job moving pallettes of potato chips around in some freezing. pre-dawn warehouse, God help you if you ever did time in what Willard Romney refers to as "the Big House".

...if you dream of being, say, a postal inspector, understand that the FBI will visit you, everyone in your immediate family, all of your friends and all of your former employers.

...if you hope to keep a roof over your family's head by landing that sales gig, you'd better dye the gray our of your hair and pare down your formidable resume to make sure it looks like you're under 40.

...having landed that low-wage job moving numbers around spreadsheets and constantly retweaking your psychotic boss' PowerPoint presentations to include whateever the fuck he happened to read on "In Flight" magazine this week, if you want to keep your job you'd damn well better never turn off your iPhone or Crackberry, just in case your psychotic boss has a brainstorm at 2:00 that you absolutely need to get going on Right Now!

In the the workaday, working class world about which Mr. Brooks obviously knows nothing whatsoever, it is now absolutely commonplace to be expected to turn out the pockets of your life and hand your hair, urine, blood over to strangers to get a job.

Even a crappy job.

In the the workaday, working class world about which Mr. Brooks obviously knows nothing whatsoever, it is now absolutely commonplace to be expected to give up on having anything your parents would recognize as a "private life" as a condition of keeping your job.

Even a crappy job.

And if you don't like it? Fuck you! Quit and starve because now that the plutocracy which Mr. Brooks has spent his life celebrating and defending has annihilated the middle class and gelded our labor unions, there will be forever be six unemployed Americans ready and eager to take your place on whatever terms the company dictates.

And if, in turn, those Americans start getting uppity and asking for crazy shit like "raises" or "health insurance" or "time off"?

Well, behind each of them stand 100 Chinese slaves who will do the work for pennies a day.

Got that?

Now keep these incredibly invasive disclosure rules -- from psych exams to surrendering your flesh and fluids to internet background searches to find out if you or any of your 2,611 Facebook friends have ever said "fuck" online -- which have now become the banal norm for the American working class in mind as you read today's little gem by David Brooks, in which he explains why people running for the most powerful job on Earth -- a job where you can let and energy company poison the groundwater for thousands of Americans, influence the spending of trillions of tax dollars on weapons systems or give the Go/No-Go to allow the reimportation of cheaper, generic drugs -- should not have to disclose whether or not they are heavily invested in Exxon Mobile or Halliburton or Eli Lilly.

From Gawker (with a h/t to "Gene"):
In some little cutesy online back-and-forth piece today, Brooks and Gail Collins purport to debate the issue of presidential candidates releasing their tax returns. Here is where David Brooks comes down:
My own view is that the desire for full disclosure stems from a few things. First, pure prurience. Second, members of what used to be called the New Class perpetually labor under the delusion that other people dislike the rich as much as they do and if they can only disclose that someone is rich that will end their political chances. Third, there is a misbegotten ideology haunting the land, the ideology of sunshinism. This is the belief that everything should be made public...

Sunshinism is a destructive ideology. Forcing people to financially undress in public is just one of those incursions that repels decent people from running for office... It also destroys people's faith in government. Have you noticed that as democracy has become more open, cynicism has skyrocketed and the effectiveness of government has gone down the toilet?

So just to clarify, and I don't know why I'm shocked by this, really: New York Times employee and wealthy white male David Brooks strongly believes that the idea that our most powerful and barely-accountable leaders should have to tell we, the people, a bare minimum of facts about themselves and their lifestyle, is a "destructive ideology." 
David Brooks, a columnist whose work is based largely on news reported by journalists dedicated to exposing facts that powerful officials would prefer to keep private, favors allowing powerful officials to keep everything private. David Brooks, who purports to know something about politics, genuinely believes that the fear of too much honesty with the public is the reason that "decent people" don't run for elected office...

I would write a little more, but at the moment I am nursing that tiny, starburst headache behind my right eye I always get just after I make another round of job inquiries and just before I re-certify for unemployment, so I will conclude with this quote by James Russell Lowell:

He who is firmly seated in authority soon learns to think security, and not progress, the highest lesson of statecraft.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

This Was The Week

Speakeasy door prop

When Conservative Exile and Tina* Brown employee, Andrew Sullivan, was given the cover of Newsweek Magazine...

...and Conservative Exile, Andrew Sullivan running buddy and newly-minted Tina Brown employee, David Frum, was invited onto the Colbert report.

 Something about a Club.

 Something about its very limited membership.

* Typed "Tiny" instead of "Tina". Apologies for the typo

Bain Capital, Hard at Work

Healthy Company: I don't want to go on the cart.

Willard Romney: Oh, don't be such a baby.