Monday, June 13, 2011

Strategic Forgettery Defined

For some reason, Mr. Sullivan has obligingly stuck a pin in the map to indicate the exact spot where his wants his readers to believe his Glorious Imaginary Conservative Movement went off the rails: the moment when his own, relentless, doublethinkful Strategic Forgettery begins.
"At what point do we decide that a political system has become decadent?"

EJ Dionne takes the Weiner "scandal" as the moment he realized we were late imperial Rome. PM Carpenter takes the Bush vs Gore Supreme Court ruling. Personally, I think it was some moment between the Congress's assent to torture in 2006 and when Sarah Palin was selected as a serious vice-presidential nominee in 2008.

Any thoughts?


Lots of thoughts.

Which I have often shared with Mr. Sullivan open-letter-style.

For years.

And all but one he has never replied to, so rather than further spending down my reserve stock Majyk Conjure Adjectives to recapitulate the my central thesis, allow me to swipe a chunk of my own work from days gone be to explain to Mr. Sullivan (who, I have it on good authority, does sneak a peak at what I am doing over here from time to time) exactly what my "thoughts" are on the subject,

And why?

Because as long as people like Mr. Sullivan continue to occupy strategic positions in our media ecosystem and as long as they continue to use that position to sell lies and snake oil for fun, status and profit every bit as energetically as Sarah Palin does, I will continue to stand on my tiny soapbox and yell about it from the rural exurbs of Bloggylvania.

Here then, a sliver of one such exercise from 2009:

"Here is a Revised List..."

"This is your captain speaking.
There is no need for not rush for the lifeboats ...
Women, children, Red Indians, spacemen
and a sort of idealized version of a gay Republican
expatriate Libertarianish papist Renaissance Man
(but definitely NOT a Liberal) first!"

(h/t Monty Python for the lingo, and Internet Weekly for the a time-saving graphic.) turns out that virtually all of Mr. Sullivan's hard-won epiphanies amount to little more than the well-thumbed history and plainsong lore of our Fucked Up Modern Age as it has been long understood and passed down among those awful Liberals. And so when I see statements like this -- "Does this make me a "radical leftist" as Michelle Malkin would say? Emphatically not." -- what I see is a man who might want to distance himself from the appalling actions and despicable outcomes of his former allies, but still wants to continue honoring their idiotic parameters and debased vocabulary.

Yes, Mr. Sullivan, your objections emphatically do make you a "radical leftist", because in the hands of the shitkicker demagogues of the Right like Malkin, phrases like "radical leftist" have long since lost any meaning. They are just the pejorative-du-jour, pulled from a random grab-bag of Limbaugh-words -- socialist, elitist, feminist, Marxist, anti-American, compassionate, cut-and-run, surrender, Liberal, extremist, collectivist, queer, Communist, fascist, atheist, humanist, "New York", "San Francisco", “Chicago”, French, European -- that each used to have discrete and very different meanings, but are now bleated interchangeably by the Pig People and their overlords at anyone with a softer heart than Curtis LeMay and less imperial ambitions than Genghis Khan.

But then again, if Mr. Sullivan simply outed himself as a Liberal, he would instantly lose his place in the food-chain, wouldn’t he? Because like that microscopic number of self-loathing black Conservatives who make their daily bread by serving the interests of the Southern Bigot Party, more than any other single factor, it was always the sheer gawking, oddballness of the brazen self-delusion inherent in being the gay champion of the Christopath Homophobe Party that put Mr. Sullivan in the spotlight.

That was what gave him his unique and lucrative cache.

After all, Liberal gay political writers are a dime a dozen, and so in a strange way we find Andrew Sullivan locked in the same kind of mortal combat over labels -- and for exactly the same reasons -- as Roy Cohn's character in "Angels In America" as he adamantly insisted -- even as he was dying of AIDS -- that he was not a "ho-mo-sex-shall".

(Not Safe For Work)

Because, Cohn reasoned, homosexuals were nobodies; losers who had zero clout and “in 15 years cannot pass a pissant anti-discrimination bill from City Council.” And since Roy Cohn could get the President of the United States (or his wife) on the phone -- could take the man he was fucking to the White House and make Ronald Reagan smile at him and shakes his hand -- it therefore followed that Roy Cohn could not possibly be a homosexual.

That unlike every other person in his position on Earth, Roy Cohn was a heterosexual man, who fucked around with guys.

Likewise, even though Mr. Sullivan now, belatedly comes to believe much of what Liberals believe and finally deigns to notice a horde of grotesque truths about his Conservative Movement about which Liberals have been sounding the alarm for 30 years, Andrew Sullivan nonetheless looks us all straight in that eye and argues that he could not possibly be some mere Liberal.

Because in Mr. Sullivan's world, "Liberal" does not refer to a political ideology, but to an impoverishing political ghetto from which no amount of "being right about everything" will permit you to achieve escape velocity. In Mr. Sullivan's world, "Liberal" is a terrible disease that afflicts losers who do not get invited to spout their views on teevee.

Mr. Sullivan regularly receives such largess, therefore he must not be a Liberal.

He instead must be the lone member be of some rare and singular new species; some miraculous form of haploid political minotaur.

Because if he is not something spontaneously-generated and utterly sui generis, then he is just another Lefty-Come-Very-Lately, showing up at our door at 3:00 A.M., 20 years late and trailing toxic baggage behind him like Halley's Comet.

And who in the world would pay him to do his little dance then?


Anonymous said...

Bingo. Bulls-eye. Well said. Appropo. Spot on.

alise said...

Again, you called it just right. Only one thing I would add... Limbaugh's use of the word(?) "femi-nazi". Well, I guess, "feminist" does do double duty for Limbaugh on that score. What a sorry state of affairs we have come to when these rat bastards have the ear of half of the populace. Good grief!

Fiddlin Bill said...

Wonderful piece!

Anonymous said...

I really think Sullivan's problem... OK, his main problem in this political crap, is that he did not grow up in the U.S.A.

I honestly get the sense that deep down, really and truly, he doesn't believe that the religious right is the batshit crazy group of arsonists, bombers, and psychopaths that they really are. I, as someone who grew up in the U.S., know that they really and truly believe that everyone else is wrong, and deserves the raining Hell-fire Jesus will send upon them in the End of Days, and if they can start enough wars and bomb enough clinics and lynch enough educated people, Jesus will have to start the End Times and show up early so he will have enough people to blast into Hell to satisfy his blood-lust. (Apologies for the gratuitously long sentence.)

He, as British, thinks that those people can't be *that* crazy, and the intellectuals like him can keep them properly banished to the fringes. When I have heard him speak, he genuinely always seems to be surprised that Christians who are Republicans genuinely harbor so much blind and pointless hatred for him, and Republicans who are Christians give the former so much power. He still thinks they can be decanted from the mix, and doesn't realize it's one big frothy and incestuous well-blended Santorum.

(And bonus points for using it in a sentence.)

DG, I think this is different from the normal Conservative Forgettery. I think he still thinks American crazy fundies are like, and can be dealt with like, British crazy fundies.


driftglass said...

I have such cool commenters.
Thank you so much.

Batocchio said...

I like Mike K's take. I appreciate Sullivan's writings on torture, many of which have been genuinely excellent, but a large amount of his other work is embarrassing. He'll always be a Tory and a Reaganite. He refuses to look at what his team has wrought. Like many a "reasonable conservative" or "libertarian," he treasures his affectation of being an independent, reflective thinker, but he's been mainlining the Gipper-Aid for decades now – and he's still a junkie.

I've been slowly working on a post on the Gospel of Movement Conservatism – key, emblematic pronouncements and decisions in the movement. While some moments stick out more than others, the pattern I'm seeing is that movement conservatives and the Republican Party sold whatever soul they had in small and large pieces over the course of a good fifty-some years. They did things they knew were wrong, knew were irresponsible governance, knew were bad for the country – and when they saw they were rewarded with political power rather than excoriated, rather than thinking, "whew, we got away with that one," and stepping back, they eagerly pushed further. Younger folks might have more excuses for not being clued in, but there's been ample evidence of conservative perfidy in every decade. To be a modern conservative is to strangle one's conscience in Grover Norquist's bathtub.

redoubt said...

When I have heard him speak, he genuinely always seems to be surprised that Christians who are Republicans genuinely harbor so much blind and pointless hatred for him, and Republicans who are Christians give the former so much power.

Agree with Mike K up to a point.

I think he knows, and is prepared. Two packed suitcases, up-to-date UK passport, one-way ticket to Heathrow, cat carrier. When things go sideways, and they will, break the lease and back to Blighty. With a Tory coalition government making sure he can still marry his partner if he has one.

jim said...

There is indeed a place for liberals in the media ecosystem: those with a strong predilection toward masochism can readily get semi-regular work as living strawmen/pinatas on FOX/CNN/etc., where their every timid objection will be shouted over, creatively edited, muted or simply ignored.

Hell, Colmes made an entire career out of being Hannity's hate-toy, at least until the sheer absurdity of being straight-man in the tired old "balance" schtick made him run for the hills.

I doubt Sullivan could take the damage to his ego that such total whoredom would entail - to say nothing of the likely major pay-cut - not when he's already so adept at feeding his own past into the Memory Hole.

Kathy said...

Maybe S thinks he sees very clearly where this is going to end up: with the conservatives in control, Forever. And tho he is horrified, he wants to be on the Winning Side.