Step One: Take one, cogent, well-written Digby post which -- in passing -- cuts a deep, bloody gouge out of Andrew Sullivan's massive and painfully well-documented professional and ideological hypocrisy.*
Step Two: Lop off a big chunk of the piece's inconvenient "context" which gives it its moral and political momentum.
Step Three: Repackage Digby's now-truncated argument into the argument you wish she would have made so that you can rebut it with the kind of willfully obtuse narcissism that only America's premiere Gay Catholic Tory can muster.
Step Four: Ignore the hilarious irony that the willfully obtuse narcissism with which your rebuttal is written was exactly what Digby was taking you to task for in her post.
Step Five: Make sure your blog does not accept comments.
* link fixed. my apologies.
Step Five: Make sure your blog does not accept comments.
This is key. Someone should start an independent site for Sullivan feedback. Just need a wickedly apropos domain name...
"The Diss?"
Just don't call the site "Sully". That's reserved for pilots who land planes on water and save all passengers, not just the 1 percent.
aaarrrrgggghhh! step one took me to sullivan, not digby! my eyes! no fair!
how about 'the santorum' for the feedback site?
Perhaps something like this?
In five years, Sullivan will explain to us that being an ineffective president for 2 terms was also part of Obama's long game, and without any actual power or authority he will be free to be a real agent for change.
I'm not sure whose circular firing squad will be voted the best darn shoot fest, but one thing for sure. Only the left could spend so much time griping about each others presumed ability to read the President's mind.
Both the left and the right suffer from a vision of the Presidency as having more power than it has. On the Left though, we seem to have a more couch potato approach to getting the government we want. That is, we'd rather sit around and gripe than actually stand up and push.
Sullivan says in his column that in a contest between a polarized Left and a polarized Right, the Right will win because "this is a Center Right Country". Bull####. I'm sick of that fictitious meme. They've been saying that for decades. There not a drop of truth to it and I can prove it.
The mass appeal of Ron Paul proves it. His anti-war, pro-legalization libertarian message has more in common with the LEFT in this country than the Right. The fact that since GWB, I can't FIND a Republican that's willing to call themselves a "Republican". They all call themselves "Independents", and I always chuckle. The closest thing to a pro-war pol on the Left is/was Joe Libermann, and even HE is pro-gay rights (most notably calling for an end to DADT).
This is a center-LEFT country. Sorry Sully. It doesn't matter how many times you and your ilk say the opposite, nothing is going to change that.
There used to be sullywatch
but it hasn't been updated since 2006
The picture in featuring Sullivan dressed as a woman is obnoxious, bigoted, and unneccesary. Just because a gay man is conservative does not make homophobia against him OK.
Lighten up, Francis. This is a well-known magazine cover and Driftglass must have had an easy* time of pasting Sullivan's face over Nancy's. Nobody's insulting on teh ghey, only on Sullivan's dumbassery.
* Easy for Drifty, that is; dude's a Photoshop whiz...
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