When Conservative Exile and Tina* Brown employee, Andrew Sullivan, was given the cover of Newsweek Magazine...
...and Conservative Exile, Andrew Sullivan running buddy and newly-minted Tina Brown employee, David Frum, was invited onto the Colbert report.
Something about a Club.
Something about its very limited membership.
* Typed "Tiny" instead of "Tina". Apologies for the typo
I'm guessing it is not an expatriates of the British Empire (colonies included) club.
To be fair to Colbert he made Frum look like an idiot.
No excuse for Newsweek and the Grizzly Andrew on the cover though.
Driftglass, do you want to be in the club? You're a dam fine writer and I think the best chance to get in the bottom wrung of the club would be getting on Chris Hayes Up.
He has a lot of lesser known writers on there and I think if you asked fans of this blog and the Pro Left podcast to tweet at Chris you may get lucky.
In a relatively short time he has had a lot of the same guests on. Maybe it's time to start pressuring him to take on people from the blogosphere.
Seriously, how many times can Chris have on that Ming the Merciless lookalike, Reihan Salam, on there?
Well, Frum is Canadian and Sullivan in British...
Anon x2,
Making Frum -- the GW Bush speechwriter who coined the term "Axis of Evil" -- isn't hard. It also has no effect on his marketability at all. His pals have made sure that no matter how many times he shit himself in public, like Mr. Sullivan, he now has "Newsweek/Daily Beast" contributor after his name. Reihan Salam is on the same career arc, as is Ramesh Ponnuru, Conor Friedersdorf, Ross Douthat and a bunch others. (I'm sure I misspelled every one of those. :-)
Me in the club? Never gonna happen. All I'm looking these days is gig that'll keep a roof over my family's head.
When Colbert started his show with the graphic/caption "Frum Punch" when announcing he was having David Frum on the show, I had a moment or two of thinking "if only Stephen would do what so many would like to do and punch David Frum in the throat"
Disappointed as always, as I'm sure the ghost of Barbara Frum is too.
I ignored Frum to play Dungeon Hunter 2 on my iPad.
Time well spent.
I did notice that Frum seemed to be engaging Colbert in earnest, as if he still couldn't tell Colbert is working a shtick.
Love you Driftglass!
I don't get the "Tiny Brown" reference. Can somebody please explain?
a nickname for the diminutive Tina Brown, serial ruiner of magazines
I remember Frum when he was still shilling for the Reform Party (an ultimately successful attempt to import the malignant soul of Republicanism into Canada) and shitting on his mother's legacy up in Canada.
He was an evil toady then, and he hasn't changed one iota since.
The Captcha for this post is "frack".
It's oddly appropriate sometimes.
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