Monday, July 29, 2024

The Centre That I Cannot Find...

Is known to my Unconscious Mind;
I have no reason to despair
Because I am already there...  

This from The Labyrinth, by W.H. Auden is also the centering prayer recited by American political journalists five times a day as they bow in the direction of the headquarter of The New York Times.

See what I mean?

If I hadn't been writing about the Cult of Both Siderism for going on 20 years, I might find this funny or sad or pathetic.  But to quote Ian Fleming, "Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action".

And when it's not just three times, but 30,000 times?  100,000 times?   More?  Across every corporate media platform, over and over again, for what...?  30 years?  40 years?

They are so fucking terrified of being called "liberal" that they have made themselves the willing handmaidens of fascists.  

And I'm quite sure that far too many of them sleep soundly at night, wrapped smugly in the belief that their treachery is being done in the name of the Highest Journalistic Principles.  

I Am The Liberal Media


Dave Dubya said...

Christiane Amanpour reminded them when she delivered the commencement address at the Columbia University School of Journalism.

“Journalism is a public service, first and foremost. Journalism is about the truth, first and foremost.
Be truthful, but not neutral. Both-siderism, (on the one hand, on the other hand,) is not always objectivity. It does not get you to the truth. Drawing false moral or factual equivalence is neither objective nor truthful. Objectivity is our golden rule. And it is in weighing all the sides and all the evidence. Hearing everyone, quoting everything, but not rushing to equate them when there is no equating. And look at the damage that has done.”

Ah, but that's not where the MONEY is, amirite?

Nick Jr. said...

The New York Times has become Fox News. It’s just anti-Democratic Party propaganda.
If Dems do a bad job, they’ll call them on it and make them look bad.
If Dems do a good job, they’ll lie about it and make them look bad.
The message stays the same, no matter what actually happened. That’s how you know it’s propaganda.

Dark Phoenix (Nixa) said...

Noticed that the Times changed the headline after-the-fact to make it sound less "bothsides-y", but STILL imply that the issue is the Dems not having an open convention...