Saturday, July 27, 2024

Matthew Dowd is a Fundamentally Ridiculous Person

This graphic above represents Matthew Dowd, in his role as ABC News' chief political analyst, during all of 2015, 2016 and 2017.  I ought to know:  I wrote him up just about every time he pulled this shit, in just about every venue where he pulled it.

In return he called me and my readers stupid.  Liars, who weren't interested in the truth.

Of course, you'll never find any evidence of that on Twitter because before going into the Media Reputation Rehab Program he erased his Twitter archive and blocked anyone who brushed even lightly up against his past.  

At the time I predicted, as widely and as loud as my little blog could proclaim it, that of course he would get away with it.  

Didn't matter that he was a coward.  Didn't matter that he has the ethic of a fucking windsock.  That today, thanks to the thankless efforts of the same people Dowd denigrated as idiots and liars, media Both Siderism is becoming a punch line.  And since that is the direction of the prevailing wind today, that is what Dowd pretends to sincerely believe today.

And tomorrow, or the next day, if the wind shifts, Dowd will shift with it.  He'll take another trip to the Media Reputation Rehab Center, put on a different mask, and then that'll be what he pretends to sincerely believe.

Because it's a club and he's in the club and that's how the club works.

As a result, this is Matthew Dowd today:

Which is why Mr. Dowd remains the undisputed holder of the fundamentally ridiculous belt.

And why you cannot trust the corporate media.

I Am The Liberal Media

1 comment:

Jon Sitzman said...

Matthew Dowd is a fundamentally ridiculous and dishonest person.

In related news, despite committing good journalism in non-political spheres (and even politically sometimes), the New York Times is a fundamentally ridiculous and dishonest publication.

The comment posting format seems to have changed - not sure if the old link formatting still applies. Here's a raw paste of the link (NoMo page):

Here is the NYT article itself:

So the insanity of the rural right cannot be criticized because they're in pain. I mean, they're killing this nation(!!!), but nope, can't say a discouraging word about them.

I've got more to say about this than I have time to type. I will say it appalls me that the Times continues to have such deep support given that some significant percent of their regular output seems to be this kind of content. Times supporters give fervent reasons for their continued support, and I press my fingertips against my closed eyes and shake my head.

Thanks for all you do.