Friday, July 26, 2024

At The New York Times Editorial Board Meeting

Provider 1 bids 300 quatloos on "Is the US economy growing too quickly?"

Provider 2 bids 400 quatloos on "Kamala Harris Must Save the Republican Party!"

Provider 3 bids 500 quatloos on "US officials have arrested two of Mexico’s most powerful drug traffickers in El Paso, Texas. Here's why that's bad news for Joe Biden."  (h/t NYT Pitchbot.)

It's just a game to them.  Nothing but a game.  Sure, a few thralls might be injured or killed, but what is that compared to the thrill of the game?

I Am The Liberal Media


Comrade Misfit said...

I dropped my subscription to the NYT. They are in the tank for Trump and trying to hide that. My guess is the owning family wants those tax cuts more than democracy.

Which makes them unpatriotic whores, in my estimation.

Dave McCarthy said...

NYT Pitchbot, good as he/she is, can't hold a candle to you.