Thursday, July 25, 2024

Professional Left Podcast Episode 823: The Stories The Media Will Tell, 2024 Edition

"I became a copy boy. Not for long. I started writing stories." -- Jimmy Breslin


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1 comment:

dinthebeast said...

So apparently the damn fool has told his rallygoers that if they vote for him this time they won't have to vote any more. Mixed in with a bunch of phony baloney Christian bullshit. My first written reaction was "OK, what does he have to say to fundamentally alter the trajectory of this election?" and as you have just noted, there is nothing that would do that. The for profit media is far too invested in harvesting its election year ratings to actually report the goddamn truth that the damn fool is promising, not threatening to end American democracy.
Because who needs to hear that? And if they hear it will they still buy boner pills and Ozempic?
I cancelled my digital subscription to the New York fucking Times this week and said so in the comment section of the Field Negro, where I got some questions about my overt dislike for them, but also an offer to gift me Paul Krugman's column, which was the only reason I ever gave a penny to those rat bastards in the first place...
I'm still queasy about having a female candidate because of the goddamn rampant misogyny in US politics, but numbers don't lie, and the enthusiasm in the party right now feels like it might have a shot at overcoming the systemic bigotry.
Kamala is smart enough to do what she needs to do, and I won't question her decisions as she has way better information than I do, but how much would it piss them off if she chose, say, Barbara Lee as her running mate? Or perhaps Katie Porter? She doesn't have a job after the first of the year either...
Thank you again for the podcast. Jax looks a lot like my next submission, Lemmy, who I will get to you as soon as Briana gets a better picture of him...

-Doug in Sugar Pine