Monday, July 29, 2024

No One Has a Greater Reverence For The Opinions of Tom Friedman...

...than Tom Friedman.

Been writing about the preening, corrosive idiocy of The Mustache of Understanding on this blog practically since Day One.

And I have no doubt The New York Times will go right on paying him until he's good and ready to retire, or until they take him out of there toes up.

I Am The Liberal Media


Robt said...

Tom, Your comment is just weird. Weird like "Crooked" Vivek shouting that "Radical Godless liberals" need to stop calling people names. Take note of Mr. Harris responds to Donny Sr. who has been mispronouncing Kamala's name on purpose as he says out of disrespect and will continue. Mr. Harris says, once his wife is elected president , it will be easier for him by using the term referring to kamala as "Madam President".

dinthebeast said...

Lieutenant Friedman of the third division of tone police...

-Doug in Sugar Pine