Thursday, May 30, 2024

Professional Left Podcast Episode 807: We Interrupt This Guilty!Guilty!Guilty! Day !or a Medical Update

"So I get to play Nick Fury for the next little while.   There are worse things." -- driftglass


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Robt said...

Seriously, there is still some of our justice system left that hasn;t been corrupted by money and GOP politics.

I saw Speaker Johnson speak out that it was a shame trial and Trump is innocent, he said.
As a Christian that is more religiously faithful than you or me. I know that because he tells us so. Well, he just knows Trump is innocent without being on the jury and seeing or hearing any of the actual evidence.
speaker Johnson breaks his God's commandment of , "not bearing false witness" He is a practicing sinner. A man who deceived Americans as the Jan 6 "vote no on electors" recruiter in the house to deceive Trump into an office he did not win.
Then, as expected if one has observed Trump's metal lines.
Trump claims he is innocent, it was a one armed man......!

Not long after that claim. Donald the felon, the convict, The greatest most beautiful convicted convict ever.

Then he claims Rodger rabbit and George Soros framed him.

The question remains, will imprisonment be part of his sentencing ??????????????? After all, Trump is very close to 5th avenue in daylight.

Dominic said...

Hope it's not permanent man, best of luck with a swift and painless healing.

Anonymous said...

Get well soon!

Dave Pickering said...

Ouch! When the verdict came out, I was hoping you'd be enjoying a good whiskey while Fran knitted a set of handcuffs.

Habitat Vic said...

That eyepatch. Holy sci-fi! You are Locutus of the Borg - er, Locutus of the Blog. Resistance is futile. Just need to add a red LED or laser.

Get well soon, Drifty.

dinthebeast said...

When I had my cataract surgeries, I had to wear those plastic eye-cups when I slept. There's nothing like a major medical emergency to remind you of the utter awesomeness of the medical professionals who have dedicated their lives to fixing folks like you and me when we break. My stroke was pre-ACA and I didn't have any insurance and I got the best care. Not adequate care, the fucking best.
I'm an atheist, but the outrageous good luck I encountered was not lost on me.
I owe my life to those people, and I remember them every day.
Good luck and get better soon.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Hal Rager said...

Eye injuries make me uneasy, I'm -14.5 diopters in my good eye and I am forever vigilant of things that can happen to a set of peepers. Retinal incidents particularly quick me.
I wish you a speedy and complete recovery, DG.

Anonymous said...

Donated. Best of luck & wishes for a full and speedy recovery. Yeesh scary!

- Mike from CA

dinthebeast said...

Here's this:

I recommend it because one, it's mildly amusing under the circumstances, two, Jackson Browne has been a liberal activist for decades, and three, it has Zakir Hussain playing tablas...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Robt said...

Get well BG.

I know doctors have a explanation for your eye condition and all.

But if a MAGA can get a flat tire that makes him late for work and telling his employer it was Biden's fault.
Then it is more reasonable for you to blame that viewing too much Trump on the TV and those Trump on video. That it was the stress of excessive views of the Trump-yladite.
Also, on the Trump threats of MAGA apocalypse if Trump receives any incarceration time. Therefore you should seek an attorney to sue Trump for medical damages.

If I m the Judge,
Trump would be sentenced to 8 months in prison. We know the Hilton Mob Hotel is a ruff place but I am sure his Security detail will be made comfortable.
The Felon may apply for early out in two months with approved good behavior.
He (the convict) if granted early out. Will have 3 years probation, wear an ankle bracelet for 6 months with restrictions from leaving his home. He will complete any and all community services asked of him from picking up trash at peaks to serving at the soup kitchens for the needy..
If MAGA acts up on his behalf, Convict Trump will be immediately be in loss of his probation and return to incarceration.