Thursday, May 30, 2024

Obamacare was the Border Deal before the Border Deal, and Dobbs, and the Dobbs Walkback, and Everything Else

Do I think Trump will be hurt or the base will become disillusioned by Trump blabbing repeatedly that the border deal is dead because he ordered his Renfields in the House of Representatives to kill it?  

Or that he bragged about killing Roe and turning the fate of American women over to Christofascist killbots...and then walked all of that back...and then walked back the walkback...and when declared the issue was over because in two weeks he would have a solution which would make everyone happy and every legal expert agrees?

Of course not.


Because Obamacare.  

Let me explain. No, there is too much.  Let me sum up. 

The weirdest, stupidest thing about the American political media is how they pretend be shocked and caught completely off-guard every time Republicans do Republican shit.

For example:

So let us return to those simpler, bipartisan Good Old Pre-Trump Days when, according to the American political media and most of our Never Trump "allies", comity, good-faith competition and "Let the best ideas win!" were the rule.

From Truthout, November 6, 2014:November 6, 2014:

Democrats Duped by the Caucus Room Conspiracy

The Caucus Room conspiracy may have worked this time, but let’s make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Back on the night of January 20, 2009, when most US citizens were out celebrating the end of the Bush years, and Barack and Michelle were dancing at the inaugural balls, a group of powerful Republicans was planting the seeds of your loss this week.

At the Caucus Room restaurant here in Washington, DC, Republican leaders drew up a plan to sabotage President Obama at every point possible and deny him any sort of legacy.

Over juicy steaks and fancy cocktails in a private room in the back of the restaurant, the Republican bigwigs promised each other that they would filibuster and obstruct any and all legislation supported by President Obama...

Congressman Pete Sessions, who was at the four-hour long dinner, even promised to use “Taliban-like” tactics to achieve those goals.

Kevin McCarthy -- remember My Kevin! -- said that they’d obstruct every single piece of legislation. That included things Republicans used to support.  That included Republicans' own bills used.

The Caucus Room conspiracy had three major objectives.

The first was to use obstruction – knowing the corporate media would call it “gridlock” as if the Democrats were responsible, too – to prevent President Obama from having any legislative success.

The second was to sabotage any legislative victories that the president did manage to win – like Obamacare – and convince US citizens that they were actually failures.

And the third was to blame all the economic damage caused by Republicans on BOTH parties and then come out in a critical election like 2014 and say that Republicans are the party that will make things right in Washington as if the state of the economy was the Democrats’ fault.

Based on Tuesday night’s shellacking, it looks like the Caucus Room conspiracy was a success...

The good news is. there are signs that the Biden administration has learned from the mistakes of the Obama administration.  After all, Biden was Obama's VP, so, y'know, smart old dogs can learn new tricks.  Take a bipartisan deal where you can, but don't hesitate to call Republicans out as obstruction, authoritarian cultists.  Kick Trump every day.  Never stop repeating your administration's record of accomplishments.  Make sure everyone in your coalition knows the stakes.  Understand that the American political media is the Praetorian guard of the Overton Window and never make the mistake of trusting them to report honestly about the state of our country and who is to blame for what.  

I Am The Liberal Media


Marc McKenzie said...

The good news is. there are signs that the Biden administration has learned from the mistakes of the Obama administration. After all, Biden was Obama's VP, so, y'know, smart old dogs can learn new tricks. Take a bipartisan deal where you can, but don't hesitate to call Republicans out as obstruction, authoritarian cultists. Kick Trump every day. Never stop repeating your administration's record of accomplishments. Make sure everyone in you coalition knows the stakes.

All of this--which is why I believe that Biden will win re-election (despite the MSM's best efforts to stop him).

Robt said...

For the record.
Trump by himself did not and could not do any of the manure smearing to smell up America by himself.

I get it, it is easier to name Trump and he is a key cog in the wheel. But every GOP senator confirmed those federalist justices as if it balanced the court. They knew what they were going todo and they Ga confirmed the justices who gifted the religious right zealots in hopes Trump would be reelected. And so far, the senators who confirmed those justices roam free of criticism. Yes, even the very concerned Susan Collins.