Friday, May 31, 2024

The Bulwark Owes Tengrain $5

Everyone in the Liberal blogosphere knows that Tengran of  Mock, Paper, Scissors owns clear title to she of the Magic Dolphins, the box-wine queen of bad opinions, Peggy Noonan.  This is part of the ancient and revered lore of our people, as passed down through the generations.

And we all know who owns a majority stake in "Both Sides Don't" and has for decades.

So when I look at what they're doing over at MSNBC's Bulwark subsidiary...

... I have thoughts.

First thought, the part about "You know what we don’t do around here? 'BOtH sIDeS.' Not ever."?  Yeah, that's all bullshit.  I shan't bore you with chapter and verse on this auspicious day of Guilty!Guilty!Guilty!+1, but trust me, quite a few of the lads and lasses at The Bulwark are very much in the Both Sides business.

Second thought, it's kind of inspiring to see these recently-former Weekly Standard writers making their way slowly and unsteadily -- like toddlers --  to where we on the Left have already been for decades.

Third thought, it's also really rather cheap and sleazy of them to continue to pretend that we on the Left never existed even as they cadge a very good living appropriating our critiques of their recently-former party.

Fourth thought, I wonder if they paid Tengrain his $5?

Last thought, of course they didn't.  Duh!  As I just said, to them, stalwarts like Tengrain don't even exist.  

And neither do I.  

And neither do you.  

I Am The Liberal Media


Jason said...

I've been reading you for a long time DG and I've always wondered how you've managed not to punch holes in your walls every day seeing "ex" right wing conservatives borrow you and other liberals' views and capitalizing on it.

I hope you're recovering quickly and fully.

Jon Sitzman said...

Hmm, my snark eyelid is twitching. I apologize for any offense given by the following.


"The tragedy is that one old woman, who was never great, nor distinguished in terms of character or intellect - only sycophancy; who has for many years been an embarrassment, and whom absolutely no one of any discernment wants anywhere near a media megaphone, is, in this crucial historical moment in which the stakes could not be higher, still polluting the airwaves and web with her toxic anti-knowledge.

"And the greater tragedy still is that this woman, however unpleasant she personally may be, is nothing more than a symptom of a far greater illness - that the US political media has so far fallen and failed in its duty to factually inform the populace and hold the unscrupulous powerful to account, that it may as well be considered a hostile actor on the political stage.

"The tragedy is that while the right-wing disinformation outlets have mostly abandoned their laughable pretensions of centrism and truthfulness, the elite media holds tighter to those pretensions than ever - even as they act as an unsubtle signal boost for any fallacious, malicious right-wing conspiracy theory or propaganda plank that comes along.

"The tragedy is that any in our nation still listen to this elite media even as it works steadily, more or less hand in hand with the Republicans, to undo all the good that Democratic governance has done in seven decades.

"The tragedy is that a pulp sci-fi movie had to grimly foretell the fate of our nation, with the somber words: 'This is how democracy dies. With thunderous applause.'"

Thanks for all you do.

Robt said...

Should Nooners be teamed up in the media with the Newters as a duo of both sides balance?
Has a ring to it

Nooners and Newters or Newtered Nooners

Is there a way to get Speaker Johnson to call the SCOTUS for me. Him being all tight and down with them to ask favors.
That will get them to tule to deregulate the cable industry's abusive channel packaging that forces me to pay my cable for channels as FOX and the Newsmax wh0o pays Fox and Newsmax to force me to be packaged with their channels.

Just asking