Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Pontius Abbott

From The Guardian:

Fight over border intensifies as Texas governor pledges more razor wire

Greg Abbott says he will defy Biden and US supreme court and install more concertina wire to try to prevent migrant crossings.

The Texas Tribune says Greg Abbott is a "practicing Roman Catholic".  So how the hell hasn't he been denied communion yet by the various Texas bishops and cardinals of the cult of the Red Hats?


I Am The Liberal Media


Robt said...

I grew up in a state bordering Mexico. I traveled to Mexico several times back in the day.
Before I was born there was a border with issues. They exist today. We had a moment or two where it looked like a upgraded and updated incomprehensive immigration law could have been passed by congress but the GOP backed out.

Gov. Abbott has been governor for white some time and all he is able to come up with as resolve is razor wire and busing immigrants to northern non border states unannounced and dropping them off.
Florida Gov. goes to Texas and rounds up immigrants. Taking them to his state only to send them unannounced to a northern nn border state. I noticed Florida does not border with Mexico. Yet Florida has a immigration law that is called , "wt foot / dry foot" and he does nothing about it.
None of the actions of those before Abbott like Rick Perry grew up in Texas with immigration issues. What can they come up with to resolve any of it? Rhetoric, bussing them to other states, demeaning the Latin people as something less than human.
They love the Trump on border issues. He will build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. He would kidnap breast feeding children from their mothers to let them know who is boss and a cruel one at that. Did immigrants stop coming after Trump's four years? Did his cruelty convince them from attempting to come to America?
Take Ted Cruz for example of why immigrants should be denied entry.
Lying about the border as a threat to your life is not helping either. The border is not wide open because Libs and Biden like it that way.
Our failure to correct and control the border requires legislation, laws and rules and policies. All that regulating stuff republicans despise.
There is a humane manner in which to deny immigrants entry. No America cannot let everyone in.
Right now it looks like Speaker Johnson, after discussing it thoroughly with the orange mental case candidate, deiced this could be his "Red Sea parting" moment of his wet dreams.
The border situation is so bad, terrorists , drugs, Alien creatures from distant planets all crossing the border to come here and kill us all. But we aren't going to legislated efforts and funds to stop it because Trump says it will make Biden look good.

Republicans are working for Trump and not America.

It appears Trump is still taking advice from the voices in his head that only he can hear.

XtopherSD said...

Just wanted to say that is an AMAING graphic!

Anonymous said...

President Putin has praised Governor Abbott for standing up to the illegitimate US government and has offered up to 10 divisions of the Red Army to help defend Texas against it.

Praise Jesus

Anonymous said...

“God is on Trump’s side. God is not on the Democrats’ side and if patriots have to kill 60 million of these communists, it is God’s will. Think ethnic cleansing but it’s anti-communist cleansing.”
