Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Because He's Hugh Hewitt

Why did he "flip"?

He didn't flip.  Flipping implies Hewitt actually believed the thing he said he believed before he did a 180.  

Which is absurd.  

C'mon people.  We've been over this 1,000 times. 

As we all know,  Hugh Hewitt is a cyborg sent from the future to destroy America.  

As such, other than his "Destroy America" prime directive, he doesn't have "principles" or "beliefs": he merely responses to prevailing stimuli.

If you decided that MS Office no longer served your needs and you dropped it and went with Google Workspace, that's not "flipping".  This is no different.  Hewitt merely swapped out his "ImmigrationPro" software package because it's no longer supported and no longer serves his prime directive, and upgrades to an "ImmigrationAnti"software suite which works better.  

For now.  

And if that software stops doing the job, he'll swap it out for something else.  

 Because that's what "reprogrammable" means.

Burn The Lifeboats


Robt said...

As usual for the GOP of today (and most of days gone by).

People cannot be who they are or speak against the GOP's Biblical Reagan 11th commandment.

You are not allowed freedom of speech unless you speak in favors and adorations for republicans.

It is like they never grew out of the dirty Hippie admonishment over the Vietnam War. And, Spiro
Agnew, Nixon corruption and the promotion of the KKK's world views.

How Americans must endure this 5 year old attitude demanding attention..
They cannot legislate a updated immigration bill but they can slander loudly a successful female American musician.

As GW Bush/ Cheney could not apprehend Bin Laden. They were capable of ruining the career of the Dixie Chicks.

As the right boldly claims ownership of Ted Nugent. The draft dodging sexual predator.

As if this has nothing to do with politics and not a dictatorial movement to force other people to behave the way they demand.
You know, the old do as I say, not as I do non sense.

With Trump on his tooth social media posting he is more popular than Ms. Swift. It is a reminder of the idiocrasy America became during the Donald's 4 years.

Jon Sitzman said...

>>>If you decided that MS Office no longer served your needs and you dropped it and went with Google Workspace, that's not "flipping". This is no different. Hewitt merely swapped out his "ImmigrationPro" software package because it's no longer supported and no longer serves his prime directive, and upgrades to an "ImmigrationAnti"software suite which works better.

For now.

And if that software stops doing the job, he'll swap it out for something else.

Because that's what "reprogrammable" means.

It's also what "professional liar" means. That has always been Hewitt's job description.

Thanks for all y'all do.