Thursday, September 07, 2023

I Went Looking for the Word “Tribalism” on Google and Oh My Sweet and Fluffy Lord...


This pooped out as #2 on the list:

From Christianity Today, August 23, 2023.

Losing Our Religion: David Brooks on the Allure of Tribalism

The columnist and author talks conservatism, conversion, and connection.

Here's the blurb:

What happens when we see truth as “a means to tribal belonging rather than as a reality that exists outside of us,” as Russell Moore writes in his new book Losing Our Religion: An Altar Call for Evangelical America? That question is at the heart of today’s discussion between Moore and New York Times columnist and author David Brooks.

On a new Losing Our Religion episode of The Russell Moore Podcast, Moore and Brooks discuss culture-making, concentrations of power, and complex social situations. They ponder the potential impact of the recent affirmative action decision and how artificial intelligence might influence college admissions. Moore and Brooks consider how remembering the humanity of our conversation partners affects the way we dialogue. Their conversation covers the wokeness war, gender and sexuality, and political divides between men and women.

I shall probably revisit this later.

For now, somewhere there's a bottle of scotch with my name on it.  That'll pair nicely with this article in Salon:

Can't we all get along? Actually, no — not when the other side behaves like that

Liberal "elites" are too mean to their MAGA fellow citizens, argues David Brooks. Jeepers, not that argument again

Why Does David Brooks Still Have A Fucking Job?


Anonymous said...

I would like to interrupt and remind you to think general strike. It's the only thing we will have when the deal comes down. In the meantime sell your stocks and keep your holding as liquid as possible..

Davis said...

I didn't know that "dialogue" was a verb. The wokeness war, like the culture war is not tribal. One side is batch crazy.

Robt said...

Next search for Brooks should be "self awareness"

Not to be confused with Woke or awake and conscious.

I just wonder if it is AI or some Russian Bot he links up with on his net searches.

dinthebeast said...

We evolved to live in tribes, and ever since we stopped doing so, all of the functions of safety and security that the tribe fulfilled have turned into personal anxiety and driven physical and mental health issues among those with a deep seated and unnoticed longing for that safety and security.
Maybe "tribal" isn't the best word for what they are trying to lie about, I mean say.

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Unknown said...

"...Moore and Brooks discuss culture-making, concentrations of power, and complex social situations."

Complex social situations.

David Brooks.

Pluck a burning fiver from a hippie bin-fire? Bang the intern, dump the wife? Vast spaces for entertaining? Flop-sweating the studio with nervous laughter when Capehart looks at you like the willingly ignorant toadying weasel you are? And all this oh-so polite discussion circle jerk-assuaged with & by Jesus-come-lately Russell Moore? You couldn't pay me to listen to that, It's painful rectal itch all the way down.