Monday, June 27, 2022

Checking In With Conservatism's Greatest Minds

How it started.

How it's going. 

Two things here.

First, it is once again painfully clear that Tom Nichols never had the slightest fucking clue what his own party was really up to during all the decades he was a stalwart Republican.  So maybe ol' Tom could learn a little humility and stop getting pissy that Liberals are not heeding his advice about reaching out to the bigots and imbeciles who actually make up his party.

Second, Charlie Sykes has been a strident, anti-choice warrior his entire life.  So it's awfully fucking weird that he would suddenly get all squishy now that his former party has finally, actually done exactly what he wanted them to do all along.

Burn The Lifeboats


Jason said...

HAHAHAHA *wipes a tear* hahahahaha...Tom Nichols...hahaha...humility...bwahahaha!

Anonymous said...

>>> First, it is once again painfully clear that Tom Nichols never had the slightest fucking clue what his own party was really up to during all the decades he was a stalwart Republican.

Respectfully disagree. I think Nichols knew what was going on, and what would be coming as soon as Republicans sufficiently poisoned the courts with their hacks. But he did what all GOP messaging heads do - he lied about it.

Malicious weaponized falsehood is the GOP's core brand. They are never going to tell the uncut truth about literally anything. Sykes getting all gooshy is more of the same thing: "Oh, this isn't us - this is some weird guys who (SOMEHOW, NOBODY KNOWS HOW) got on the highest court in the land. We're not like that. We conservatives love you, America!"

Lies, lies, and damned Republican lies.

Robt said...

According to the EIB network, Rushbo is the holy bacon and soul of the conservative movement.

No that the SCOTUS has locked into GOD through the Federalist Society.
As they showed Americans they can make their closely held religious beliefs judged into law they give from the Biblical Bench they hold a majority.

I await the high court to apply that Jesus power and rule that Rushbonehead was wrongly decided dead.
And with their powers of the high holy court, rule that Rushbo is alive and back on Radio . Announcing his continuous contribution to the sanctity of marriage by getting another divorce for his next Mrs. Rushbo. Because one dead man and one woman after another is how it is to be.
They have the power .

pagan in repose said...

"...ripping out a law that more than HALF the POPULATION of this country had relied upon for 50 years."

There I fixed it for Mr. Sykes. Also, it stripped away a constitutional right of the women of this country and is throwing women back into enslavement.

The old used to be republicans are still parsing words to reduce the true impact of what they have done and are doing. What they did was in plain language is:

to deny women a constitutional right, not just throw out a law. That women represent more than half the population of this country. "Millions does comprise the numbers representing half the population, but you need to be specific about it being half the population. Because like the army used to do; write everything for an 8th grade education. You know reedin', ritein' and rithmytick.