Thursday, March 18, 2021

J.D. Vance: A Farce in the Crowd

This is not J.D. Vance.

This is Tucker Carlson, who, along with every other Republican-who-would-be-Trump, has figured what Liberals have been pointing out for decades:  that the surest route to success on the Right is not to be found archly quoting Buckley and Burke to your fellow snobs, but instead by tarting yourself up in faux hobo threads and hieing yourself on down Tobacco Road as fast as your Tom Ford Elkan loafers will carry you.  

A plain and obvious fact that continues to come as a complete shock to Never Trumpers every time it rises up to slap them in the face.  Proving once again that no Never Trumper ever read All the King's Men:

Or watched A Face in the Crowd:

Or even Blazing Saddles:

Because they sure do seem to get shucked in exactly the same way over and over again.  

From The Bulwark:

J.D. Vance Joins the Jackals
How the path-breaking writer became a Trumpist troll.
by Mona Charen,  March 17, 2021 5:30 AM

Whatever the future of the Republican party will be, the shape-shifting J.D. Vance sheds light on the dynamics of how we got here and where the Republican party is headed. This week, billionaire venture capitalist Peter Thiel announced that he is donating $10 million to a super PAC supporting Vance’s potential run for the Senate seat from Ohio. Vance hasn’t yet declared his candidacy, but Thiel has been boosting him for a while and it’s a safe assumption that he isn’t prone to throwing away his money.

Vance today is a fixture of the Trumpist right, but that isn’t the way he debuted. Not at all.

Rarely does a nonfiction book make the kind of splash Hillbilly Elegy did in 2016. I was part of the cheering section...

But a funny thing happened after the introduction of J.D. Vance, anti-Trump voice of the working class. He began to drift into the Trump camp. I don’t know why or how, but Vance became not a voice for the voiceless but an echo of the loudmouth. Scroll through his Twitter feed and you will find retweets of Tucker Carlson, alarmist alerts about immigration, links to Vance’s appearances on the podcasts of Seb Gorka, Dinesh D’Souza, and the like, and even retweets of Mike Cernovich...

Remember, Mona Charen is one of those Conservative Ubermensch who spent their entire adult lives  building a Potemkin façade of respectability around American Conservativism's three pillars -- rapacious greed, dogmatic contempt for government and white supremacy -- in order to get progressively more monstrous Republicans elected to high office.   

The same political Galaxy Brains (who are also the most smug and self-congratulatory group of losers in American political history) who spent their entire adult lives mocking and sneering at the Left for warning that their Republican Party was headed into darkness and madness.

The same mollycoddled fopplings who got run out of their own party (and directly into MSNBC's Green Room) by monsters they created and whose alibi is, in so many words, that none of them ever had the slightest fucking clue what was actually going on inside their own party.

The same rumbumptious word-grubbers who nonetheless continue to insist that they and only they are uniquely qualified to lecture those of us on the po' dumb America-hating Left about how we should be going about saving the nation from the horrors that they inflicted on it.

Which is very nice work if you can get it.

Burn The Lifeboats


bowtiejack said...

Absolutely excellent. Some of your best.

Robt said...

Folks on the left can keep warning those on the right all the way to Hooverville. To their new home.
Warn them that Putin for his help in electing the GOP is going to want something in return and that something is going to come from people that vote republican as well as the left.

I am not sure if kidnappers held hostage Sen., Pat Toomey of PA.., and threatened to rape and torture them to death if he did not vote to impeach Trump. But he did. I am not sure if he ever got his children back.
I do know, the Senator announced he is not running for reelection.
Which made it hardly satisfying for the PA. state republican party to censure their republican senator for voting to impeach the insurrectionist republican president.
Then for the PA. Stare Republican party Chairman to place himself on TV and say,

: "I did not send Toomey to the Senate to do the right thing. I did not send him there to vote his conscience. I sent him to the senate to do what I tell him to do".

So everyone else in PA. thought they were voting for representation? Thought their taxes to pay the salary, Pension and health care of their senator to represent them and the vote they cast for him meant they would be represented?

Even McConnell is second Arsonist fiddler to the PA. State republican party Chairman?

I do know this, We need a vaccine for the Mini-Putins out there. It is a pandemic.

On the chuckle side of this, They call themselves the Party of Lincoln. Honest Abe you himself. Like the portrayals in your video Clips, worse is actually listening to Sen. Graham promising he will never bring up a SCOTUS nominee during an election.
Sen Johnson repeating Russian propaganda he got from Rudy into the senate minutes in a hearing.
I will stop there for it is a long , long treacherous list.

Think of your post here an inoculating booster for the ever morphing Republican virus.

Cheez Whiz said...

I keep wondering where's the profit for people like Charen, Frum, Rubin and the rest. If they were the soulless monsters who built the Death Machine, why bail because Trump didn't know which fork to use? I think they lost control a long time ago, but didn't notice until the geeks came out of the basement and started using the good crystal. When they finally realized no one who mattered was listening, they went with the any port in a storm strategy and started being "reasonable". They didn't know what they were doing then,and they don't know what they're doing now.

SHOON said...

rapacious greed, dogmatic contempt for government and white supremacy

No, dogmatic contempt for government is incorrect. Qpublicans love government when it can deliver on greed and racism. Their middle commitment is to fear mongering on cultural subjects they don't actually give a shit about. greed/gaslighting/racism

Alexis Filth said...

Hillbilly Elegy is one of the worst books ever written. It's self congratulatory tripe about how the author was able to bootstrap himself despite being raised by poorly thought out caricatures of rednecks as opposed to parents.