Thursday, March 18, 2021

Spleenwald Being Spleenwald

Portrait of a grifting viper in freefall:

But don't you worry one little bit about ol' Glenn kids. As long as Fox News remains a profitable White Nationalist enterprise, he will never lack for an audience of millions eager to be able to say, "See!  See!  We're not crazy!  Even Liberal Glenn Greenwald agrees with us!"

Perhaps someday our credulous Liberal brothers and sisters will finally learn to stop handing their hard-won Liberal credibility over to a passel of frauds.

Or at least have the decency not to come 'round here after they get screwed over yet again weeping about how those grifters turned around and used the credibility and cash that our credulous Liberal brothers and sisters poured into their coffers to advance their own fortunes and agendas. 
Hey, speaking of The Lincoln Project...

The Tip Jar Is Open.


Dave B in DC said...

Everyday that GG manifests his rot I am more thankful that I follow you and listen to your podcast. You really should start a liberal prophesy channel on Youtube and ask your followers for money.

Robt said...

Excuse my crudeness on this but it is like Devin Nunes and Greenwald are joined together by a double headed Dildo.

stickler said...

That's not Devin Nunes.

mcfrank said...

I think he's referring to their actual joint disinformation laundering for Putin and not the picture.

John said...

You gotta give Greenwald credit for making being a vituperative asshole into a viable career. I'm so glad he's on the planet—because, clearly, no one else in the world has any integrity, honesty, or insight. (That's sarcasm, please.)