Friday, March 19, 2021

Professional Left Podcast #590

“Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out. "
-- Anton Chekhov, writer

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Bubba_Deets said...

“Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out. "

If that were true Americans would have health care, a living minimum wage, a UBI during a global pandemic and a reallocation of resources away from police forces and military towards communities of colour for education and day care...

Sadly America has a political class full of idiots (as Driftglass is keenly aware) who can't identify a crisis, face a crisis or meet the crisis constructively.

dinthebeast said...

A couple of weeks ago I saw a truck parked about halfway up the hill to the mailbox with a Devin Nunes sticker on its bumper. Which is, I guess, not that weird, as Devin is only one district over from here, but I found myself wishing for a black marker to add the word "cow" to the sticker. Probably for the best that I didn't have one on me, really.
I'm kind of hit and miss with Russian literature. I was OK with The Brothers Karamzov, and I did read Crime and Punishment twice, but I never made it all of the way through Anna Karenina. I made it to the scene where the wagon is slogging through the rutted, muddy track and just couldn't make it any further. Perhaps that was because I was very young when I tried to read it, and maybe I might like it better now, but it just doesn't ever seem to find its way onto my reading list...
Last week was a really good week, and it was also my sister's birthday, so I did what I usually do and wrote her an email, and then... nothing. She almost always replies to my emails right away, so I was getting a bit concerned, but last night she got back to me, and it turns out that she and her wife have both gotten both of their shots, so yay for that.
I've been saying for literally years now "Fuck MAGA, MGBA instead: Make government boring again." That will take a while to achieve, though, given the high profile and sensational nature of the repair work they are facing.
Thank you again for the podcast. Does the fact that we have the package receipt from the Russian intelligence agent make him a Moscow?

-Doug in Sugar Pine