Saturday, February 06, 2021

Your Bulwark Quote of the Day

From Mona Charen on her Beg to Differ podcast (a Bulwark joint) on the subject of Democrats not trusting Republican to negotiate in good faith.  She is reacting to Tom Nichols (bless his heart) saying, that, yes, based on how they fucked over Obama, Democrats believe this "because they are right" not to trust Republicans:

Charen:  Well, um, so, yeah, the, um, there... there is that... I mean, y'know, going... we could... we could rehash the whole history of the Obama years, um, there was enough blame to go around, I think, um, uh, for sure.

These people are so terrified of the past

Shortly after that, antediluvian political heirloom Bill Galston shared with the group that there was reason to hope!  Because his mighty Problem Solver Caucus (which he didn't cite by name but that's who he is talking about) had created the template for blah blah blah, which is A) unalloyed bunkum and, B) the reason they wheel him out of museum cold storage as the Liberal on the panel every week.

On an completely unrelated note, here are the titles of Mona Charen's last three books, which I offer here because they're from that Golden Age of Conservatism and Comity that Ms. Charen so badly wants to get back to:

Sex Matters: How Modern Feminism Lost Touch with Science, Love, and Common Sense

Useful Idiots: How Liberals Got It Wrong in the Cold War and Still Blame America First

Do-Gooders: How Liberals Hurt Those They Claim to Help (and the Rest of Us)

No Half Measures


mcfrank said...

Nice touch in bringing up the book titles. It would be interesting to see how folks like Charen would try to fit their own published works in with their other attempts to deny their past.

Robt said...

So when do we get back to interviewing the poor sad and dismayed republican Trumpeters.

What they say they need to feel better? Is there some liberal they hate enough that can be sacrificed at the alter to wet their appetite?