Sunday, February 07, 2021

Twitter Suspension Update: Twitter is a Tease

It's been three weeks since Twitter suspended me forever for referring to a wingnut as "trash" on Twitter after they stepped to me and called me batshit crazy.  Tame stuff for Twitter stuff, but their high command arbitrarily deemed it sufficient to toss me off of their website, bag and baggage, forever.  

I availed myself of their appeal process, but that "process" appears to serve the same purpose as pedestrian buttons at crosswalks: something to push that makes you think you're affecting the situation but which doesn't actually do anything at all. They said they'd get back to me and never did.  I sent a couple of emails and they never replied.

However since I can still see my stuff, every now and then I log onto my old account to check if anything has changed.  It hasn't, but Twitter has found a couple ways to tease me into briefly thinking that it had.

Here's one, slightly modified:

And here's the other:

Nobody likes a Tweet tease, Twitter. 

No Half Measures


wibble said...

Well, there's always Gab... [/snark]

Lee said...

You're slowly emerging from 'non-person' status. I can see your profile when your Twitter name is entered. This is like something out of the old Soviet days. Maybe you'll never get a corner office at the Kremlin, but your state pension may be restored, at some point.

Il Distratto said...

Is 221B Baker St still your phone number? Well, is it, punk?

Now Am Found! said...

just got outta twitter prison myself. stay strong

Robt said...

If it makes you feel any better.

The Wyoming republican state party is censuring Congresswoman Cheney for the sake of their own cancel culture and free speech.

It seems Rep. Cheney is not subscribing to Reagan's 11th commandment . That is not found in the Bible.

But the 8th Commandment that states, shall not bear false witness is.

When you have broken the 1st and 2nd commandments of having one God and not having other idols of worship, like the Chosen one of Trump> Well after all those years of telling Americans you were super religious, that you have the religion to demand God be taught in schools and that you so dearly hold abortion as the abomination the Bible does not tell you it is. But will say anyways.
That when Democratic president Clinton is caught having an affair out of wedlock. He must be impeached and removed for breaking one of God's Commandments. But republicans in mass as Gingrich, Livingston, Hastert, Trump and a south Carolina Governor caught not on the Appalachian trail as he said he was, just bearing false witness while coveting another mans woman..
Well the GOP God means forgiveness only if you place republican above that God..

Even Nebraska Senator Sasse is being censured for speaking some truth. Even though he will bear false witness in voting to acquit a criminal for his same party. Because his chosen one needs them to bear false witness and the blasphemy of bearing false witness to do it and defy their vow of Oath of office. that representing the few vulnerable GOP minds is greater than all the rest of people in their sate that knows the president is a criminal .

That anyone that is not with these state GOP party extremist hacks are unworthy of representation. They will publicly admonish even the Cheney or Sasse for not lying in front of all others who do know better. Hold on to the zombie put your arms around their waist and do the two step.

So you see, you have been canceled but you are in company with Lizzy Cheney and Ben Sasse, Donald the Trump, Louie Dobbs, Marjorie Greene and the Butt pillow dude.
They got it all wrong.

If your doctor takes a culture from the anal region and sends it off to be analyzed.
it comes back with the Doc's recommendation to apply medication. Is that cancel culture?

David Fetter said...

Please tell me you're not serious about regarding "the" Decalogue (there are two different texts in the Pentateuch, and more interpretations than that) as some kind of moral framework. Some of it's stuff that was already obvious when we started to bang rocks against each other to make tools, and the rest was clearly there for the benefit of the priest class.

drbopperthp said...

Welcome to Twitter Oubliette Brother Drifty. It's nice down here once you get used to it. It's quiet and all of the bad people leave you alone.