Thursday, January 28, 2021

No, The Lincoln Project Does Not Pay Me Royalties

And why should they? 

Sure, I wrote this exact thing almost exactly 15 years ago today:

Because in the Dubya Era a person can be a Good American, or a Good Republican, but they can no longer be both.

And over the following decade and a half I wrote it again...

Because in the Dubya Era a person can be a Good American, or a Good Republican, but they can no longer be both.

...and again ...

...and again...

...and again...

Because after five years in the Age of Dubya, you get to be either a Good Republican or a Good American, but you can no longer be both. 

...and again...

Everything else, however “true” it may be, is nothing but interesting architectural ornamentation on the brutal reality that, in the Age of Dubya, you can either be a Good American or a Good Republican, but you can no longer be both. 

...and again...

And so what was true in the Age of Bush is still tragically true today:
In these times you can either be a Good American.
Or you can be a Good Republican.
But you can no longer be both.

...and again...

As I have been writing for years
we have come to the place
where one can either be a Good American 
or a Good Republican, 
but one can no longer be both.

These are their troops: 

And this is their Generalissimo

...and hey looky!  Here's one I literally titled

"You Can Be A Good American, Or You Can Be A Good Republican" (But you can no longer be both.)

Over the years I've probably incorporated this sentiment into hundreds of posts, but of course this was mostly during the Before Time, back when saying such things definitely did not get you hours of free, flattering air time on cable teevee every day, or book deals, or writing gigs at respectable publications, or tens of millions pouring in from wealthy Liberals who wanted to fund my plucky, noble, uphill struggled to save our democracy from a depraved Republican Party.

It was, in fact, a time when people like the Lincoln Lads bent their considerable efforts toward making absolute pariahs of us mouthy America-hating, terrorist-loving Libtards for even suggesting such things.

But as we all know there are New Rules now, and since these things were all written by a mouthy Liberal during the Before Time, technically they no longer exist at all.

So why should the Lincoln Lads feel obliged to acknowledge an unperson like me?

No Half Measures


dave said...

annnd the reason you get this so wrong, all the time is timing.

trying to prevent the future puts you the realm of the greek sybil...knowing a future but having no ability to change it. cursed.

the real fun is shooting the wounded..after the 'truth' is revealed jumping THAT bandwagon at that exact and precise moment. that's the game...

kind of like a journalistic catholic rhythm system......pull out, pull out; stay in.

rapier said...

When the killings start how long will it be before the Lincoln ProJet officially supports Democrats?

1 month

6 months


Meremark said...

After lives being sick Republicans now the stinkin' Lincolns choose not to be good Republicans.

Yet they are not become good Americans as if by default.

Born in stink stinks for life.

joejimtree said...

God, Patricia Neal was brilliant. Andy too. Great clip!

justsomeguy05 said...

Has anyone looked to see where that "moran" guy was on 1/6/21 ?