Friday, November 06, 2020

Professional Left Podcast #571

“A leader leads by example, not by force.”
-- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


duquesne_pdx said...

Drifty! Where's the Nicole Sanders link?

You really need to do more shameless self-promotion of your appearances elsewhere.

Rave On said...

This a.m. watched as much of the special excerpt of Mourning Job as I could stomach as they were dancing around the subject of why the election was so close.
What they seemed to be avoiding,IMHO was that the Lincoln Project appears to have become an abject failure. 70 million racists and bigots have spoken and the L.P. was of no consequence.......who knew? In the parlance of these times the Lincoln Project was a giant nothingburger.

Robt said...

As Godzilla said to Mothra after their campaigns.

(youtube/ copy paste)

Rave On said...

Saw this Lincoln Project vid.. Generally benign but look at the astounding comments. The L.P. minions are ready to bestow the Nobel Prize on these people.

dinthebeast said...

I believe that in the spirit of charity on this historic occasion we should all pitch in and buy the Q people an I.

I read some discussion about the historic failure of the pre-election polling, and the general conclusion was "you can't poll crazy" which is really, existentially bad for them when you consider that we now have evidence that right around seventy million citizens of these here United States of America are crazy enough to go to all of the trouble to vote for a man who is actively trying to kill them.

And if you're a pollster, you can't just ignore them and wish they didn't exist and still come up with reliable data upon which to make campaigning and governing decisions.

It's almost worth the bad election results just to get to see those smug fucks at the Lincoln Project have to eat shit with a shovel, although somehow I don't think it will dampen their ambitions much. Being Republicans, they're used to having their career paths unperturbed by their epic blunders.

I read some Black women on Twitter yesterday reacting to the mountains of well deserved praise being heaped upon Stacey Abrams with "Y'all do know that she's not the only one, right?"

Thank you again for the podcast, it's raining now and it snowed a little yesterday so the fire is not long for this world.

-Doug in Sugar Pine