Friday, November 06, 2020

Serial Abusers Never Learn...

...and half measures never work.


ChiefD said...

Jonathan Banks is a treasure. Watching him tell this story reminded me of Tim Roth in Reservoir Dogs learning his drug deal story and telling it later. Great storytelling.

Robt said...

The Zombie horde continues to wander in masses for live human flesh of those they hate.

With no Shepard to lead them. Wander aimlessly and threatening is their current fate.
There are Pied Pipers in the GOP groins of stench awaiting to lead and Shepard the Zombie flock to the great human flesh banquet.
Beware the gasbag's on the right side of the senate aile with the numbers 666 (upside down on their nape.
My question is, how much "settling for " must the Democrats endure and engage for the next 4 years?
Biden says he will be president of all America.
If true, he would create a task force to come up with t cure for the Zombies still roaming aimlessly apocalypses.
I am already hearing the press making menudo about the Divided country and how biden will be leaning zombie republican to bring us together.
GOP hold Senate and White house so they can dictate to the country.
When Dems have the House and presidency, they need to bend to McConnell and the GOP senate.

For now I fill the soul with the well deserve victory in this battle of the ongoing zombie apocalypse. Trying to envision the next season episodes.