Sunday, November 08, 2020

Breaking: Turns out we CAN have nice things


Denny said...

When we chop wood and carry water, we can have all kind of nice things. Do it not, and receive it not.

Anonymous said...

Every possible Democratic faction will:

1) Claim that they alone were the reason Biden won.

2) Make demands, many reasonable and many unreasonable, as payment for their group being the reason Biden won.

3) Tear apart the Democrats and help to destroy the effectiveness of the Biden administration, and future Democratic candidates.

It has already started.

Robt said...

So, McConnell has already been plotting and scheming to treat and obstruct Biden like he did Obama.
Sharing a great opening strategy laid out on a Kos piece.

How to deal with McConnell's signaling to obstruct all Biden Cabinet nominations. Slow walk them like Judge Garland.
Here is the basic strategy;
At least, it seems to be a serious concern in the media, and would absolutely be in line with McConnell’s brand of evil...
Here’s an idea:
1) Put together a slate of appointments that truly represent the people he wants, and submit it to the Senate.
2) Quietly appoint people to “Acting” positions, people who would be guaranteed to drive McConnell and his ilk into apoplectic frenzies.
3) Announce that these “Acting” appointments will be replaced as soon as the Senate approves Biden’s submitted slate.
The full piece at KOS here ( short read) (link to copy and paste)

I like this strategy approach to strive for Bi partisan efforts. To Bring us together.

Lawrence said...

Sooo... I'm seeing centrist Dems massively project their priors on to the state of play. And I saw it four years ago. I'm seeing this centrist crowing before anybody has any understanding of what actually happened. Just like four years ago. It doesn't seem like this campaign was about policy particulars much at all. If you were a Trump voter then or now, was there anything that could have persuaded you not to be? If you're not a Trump voter does it much matter who the other choice is (then or now). Howard Schultz is an awful man. So is Bloomberg. Both better than Trump.

Lawrence said...

I'm just hoping those pictures of Mitch looking like he has leprosy aren't 'shopped. Maybe somebody took his Dorian Grey portrait out of the noble gas vault and left it outside.

Neo Tuxedo said...

How to deal with McConnell's signaling to obstruct all Biden Cabinet nominations.

If we don't flip Georgia, the best way to deal with him involves a stay in somebody's Shadow Gallery and the phrase "yodeling potato". (If you don't already know what that means, I'd recommend seriously recommend that you do not go finding out.)

Robt said...

It is not a stratify to hope and pray the GOP unitary Dictatorial above the law CEI of our CORPORTE USA. On his firing (blame the coffee boys) lame duck rampage.

Why can't Trump fire McConnell as CEO of the GOP government corporation?

Why. Because it is not in the constitution?
Well the DOJ's ridiculous memo of , "a president cannot be indicted while in office" is not in the constitution.
It would be interesting to watch GOP senators stand in opposition to Trump claiming power to fire McConnel because he did not do enough and did not assist Putin enough to reelect him.

Thing is, Biden can espouse all the bi partisan "we are all Americans" prayers while at the same time use the presidency as the GOP allowed Trump to do.

You know Senate GOP had Trump abuse his powers for legislative deficiency to pass their Dred Scott bills.
this way, Trump takes all the blame as GOP senators claim sexual abused sheep defense.