Friday, October 30, 2020

The Idea of Wading Into This Tickles Me...

...but Sirota blocked me years ago for pointing out that he's a thin-skinned, opportunistic knave and Greenwald stooge...

...and Schmidt is a bullheaded hypocrite who goes from zero to ballistic when anyone points out that the GOP actually existed prior to 2016 and will jump straight for your book-burning, moron, Lefty throat the minute no one is watching.

And anyway, this is a privileged, blue-check, white guy media squabble.  Nothing to do with me.  So, y'know...

No Half Measures


waldo said...

Lincoln WILL turn on Democrats as soon as it suits them.

Robt said...

Schmidt and Sirota are simply employees of wealthy peoples interference. They are basically the special interests that are on K street but for public consumption and persuasion (brain washing) tactics.
Think of the vast expanse between "we the People" and those of great wealth who buy our government via K Street and political donations, their Citizens united paid speech (untaxed). Ownership of SCOTUS to make rulings in a legal garble that they no longer demand to have legal solid bearing. Just rule in the favor as the pet insurance policy they are.
The sports reference would be returning to a time without instant replay challenge on the umpires call. Yes, even Refs and and Umpires can be bought.

Sirota and Schmidt both are barriers bought and placed in front of everyone because in the world of Citizens United where paid speech is regular speech . Just like standing on a soap box in a public park speaking to passers by just before being pepper sprayed and arrested for inciting riot or nuisance charges. Something the paid speech on the for profit networks that no longer have to provide actual news as they once were required. It is all entertainment and if it is more entertaining to put one news story up over another. If it is more entertaining to leave out actual facts if the news story as this president loves to be entertained by the media and when he isn't he lets everyone know as if this is the business of an American president for Americans.
When Trump's pandemic FOX hired Mr. Atlas goes on Russian TV broadcast in America because the GOP likes the Russian election attacks as Putin said, "Yes I did/am interfering for U.S. President that will be good for Russia. Russian sanctions lifted. RTV approved to broadcast with Sinclair and FOX As another hiring forum for Trump.

The speech of the network people to be concerned about are the forgotten coal miner and the undecided voter. Until the election is over.
But the preeminently unemployed washing machine factory working whose job was sent to foreign country to exploits labor has no TV value and the undecided voter who tells them they love Trump and voted for him and like how he is destroying big Government are so undecided how they are going to cast that vote of theirs this elation and "we the People" need to here them.
And here is Citizens United Sirota and Schmidt in-between it again.

Where is the citizens soap box 24 hour channell because NPR and CSPAN are so much like Sirota and Schmidt.

Unknown said...

Two enter, none leave.

We can only hope.