Monday, January 20, 2020

Shoulda Known There Was Gonna Be Trouble on the Sanders Campaign...

...when David Sirota was hired as "Director of Outreach to Those Fucking Moron Loser Corporate Dems Who Are Worse Than Republicans and Too Brainwashed By MSNBC to Think for Themselves and Realize That It's Either Bernie or the Fucking Apocalypse People!"
If only there had been some kind of warning that this sort of shit was bound to happen!

I would bring this matter to Mr. Sirota's attention personally, but Mr. Sirota is a notoriously thin-skinned git who blocks anyone on Twitter who disagrees with him, which is exactly what you want in a coms guy when your campaign is ultimately going to depend on coalition-building and not bridge-burning. 

Behold, a Tip Jar!


wibble said...

I say, old bean - are you being sarcastic? :)P

Anonymous said...

Democrats could screw up a wet dream.

LarrytheRed said...

Bridge burning is the Bernie way. It's why his supporters are loyal to him. The idea of that old crank building bridges is laughable.

dinthebeast said...

Speaking of the Intercept, do you think that now Greenwald is facing indictment by Brazil's newly wingnut government, he might see the Democrats in a different light?

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Rothda said...

You probably haven't heard about this yet Driftglass, it's pretty niche news, but maybe it provides fodder for tomorrow's column?

I know this isn't a big story like one of Bernie's supporters writing an article that is critical of Biden's legislative history, but maybe you will find time to comment on it later this week.

mcfrank said...

Ah, sarcasm! One might have not read about the article except for every Bernie supporter I know posting it and commenting endlessly. It smells like the Streisand effect wrote large.

Hillary, however, has no effs to give:

Snark aside... To me, correctly observing that Bernie is a grumpy old man, or reporting Klobuchar is mean to her staff are not exactly disqualifying qualities for an executive. In fact, I wouldn't want to "have a beer" with ANY of the current candidates for office. Their policies and their ability to carry them out should be what we really should be talking about.

Rothda said...

Hah, you got me. :D

What really had me upset about that article was Clinton saying that she would not commit to endorsing/supporting Sanders *if* he won the nomination. Which just seemed like political insanity to me; anything besides following the DG-BG rule of whole-heartedly supporting the eventual candidate is crazy given the threat that Trump poses.

But! it looks like Clinton has since walked her original statement back and tweeted that she would endorse whoever the nominee is, and so I am happy again.

dara said...

driftglass, i regularly listen to the podcast and love it. but it always seems to me that you can level any criticism you want from the center. the berniesphere is racist/sexist/russian useful idiots/purist/fantasists and on and on. and everyone's supposed to take it in good spirits, and no one mentions how it might damage party unity.
but woe unto anyone leveling a criticism from the left. then it's all how dare you etc. it's the double standard that grates. if bernie sanders had left an open question for a micro millisecond about whether he would vote for the eventual nominee, all hell would break loose. a centrist does it, no biggie. as usual. the whole schtick is designed to reduce the sphere of legitimate critique from the left until it basically doesn't exist.

Chan At Work said...

You really believe you're an oppressed minority for being a "leftist", don't you? If you ever got out of your bubble, you'd realize that the narrative you're repeating here is bullshit. But you don't care - you have your messiah and everyone else can go to Hell.

John said...

Of course Biden has a corruption problem. It's all legal. But from the bankruptcy bill to his son's unmerited jobs, he's been on the political gravy train for years. At this point the whole political class is grifting all the time. They don't even realize that they are betraying their constituents.

By the way, the Republicans, and certainly Donald Trump, are worse. So I'm stickin' with the Dems. But voting for me has always been for me about choosing the lesser of two evils.

Chan Kobun said...

I see we're right back to the 2016 rhetoric - "corruption", "lesser of two evils", "centrist stooge droneglass".

Plus ça change.

Jonathan said...

Bernie wouldn't do this, because he has class that HRC never had. But honest to god, you plaster buses with "BERNIE SANDERS: HATED BY HILLARY CLINTON" and drive them across this supposed nation, and his numbers would skyrocket.

Jonathan said...

I see we're right back to 2016 rhetoric - "dividing the party", "dissent is sexist", "blue no matter what", etc. It's working out great for Lyin' Liz right now, taking a page from that HRC playbook and going down, down, down like a deflating neoliberal balloon.

driftglass said...

If your reaction to the fact that Bernie -- who will get my vote and support if he wins the nomination of my party -- hired a toxic asshole with a long history of toxic assholery like Sirota to help run comms for his campaign ranges from "Why does this corporate neoliberal website hate Bernie!" to "Muh! Muh! But Hillary!" then I would like to thank you for proving my point better than I ever could.