Monday, June 08, 2020

OMFG 38% of Americans!

Yes, polling today shows that 38% of Americans think Donald Trump is doing an excellent job.

Many people seemed amazed by this.

Not me and probably not you.  On the contrary, after all these years what amazes us is that anyone still pretends to be amazed by this.

After all, these are the same people who firmly believed in 1998 that the Clintons had murdered Vince Foster and run drugs out of the Mena airport.

Who were still swearing in 2007 that George W. Bush was perhaps the greatest president ever and that everything was going just fine in Iraq and any reporting to the contrary was just More Lies From The Libtard Soros Media!

These are the same people who, in 2010, put on stupid costumes and filled up Ramada Inn parking lots swearing they were independent Tea Party patriots who had never even heard of George Bush.

These are the same people who were sure in 2011 that Barack Obama was born in Kenya, had plans to murder their grandmothers with Death Panels, and was getting ready to kick down their doors and seize all of their guns any minute now.

The same people who still swear that Pizzagate was real and that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were sitting in the War Room cackling and watching on closed-circuit teevee as our outpost in Benghazi was overrun.

The same people who have lined up to let Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity take a shit in their skulls for decades now.

The same people who still vomit out some gibberish about "Soros!" when confronted with overwhelming proof that what they believe -- that everything they believe -- is paranoid, racist bullshit and then go right on believing it. 

If you have a minute, here is a short video of John Dean talking about his book about the devolution of the Republican Party into an authoritarian shithole entitled Conservatives Without Conscience.

The book was published in 2006.

In the video, when describing what led him to look deeper into what was going so horribly wrong inside his Republican Party, Dean resurfaces a tasty bit of lost history.  A minor classic of Conservative revisionist claptrap entitled Silent Coup which was published in 1991.  See of the elements of the seem familiar to you:

Silent Coup was published in 1991, followed quickly by an expanded second edition in January 1992.

...[Authors] Colodny and Gettlin contend that former White House counsel John Dean orchestrated the 1972 Watergate burglary. His motive was argued to have been to protect his future wife Maureen Biner by removing information linking her to a call-girl ring that worked for the DNC. The authors also lay out a case that Nixon's Chief of Staff Alexander Haig was the identity of "Deep Throat", the nickname for an important and then-unidentified source for reporter Bob Woodward. Woodward, a Naval officer before becoming a reporter, had briefed Haig at the White House in 1969 and 1970 and the authors suggest that Haig was a source for the reporters. In 2005 it was revealed that FBI deputy director Mark Felt was the "Deep Throat" informant who had become Woodward's key source after his partner Carl Bernstein was able to locate hush money paid to the DNC burglars in Miami, Florida.
Secrets sex rings and DNC-orchestrated deep state plots, oh my!

Dean and his wife responded by suing the shit out of everyone involved.

Dean originally had planned to write his book with Barry Goldwater in 1994 back when Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh and officially become the Inside and Outside voices of the GOP.

For those of you who are not so good at math, 1994 was more than a quarter century ago.

Which is plenty long enough to get over pretending to being amazed that the Republican Party is full of Republicans.

No Half Measures


Blue Girl said...

38% is the wingularity. Isn't that about what the percentage of the vote was in the Obama/Keyes Senate race? You can take race out of the equation their...the Keyes voters were just nuts.

Habitat Vic said...

I often marvel that some idiot like Trump - or W before him - can continue to get40% or more support despite whatever cockups they are causing. But I remind myself what happened in the 1932 election. Yes, FDR crushed incumbent Hoover by 57.4% to 39.7%. Politically & electorally, an incredible landslide.

But Hoover ran for re-election while shepherding the Great Depression. 23% unemployment (and still climbing). Headed to 9,000 (uninsured, depositors-lose-all) bank failures. A 12.9% decline in GDP. Soup kitchens. Hell, they even called the clusters of homeless/unemployed "Hoovervilles." Yet he still got almost 40% of the vote.

tRump will get at least 40% of the vote this November even if Coronavirus is sweeping over the country way worse than now, we take a second dip into a Depression, whatever.

Robt said...

While polling Russian bots shows 138 percent of Russian bots approve of republicans.

Note' If Biden wins the election, all those republicans will immediately blame Biden for spending so much and enslaving us in debt. How Biden is responsible for poor relations with our allies in the world. QANON is in operational mode to replace the TEA Party and all republicans will become QANON and always were except, the media will report QANON as a new grass roots mass collaboration of just ordinary citizens who are fed up with puritanical government. As the next out of the blue citizen rise group of real fed up, concerned Americans that rises from the right wing billionaires , The Boogalloo party.

Will the GOP cycle all the way back to the John Birch Society? The party of Jefferson Davis? Maybe back to supporting the King of England? Or, do they seek the future of a Soviet Republican party?
When naturally thirst for Jim Jones's Kool Aid, which flavor is offered doesn't matter.

Anonymous said...

"who firmly believed in 1998 that the Clintons had murdered Vince Foster"
WTF is this bullshit? It wasn't "the Clintons." It was Hitlary what killed poor Vince. With her bare hands. And then she carried Foster's corpse to Fort Marcy Park, and arranged the body -- with the help of George Soros, who "just happened to be strolling by" -- to make it look like suicide.

Q, E, and checkmate, libtard.

jimbo26 said...

Yes dear , now keep taking your meds .

Neo Tuxedo said...

I'm pretty sure it's a parody. Unfortunately for everyone around me, since the GOP has been beyond parody since the fall of 2002*, I tend to throw subtlety somewhat joyously to the winds and express that sentiment as "Hillary tore Vince Foster's throat out with her vaginal teeth."

(* The publication of David Horowitz's book How to Beat the Democrats, which was dedicated to the proposition, summarized on its jacket flap, is that the whole reason Republicans lose elections is that they're just too darn nice -- too willing to compromise with their opponents, too broad-minded to take their own side in an argument, and generally like cats for the herding -- and that they need to be as ruthless as the Democrats, who all right-thinking people know are utterly ruthless in their determination to enforce party unity, to impose their failed and vicious policies on a nation that neither wants nor needs them, and to crush their enemies and make their women weep. I wish to the Omnissiah I were kidding, but that particular dispatch from the Upside Down really is the burden of Horowitz's song. They've moved bag and baggage into their own private Idaho, they've set up housekeeping there... as P.J. O'Rourke asked re Somalia, what the goddam fucking hell do you do about them?)

Unknown said...

Trump’s 38% beats out Hitler, who only got 36.8% in Germany’s last free elections in 1932...