Monday, June 08, 2020

The Moving Finger Writes; And, Having Writ, Goes Back and Rewrites Because the Actual Past Makes It Look Really, Really Bad

Clearly Omar Khayyám --
“The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.”
-- never met the Beltway media, the Conservative media or the Never Trumpers, all of whom are, at this very moment, frantically rewriting history to exonerate themselves of the hellscape we are now all being dragged through thanks to their collective efforts.

Here, for example, you will note in this ad from a well-funded Beltway political advertising agency made up of recently exiled Republicans how they were forced to edit out the past 60 year of Republican history to make their point about the importance leadership.

Coincidentally that missing 60 year gap is exactly the period during which every member of the Lincoln Project joined the Republican Party, rose through its ranks to positions of leadership and influence and helped destroy the GOP as the Party of Eisenhower and remake it into the degenerate racist monster factory that it is today. 

No Half Measures


duquesne_pdx said...

You know, Lincoln freed the slaves and he was a Republican. Checkmate libtards!

Robt said...

I my very young youth,
There was only the cartoon world of the likes of Bugs Bunny. Where he could go out on a tree limb. With Yosemite Sam on his heels , On the same tree branch right behind Bugs. Where Bugs can pull out a saw. Saw off the branch behind him. And the branch bugs stands on remains in place and the entire tree with Yo Sam falls over.

Somehow the right wing have discovered a new dimension intertwining Animation and reality.

For the undeveloped brains of their right wing supporters to be entertained into submission.

Jason said...

Rick Wilson's Lincoln Project is a hagiography according to the left msm. It's the battered wife syndrome. The belligerent drunk f-ck father had a moment of clarity and the left welcomes him with open arms not lifting a finger to point out the years of engineering this economic/sociological ass stain. I'll take Rick's current efforts but I don't trust the bastard.

Jason said...

And I really like Omar Khayyam btw. His writings are an inspiration.

starskeptic said...

Yeah, but what has Omar Khayyam done for us lately?

Robt said...

Ye Olde Fickle Finger of Fate says

- Yes, he is "as mad as hell
If you have to ask if he is Good for America then ask yourself, "was Hitler good for Germany"?

Neo Tuxedo said...

Rick Wilson, as I never tire of pointing out on Twitter, is the man who got Max Cleland, a man who left both legs and an arm in Vietnam, turfed out of Congress in the fall of 2002 by devising an ad that morphed Cleland's face into that of Osama bin Laden due to Cleland's lack of commitment to Gulf War II: Sparkle Motion. Wilson can and should get his prostate massaged with a triphammer.

Anonymous said...

Omar Khayyam is an example of somebody who's done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more, I notice.