Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Android Sent From The Future To Destroy America Has Opinions

Remember five minutes ago when Hugh Hewitt was a Respected NBC Contributor who was gifted his own show on MSNBC because Murrica needed to to hear the voice of Serious Conservatives like him?

 Good times!
Also Rick Wilson is stealing my stuff.  Again.
Can't wait for his next book, "From Dumpster Fires to Burning Lifeboats -- How I Saved The Country From Donald Trump and the Loony Left."

No Half Measures


XtopherSD said...

I hate to say it, but at this point it feels like Rick Wilson is just trolling you. Man, if I had a million I'd buy you a guest spot opposite him somewhere... :-)

Pagan in repose said...

When he says "...organ he will target next for internal collapse." Just what is he inferring. Companies or the so called MSM don't have organs as they are not a living species. Is he talking about lungs, testicles, or what? Because I don't believe T Cotton has a brain organ to start the evaluation process of what an actual organ is. As his opinion in the NYT proved beyond a reasonable doubt.

And file a legal suit against that double dealing Wilson fraud about town fellow for stealing your stuff. You know he is just killing time waiting for Reagan to be unearthed and held up with sticks to go back to his old republican true blood ways. Just like all the rest of the pretend "I've quit the republican party," let me bloviate for dollars while "waiting for Reagan" dorks. I'm pretty fuckin' sick of so called used to be republicans trying to tell me about what I've been watching what republicans have been doing in real time for the last 60 fuckin' years. Fuckin' Fruit Loop snorting creations. Why don't they talk about all the Lee Atwater rat fucking fun they had back in the Reagan years. I double dog dare them to talk about that on TV while they're yuckin' it up for dollars.

Lit3Bolt said...

I'm Telsiree by the way. Glad I brought this to your attention, he needs to be called out on it, if only to show even Never Trumpers are still the parasitical Brett Kavanaugh defenders they will always be.

We need these scorpions and their ads until Nov 3rd. Then, we shrug them off our shoulders before they sting us and leave us to drown in the Lethe River of Guns and Racism.

Robt said...

Technically, Androids from the future aren't listed on the illegal immigration lists.

But, when Reagan decided to unilaterally de fund and shut down the Men In Black . An over abundance of "Bugs" the giant cockroach looking aliens That simple fly over any wall Mexico pays for. You remember, These bugs would wear a persons skin to appear like a human.

presently, there is no serious republican/ conservative voice of reason. Voice of uplifting ideology. Defender of their faith. Which I find is worthy of any minutes of my life to expend on. Where is the inspirations The principals.

Rush, FOX and all right wing media in competition with its cannibal self. have all done a fantastic accomplishment that could get nominated for the ANIi- Nobel Prize for clearly displaying explaining every iota of who republicans truly are. Thing is, these individuals would find false pride to justify their failures in life and mount such an Award on their wall in ignorant self pride.

All I hear is the Pied Piper playing the tune, To the lifeboats" Rats first.