Friday, June 05, 2020

Professional Left Podcast #549

"Never leave an enemy behind, or it will rise again to fly at your throat."  
-- Shaka Zulu

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The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


Habitat Vic said...

"Never leave an enemy behind..." Ah yes. If only Obama had taken that to heart. Clamped down on Wall Street, took McTurtle on directly -putting a liberal on the SC, publicized the Russian inteference. Kiboshed the FBI oversteps. Hillary instead of Orange Mussolini, a resonable SC, our country prepaired for the virus & downturn, etc etc. All moot.

Win in November. Then, yes, burn the political/media lifeboats if we can. But there is a solid 32, 35, 40% of this country that will still be an "enemy," that will hate our Libtard guts. That won't go away. Just picked up a curbside pizza a few minutes ago. I was the only one with a mask. Wholesome, All-American family pulls up in an SUV after me: Mom, Dad, Grandma (in her 80s), then two college age daughters in their Prius. Upset that the pizza place dine-in isn't open. Thought about offering a spare mask to Grandma, but the dirty looks I was getting for wearing mine made me pass on it. They were also confused. I'm a white guy in his 60s driving a pickup. To that Mom & Dad I'm probably seen as a traitor. It will take decades, long after I depart this mortal coil, to reset this country's politics and the corruption of its citizens & government. If it even happens.

dinthebeast said...

Damn, Driftglass, when I heard you say the bit about DFB going to kiss his boss's ass but missing by a mile, I thought to myself "Molly Ivins could have written that."
Briana got on Next Door when Kitters went missing to try and look for her, but I guess there aren't too many racist poltroons in that part of Richmond, as she never noticed any.
It's a self selection process where a place has a "scary" reputation and not very many lightweights, idiots, or assholes want to live there. Oakland traded on its scary rep for decades, and I loved it, and in fact still feel in my heart that it is my home, but now a "starter home" in "deep East Oakland" will set you back $800,000 and techies from the peninsula are scrambling to snap them up, so the time that a poor person like me could live in Oakland has passed.
And I don't mind. I love this place. On my way back from the Mill Pond today, we saw a bat. I didn't even know that there were daytime bats, but there are, because we saw one flapping around the house by the bridge over the creek today.
I saw on my news feed this morning that Barbara Lee and Libby Schaff spoke at an event by the city hall today, and the picture was of Libby on one knee, and Barbara in her African colored mask, and I thought, yeah, Oakland will be OK.
Thank you again for the podcast, the cat got to spend some time outside today and apparently didn't engage in any Hitlerian atrocities, so perhaps I'll get a picture of the neighbor's cats after all...

-Doug in Sugar Pine

Robt said...

What is it?

What causes someone to be proud to be a racist?

Proud to hate Anti-fascists? Enduring serious pain if they pay taxes while demanding other s pay. When owning 10 guns is not enough to defend yourself against all your fears?

That ones free speech overrides everyone else;s. When how I would be a benevolent Dictator if having that power becomes your answer.
So many questions so little resolve.