Thursday, April 16, 2020

Still No Cure In Sight For The Both Siderist Virus

If the mainstream media could socially and electronically distance itself from the worst carriers for at least a couple of months (or, preferably, years...or decades...or forever) I believe we could blunt to most damaging effects of Both Siderism.

But they just refuse to do it.

Case in point MSNBC, which for some reason continues to be congenitally incapable of not giving Ron Fournier a big, public platform from which to spread his bullshit gospel (h/t Blue Gal/Crooks & Liars for the video and the transcript.)

Congresswoman Debbie Dingell sets the scene from Michigan yesterday...

Republican swarming the state capitol.
Republicans blocking ambulances.
Republicans proudly flying the flags of traitors and fascists.
Republicans trying to spread the plague to children...
CONGRESSWOMAN DEBBIE DINGELL: ... What happened yesterday was inexcusable. People did not have masks, gloves, did not distance themselves. They had confederate flags, swastikas, blocked an ambulance trying to get to a hospital, bringing hate and fear into a time that is already full of fear and anxiety is just unacceptable. There were people bare-handed, handing candy to children. What they did was to help spread this disease around the state more, not contribute to the mitigation and it just made me sad.

And then Fournier swing into action to allocate the blame (emphasis added):

STEPHANIE RUHLE:  Ron, what in the world's going on?

RON FOURNIER:  ... It's understandable, people want to oppose the governor's policies or to accuse her of rehearsing for the vice presidency but you can't distort her record, which is what's happened, and you can't encourage people to gather en masse during a pandemic, which is what is happening. It's inexcusable. It's dangerous and I just hate to see the DC brand of ugly partisan politics making its way into Michigan and into Lancing like a toxic vine, but that's what's been happening this last week.

RUHLE:  Ron, why is this political? This is a public health crisis.

FOURNIER:  It's political because everything is political nowadays. This shows you now dysfunctional we've become as a society, everything is red versus blue, us versus them. There was a couple weeks in the state where the Republican-controlled lawmakers were working well with the Democratic governor. That has fallen apart. So you have traditional ugly modern day politics on top of understandable fear and anxiety. ...
20 million Americans have lost their jobs in the past three weeks, but this waste of carbon not only remains gainfully employed, but continues to be give an enormous corporate media megaphone in order to pass his claptrap on to the widest number of now-home-bound Americans.

Both Sides Don't!


Pagan in repose said...

Please see my comment from the "Dr. Oz" commentary as it apples in the same response I have to Fournier.

Ed said...

“Grown men do not need leaders.” – Edward Abbey
How would it look if the only people who were "isolating" themselves were politicians?

Robt said...

* everything is red versus blue, us versus them. There was a couple weeks in the state where the Republican-controlled lawmakers were working well with the Democratic governor. That has fallen apart. So you have traditional ugly modern day politics on top of understandable fear and anxiety. ..

Yes Ron, it is everything Red Vs blue and it is the Red doing all the , "VERSES".

Democrats did not assimilate into the Republican Borg as the right predicted and that made them angry, Scared arrogant GOPers trying to force what did not happen and now with their anxiety. They've enhanced their Ugly partisan politics.

The GOP knows if they do not drag the Democrats into their mess via bi partisanship. They are likely going to have to explain their incompetence. While blaming Democrats anyways..

I mean, It has been Obama's fault, HRC, Biden, China, W.H.O., Dr. Faucci, even FOX and McConnell who are to blame.
If Trump only got all the judges he has yet to get from the meager senate GOP majority. None of this would have happened. Trump tried to get AG Barr to say their is no virus extortion and that he is opening up an investigation of the Democratic HOAX that is bringing down the Stable Genius economy to hurt his reelection. If the Democratic Governors would be nice and respectful when Trump shits on them. If those liberal Doctors and Nurses would just stop stealing all the PPE..!

'Cause Ron knows how both sides refused to take up Fed. Appeals Justice Garland for 14 months and never did. Because the Senate Democrats were unreasonable and would not work bi partisan and therefore it became ugly with anxiety.

I suggest Stephanie Rule not have Ron back on until he goes to his doctor and gets his meds checked because he is definitely suffering episodes from bad side effects.

rapier said...

I hunted off and on for hours trying to find the other side the both siders will pull out to address this one but I gave up. They simply won't mention it. I mean if the NY Times doesn't on its front page the day after doesn't then why would they.