Thursday, April 16, 2020

Dr. Oz Wants To America To Play "Button, Button".

Because Dr. Oz is a fucking monster.

Press the button on the box.

You'll receive a large cash prize and someone, somewhere will die.

Someone, you are told, that you don't even know.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Kevin Holsinger said...

Interesting interpretation of the Hippocratic Oath you got there, pal.

wibble said...

First Do No Harm To The FreeMarkitz.

Lawrence said...

Children in school are actually a significant vector for community spread. We were fortunate in the timing of this that the fourth quarter, which is largely test prep for all the NCLB crap, could be skipped with minimal loss to actual education. Olivia's school is providing work and doing daily Google class meetings. The free meal program is still running. They are running a loan program for kids who don't have a Chromebook. Doing remarkably well under the circumstances.

sos said...

"Appetizing"? Well we now know that Oz doesn't eat live children.

Pagan in repose said...

Christ on a broken Christmas tree crutch! What a bunch of fucking monsters, in fact they even give monsters a bad name, when you think about it.

We humans have our frailties and horrible faults, but this is fucking mass insanity from the Republicans, again they are even giving insanity a bad name.

We will have to update the dictionary to find a new word to describe these false representations of being human.

Robt said...

Dr. Oz-ball paging Dr. Oz-ball. code red clean up in Ward 3.

Just know. Hannity is not only a show host with Dr. Oz as a guest.

Hannity is a Mental patient of Dr. OZ too.

Ok said...

Thanks Oprah for afflicting the world with this damned ghoul. 😫 said...

Harry Lime on the Vienna Ferris Wheel. They are all Harry Lime, all trading dots for $20 thousand dollars a dot, "tax free old man, tax free.:

jimbo26 said...

Mr Oz is a *ickhead .

akryan said...

I just want these guys to go give my cousin a big hug right now. he is 31 and C19 is kicking his ass. I want to see these old wrinkled men talk about numbers after they've had it.