Thursday, April 16, 2020

They Knew

Just as sure as President Stupid's administration damn well knew months ago that COVID-19 was a lethal threat to this country but chose to lie about it -- to pretend it was a Democratic hoax or that it was a trivial thing, no worse than the flu -- until it was far, far too late... too did your new Never Trump Republican friends know damn well that the base of their party was a toxic shitpile of bigots and imbeciles but chose to lie about it -- to pretend it was all crackpot Libtard alarmism or that it didn't matter because Both Sides Did It -- until it was far, far too late:
Because of course they knew.

Hell, I knew and I'm nobody, but your new Never Trump Republican friends were paid political professionals and Conservative media Limbaugh clones. Their fucking careers depended on an accurate understanding of exactly who the GOP base really was and keeping the fury of that rancid, racist base at a constant boil -- to win elections for their party by using that base as an electoral IED.  Whipping it into a frenzy over gays or guns or abortion or the Kenyan Usurper and his nefarious Death Panels and then stamping them to the polls to elect the worst people imaginable to high office.

And amoral goons like Wilson just smirked, pocketed the money -- no questions asked -- and helped unleash wave after wave of brain-dead, rage-drunk Republican zombies on this country, assuming they could go right on cashing checks and feeding the monster forever and there would never be a price to paid.

They knew all along that their Republican party was a plague on this land.

They knew and they did their damnedest to spread it everywhere anyway.

Help Fund The Heresy


Nick Jr. said...

They may have seen bigots and imbeciles in their ranks but the standard conservative response in that situation is to conclude with absolute certainty that over on the liberal side the base is JUST as bigoted and imbecilic. No matter how bad their side gets, they all just know that our side is still one micron worse. There doesn't ever have to be any evidence that we're just as bad either, they just know it and they can't be convinced otherwise. If you break it down to the subatomic level, conservatism continues to maintain its base of support the face of lies, betrayals, and failures by their leaders because they will continue to believe whatever they need to believe at any given time to make their side look good. And they're capable of this because conservatives are people who believe that supporting evidence is a luxury, not a necessity. And when you don't actually need evidence of something to not only believe it but to know it for a fact, that's a very dangerous thing.

Robt said...

Just like after all the red light flashing and people running around warning GW Bush with their hair on fire. That Bin Laden was determined to strike before 9.11.

When Sen. Richard Burr and ran out to prepare his financials When he found out.

Republican chairman of the Senate republican majority of the U.S> Senate of the United States.. Elected to represent the people of his state., Defend America from threats foreign and domestic. Uphold the constitution and the spirit of it.

James said...

The never ending parade of people I've heard over nearly half-a-century saying "I didn't leave the Republican Party, the party left me" gets so tiresome.

All of this "is" conservatism. It always has been.

Green Eagle said...

I often think lately of the words of that great American political sage, H. P. Lovecraft:

"Do not call up that which ye cannot put down."

Robt said...

Always will be except for it's ability to get worse.

Neo Tuxedo said...

"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts; they alter the facts to fit their views... which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering."
-- the Fourth Doctor to Leela of the Sevateem

crweaver said...

It's an evil plot AND a hoax!
It's a dessert topping AND a floor wax!

Unknown said...

Yes, but if you are one of the GOP elite, or the 1%, you don't actually have to care about what is being said, or done, in the name of Conservative Values. After all, the only thing that matters is the bottom line, and if they get a tax break, who cares how many little people get killed? THEY all have N95 filters on their hermetically sealed mansions with force fields of money and privilege, so they don't need to care.

The bible-thumpers and women haters don't care what the elite and 1% do, as long as they keep funding the lobbyists and advertisements to demonize women and sex. They don't need to care as long as the rubes keep their pews and coffers filled, and the skirts in line.

The rednecks and bigots don't care what the elite, the 1%, or the bible-thumpers do as long as they can keep the kelereds out of their union, and preferably out of their entire lives. Time was a white man could walk down the street and alla them thar Nigras would cross the street, or doff their caps and bow, or cringe and cower. They don't care what the other factions do as long as they don't get prosecuted or sued for their KKK activities. They don't need to care.

It's a perfect three-way symbiotic relationship of grift and oppression and evil, and they all play their parts as they have been trained. From childhood. With enthusiasm and gusto. Cause the one thing they all have on common is the acquisition and exercise of power over their fellow man. And that's all they care about. They don;t need to care about anything else.