Saturday, April 18, 2020

Republicans Are Right On Schedule

We've reached the part of the endless, Republican super-patriot-bombast/disaster/denial cycle where they swear they have no idea how we ended up hopelessly bogged down and ill-equipped in the lethal meat-grinder of the wrong war --
-- but are damn sure they're not to blame.  From the WaPo:
Trump tells a damnable and murderous lie

“It would have been so easy to be truthful.”

Thus spake President Trump this week on the very day he surpassed the milestone of uttering 18,000 falsehoods during his presidency, as tallied by the Post’s Fact Checker.

But on this day, Trump was not admitting to losing his own struggle with the truth. He was accusing the World Health Organization of “covering up the spread of the coronavirus” and failing to “share information in a timely and transparent fashion.” He declared he was cutting off funding for the world’s public health body in the middle of a pandemic.

The next day he called the WHO a “tool of China” and floated the vile conspiracy theory that the WHO deliberately concealed the danger of the virus: “There’s something going on” at the WHO “that’s very bad,” and "I have a feeling they knew exactly what was going on.”

This is not merely a falsehood. This is a damnable and murderous lie...

Regime Change Begins At Home


Lawrence said...

I have written to you before about how maddening I find the moronic scripting for this show.

“There’s something going on” at the WHO “that’s very bad,” and "I have a feeling they knew exactly what was going on.”

I just occurred to me that it reminds me of the babble on the full wall TVs in Fahrenheit 451.

chrisanthemama said...

Always projection with that guy.

Al in PDX said...

Echoes of the Republican/Corporate economic system: Capitalism when things are going well, socialism (bailouts ... at least for big business) when things are going bad. Heads we win, tails you lose.

Robt said...

President Trump did not create the corona virus, but he ignored it and still does in ways, He denied it, he Minimized it, Joked about
it, weaponized it and Politicized it, exacerbated it. Republicans - Trump are culpable for the chaos and unnecessary illness, and yes, the
preventable DEATHS because of it. His supporters who mimicked his ridiculous lies, FOX who hyped it as a Democratic hoax. Those who Did nothing. Said nothing when your party leadership excused it and enabled it.
Even when GOP top Senators were given pandemic briefings and ran out to rearrange their investments. The lost wages. The medical bills incurred. The national economy was yours when you borrowed $2 trillion in a time of debt and when the economy was growing and doing fine . to sugar rush it and brag. That same national economy now that it is bad. Is of your doing. Not Obama's, Biden's or has anything to do with HRC's emails.

Unknown said...

it's said that they whacked Jack to neutralize Bobby. But whacking Trump won't neutralize Mitch, nor will whacking Mitch neutralize Trump. We are past the point where even an extra-judicial coup-de-etat would evince any meaningful change.
We are well and truly fked.

(N.B. 1: The JFK murder was awful, if inevitable, and is 180 degree opposite of the situation we're in. In fact, it helped create the modern machine that has given us Trump and McConnell. And the immediate contemporaneous net outcome of neutralizing Bobby was only one of the goals of whacking Jack, and organized crime was only one of the players behind it.)
(N.B. 2: I am in no way suggesting or advocating anyone should whack Trump or Mitch. Got that, NSA?)
(N.B. 3: My original point stands. We are so far beyond the pale that even forced removals from office are pointless. The Republican have so thoroughly gamed the system in every branch from top to bottom that we're totally hosed. Damn it.)