Saturday, April 18, 2020

I See We Have Reached The Part In "Nightfall"...

...where the frenzied mob storms the observatory and attacks the scientists.
Somewhere, dimly, far off, they could hear the battering of naked fists upon the door; and the screams and yells from outside had a sort of half reality.

That mob had set off from Saro City with only two things in mind: the attainment of Cultist salvation by the destruction of the Observatory, and a maddening fear that all but paralyzed them...
Escapist literature my ass.

We're Gonna Have To Science The Shit Out Of This.

1 comment:

Robt said...

The fallout of the right wings Nuclear propaganda blast has left the Omega man.

All those contaminated from the extreme right nuclear fallout has altered everyone and now, they want the survivor that reminds them of the freedoms they once had. Which the Omega Man reminds them of.