Sunday, April 19, 2020

Operation Attention-Starved Fox News Plague-Rats Coming To Springfield Today: UPDATE

Today in the town where I live there will be a mild traffic inconvenience as a small band of attention-starved Republican meatbags break out their Gadsden flags and illiterate signage to protest being told by the government where they can and cannot go during a global pandemic.  If you're driving in the area, please make sure to give them a loud "Go Fuck Yourself, Plague Rat" welcome.

Afterwards they will head back home, bathed in fake patriot performative glory (Breitbart Noticed Me!!!) and go back to doing what they do the rest of the time: demanding that the government radically restrict what a woman many and may not do with her body, and mocking black people for getting killed by a cop because they didn't follow the rules.

UPDATE:  Turns out "small band" was an overstatement.

Photo via the WMAY Radio

But I'm sure by the time they get home and begin thrilling their meathead fellow travelers with harrow tales of how they took on The Very Big Soros Conspiracy, it will have been thousands. 

Maybe millions.

Tip Jar.


Bruce.desertrat said...

"We have a Constitutional right to work and earn a living" ??

It was a shorter sentence in the original German...

David Fetter said...

"Work makes freedom," or words to that effect.

Robt said...

Excuse me,

The right has told me that Government is too big and cannot create jobs even though the right wing has restricted minimum wage.
And you know what the minimum wage tells an employer. He needs to find another way to pay his employees less.
The only, "right to work" I am aware of is on the state level. And it only reserves you the right not to be represented by a union against your big ass corporate monster.

Not the right to a job.

Nick Jr. said...

Putin: (reading) "I am become death. The destroyer of worlds." "Captain, a man with your responsibilities reading about the end of the world..."
Ramius: "It is an ancient Hindu text, as quoted by an American."
Putin: "An American?"
Ramius: "Yes, he invented the atomic bomb, and was later accused of being a communist."
Putin: "YOU underlined these passages"
Ramius: "No. These belonged to my wife. I keep them...for sentimental purposes."

I'm sorry I know its not super-relevant. I just really love that movie. And I can't find my DVD copy.

Habitat Vic said...

Arbeit macht frei or "work sets you free" was above the main entrance. Better than "Welcome to Auschwitz" I suppose.

steeve said...

Look how socially distant they are! Almost as if they damn well know there's a reason for closing everything.