Friday, April 24, 2020

Professional Left Podcast #543

Doctor President Cornered Rat thinks this is real.

"Realists do not fear the results of their study." 
-- Fyodor Dostoevsky, writer

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The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


Robt said...

Trump is talking to his base in pig Latin dog whistles. Giving his loyal 2020 re crowning voters secret code medical advise that he and only he was born with. Not study or stinking research is needed when your born with this gift.

These encoded medical procedures are secret and need to be kept out of the hands of Liberals, Democrats or (achem) never Trumpers. This is to ensure his loyal voters will be their for him and the reducing of those others by not having the cures raises his reelection coronation-19.

Note, only those energy saving liberal light bulbs put emit the light required that works.

There are more secret Republican-19 secret loyal party cures available and being dispersed to state RNC HQ's.
Like Draino. Easy to get. Easy to administer. and liberals will never figure it out.

dinthebeast said...

OK, first of all, Briana wanted me to thank you for the Mr. Electrico story. And me also, I want to thank you for that story. I think my all time favorite science fiction story is one of the last stories in the Illustrated Man "The City" which has sorta been on my mind a little bit lately.

It does seem as if we've seen a refining moment, doesn't it? The scary part for me is that the feeling is so familiar, yet still carries the "OK, now this is as fucked up as he can get" punch of the torture and the Iraq invasion that we now know full well they can and will find a way to surpass just as soon as they get the opportunity.

So now it's our job to deny them that opportunity for as long as possible.

Thank you again for the podcast. Today was a busy and productive day, and the podcast was still a major high point in it.

-Doug in Sugar Pine